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Pg 27, Activity book

• The phrase "the last straw breaks the camel's back" is to describe
situations where a small additional burden or problem causes a
significant negative outcome.

• "A friend in need is a friend indeed." This is a well-known proverb that

emphasizes the value of true friendship. It implies that a friend who is
there to help and support you in times of need is a genuine friend.

• The phrase "As you make your bed, so you must lie in it” is proverbial
expression means that you must accept the consequences of your
actions or decisions. Just as you are responsible for the way you make
your bed, you are also responsible for dealing with the outcomes .

• "He laughs best who laughs last” - This proverb suggests that in a
situation where there may be ridicule, criticism, or doubt, the person
who ultimately succeeds or has the final victory is the one who will
have the most genuine and satisfying laughter.
• “If the cap fits, wear it," and it implies that if something said applies
to you or describes you accurately, then you should acknowledge it
rather than deny it.

• “The early bird catches the worm." - This proverb means that by
acting quickly or being prepared in advance, one can increase their
chances of achieving success or gaining an advantage over others.
• The phrase "sink or swim" is often used to describe a situation where
someone must either succeed on their own efforts or fail completely,
with no outside help or support.

• The full phrase is "Where there's a will, there's a way." This proverb
suggests that with determination, resolve, and a strong desire to
accomplish something, it is possible to find a solution or overcome

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