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The Greatest inventions in the


Conversation class
1.Printing Press
• The very first printing press was invented in
1450 by Johannes Gutenberg.
2.Electic Light
• The very first light bulb was invented in 1879 by
Thomas Edison.
• The very first automobile was invented in 1885
by Karl Benz.
• The very first telephone was invented by 1876
Alexander Graham Bell.
• The very first vaccine was invented in 1796 by
Edward Jenner.
• The very first computer was invented in 1939 by
John Vincent.
• The very first airplane was invented in 1903 by
Orville and Wilbur Wright (Wright brothers).
1.Among these 7 first inventions, which one do you
prefer most? and why?
2. What if there is no light blub invention, what
could happen now ?
3.What if there is no automobile invention, what
could happen now?
4.What if there is no telephone invention, what
could happen now?
5.What if there is no airplane invention, what
could happen now?

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