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1. subservient(adj)-prepared to obey others unquestioningly.

Syn- submissive, deferential, acquiescent, compliant,
2. Culmination (n)- the highest or climactic point of something, especially as
attained after a long time पराकाष्ठा
Syn- climax, pinnacle, peak
3. tardy( adj)- slow in action or response; sluggish सुस्त
Syn- indolent, slothful , dilatory
4. Trample (v)- tread on and crush. पैरों तले कुचलना
Syn- squash, crush, flatten, compress
5. condemn(v)- express complete disapproval of; censure. ननिंदा करना
Syn- criticize, castigate, denounce, deplore, decry, revile,
6. Blanch (v)- flinch or grow pale from shock, fear, or a similar emotion. पीला
Syn- fade, etiolate, bleach, peroxide
7. Fathom (v)- understand (a difficult problem or an enigmatic person) after
much thought पूर्ण रूप से समझना
Syn- comprehend, grasp, catch
8. Legitimacy (n) - ability to be defended with logic or justification; validity.
Syn- defendability , licitness
9. Aloofness (n) - a state of being distant, remote, or withdrawnपथ
ृ कता
Syn- cold-eyed , detached, dry, frosty,
10. prance(v)- : to walk or move in a spirited manner उछल-कूद
syn- gambol, sashay, strut, swagger
1. Skid Row- An area of town that houses the city’s poorest or most
disreputable people.
2. Tail Wagging the Dog - Something small or not powerful controlling
something big or powerful.
3. Walk It Off- To walk in order to feel better.
4. You Are My Rock- You make me feel safe and give me a strong
5. Tickled Pink- Very happy.
6. Make no bone about- To admit something readily
7. Turn out crabs- End in failure
8. Devil’s advocate- On who is against the religion
9. Dance attendance upon- To Flatter
10. Go a begging- Go in vain
1. An ability to use one's hands skillfully or an ability to think quickly and effectively
– Dexterity ननपुर्ता
2. An ability, talent, or special skill needed to do something – Knack आदत
3. Able to become strong, healthy, or successful again after something bad happens
– Resilient लचीला
4. An act of committing a serious crime such as murder or rape – Felony अपराध
5. An act of destroying or damaging something deliberately so that it does not work
correctly – Sabotage तोड़-फोड़ करना
6. An act of ending the employment of a worker or group of workers – Layoff ननकाल
दे ना
7. Accepting and closely following the traditional beliefs and customs of a religion –
Orthodox कट्टर
8. An act of explaining something – Exposition प्रदर्णनी
9. An act of carefully watching someone or something especially in order to prevent
or detect a crime – Surveillance ननगरानी
10. An act of causing two people or groups to become friendly again after an
argument or disagreement – Reconciliation सुलह
Bang about- Move in a place making a lot of noise.
He's BANGING ABOUT in the kitchen.
Bang around - Move in a place making a lot of noise.
I can hear him BANGING ABOUT upstairs.
Bang on- Talk at great length.-
He BANGED ON for half an hour but no one was listening.
Bang on- about Keep talking about something.
He's always BANGING ON ABOUT football.
Bang out - Play a musical instrument loudly.
She BANGED the tune OUT on the piano.
Bang up - Put someone in prison.
The judge BANGED him UP for eight years.
Bang up- Damage badly.
He BANGED his car UP last night.

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