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Auntie Anthea and

Gentle Geoffrey
 Inspired –someone or something that gives you ideas for doing something
 effort - physical or mental activity needed to achieve something
 Scrubbing- to rub something hard in order to clean it, especially using a stiff
brush, soap, and water
 Storing - to put or keep things in a special place for use in the future
 Famished - to suffer from extreme hunger or to make someone suffer from
extreme hunger
 Diet - the food and drink usually eaten or drunk by a person or group
 Daily chores -a routine task, especially a household one
 Frosty -very cold, with a thin layer of white ice covering everything
 In anticipation- in preparation for something happening
 Quavered-If a person's voice quavers, it shakes, usually because of emotion
 Snapped -to cause something that is thin to break suddenly and quickly
with a cracking sound
 Irritation -the feeling of being angry or annoyed
 Hauled -to pull something heavy slowly and with difficulty
 Warmth - state, or sensation of being warm; moderate heat
 Trailed off -When a person's voice or a similar sound trails away/off, it
becomes quieter and less confident and then stops completely
 Rumbling -to make a continuous low sound
 Obviously-in a way that is easy to understand or see

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