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Roberto Ley Espinosa

Active - activo
children are usually very

Affect- afectar

The cigar can affect your


Brain- cerebro
The brain is placed on the

Caffeine- cafeina
Caffeine is a bitter substance found in

Concentrate - concentrarse
the student must concentrate on their exams

Contain - contener
the pool must contain water

Deeply - profundamente
she is deeply in love

Depression - depresion
he had a great depression

Drop - cae
If you drop the ice in the water it will float

Fall sleep - dormirse

I fall asleep in the class every now
and then

Forgetful - olvidadizo
He is a very forgetful fellow

Function - funcin
the function of the clock is telling the

Get into a routine entrar en un

the school makes you get into a routine

Growth - crecimiento
The industry is experiencing enormous growth

Grumpy - gruon
Grandpa is very grumpy

Heart rate frecuencia cardiaca

Her heart rate is slowing down

Immune System sistema inmune

The baby's immune system is very

Keep you awake mantenerte

you should keep you awake at guards

Lack of falta de
There is a lack of imagination among youngsters.

Light sleep sueo ligero

I would like to have a light sleep

Rapid eye movement- movimiento

oculares rapidos
A schizophrenic person has rapid eye movement

Repair cells clulas de reparacion

repair cells serves to reduce the risk of cancer

Replace - reemplazar
I need to replace my keyboard with a new one

Resting state estado de reposo

your body resting

Shorten - acortar
your call will shorten the

Slow down ve mas despacio

When you are driving, you should slow down on corners

Stage - etapa
Childhood is the most beautiful stage of life

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