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It saves time, covers all needed topics, lets them

ask deeper questions, and shows they're organized
and professional.
a.The poem talks about how we can't see the wind but can feel its
presence through the movement of leaves and trees.
b. The speaker in the poem seems to be a narrator
reflecting on the nature of the wind.

c. make us think about the unseen forces in nature.

2.the sun: warm, radiant, powerful
the rain: refreshing, cleansing, rhythmic
summer: vibrant, lively, energetic
winter: serene, stark, cozy
night time: mysterious, peaceful, contemplative

3.Two poems about the same thing are never

alike because each poet has their own way of
looking at the world. They might use different
words, feelings, or ideas to describe the same
thing. It's like how two people might tell a story
in their own unique way.

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