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Breach of contract – breaking the terms in contract Deficient in – lack of sth

Abide by – stick to Destined for - intended to go somewhere

Abstain from – refrain from Detrimental to – harmful to
Accede to – to give in to Deviation from – difference
Accorded with – match, agree Devoid of - completely lacking in something
Acquit of – say that sb is not guilty of a crime Died of - because of sth
Adhering to - to obey a rule Aware of – have knowledge about
Adjacent to - next to or adjoining something else Dissuade from - to persuade someone not to do
Amenable to – willing to accept
Dithering over – be unable to make a final decision
Animosity towards – anger, antipathy
Doomed to - make someone or something certain to fail,
Apprehensive about - viewing the future with anxiety die
Appreciative of – grateful for Dwell or brood on - to think long and anxiously
Aptitude for - natural ability Eligible for - able or allowed to do sth
At a disadvantage - less likely to succeed than others Eloped with – leave your home to get married
At a moment’s notice - very quickly Embarked on - to start something,
Put at ease - to make (someone) feel calm Equivalent to – the same as
At odds – disagree Evocative of – making you remember
At the expense of - the first thing harms the second thing Excelled at – be good in sth
Attempts on - an act of trying to kill someone Exposed to – narazony na
Attend to - to deal with a task Threw myself into - to begin doing or working on
Balk at - to not want to do because it seems difficult (something)

Ban on - prohibit (something) Exulting in - very happy

In the wrong - to make a mistake Famed for – famous for

Plagued by - to cause pain Found solace in - source of relief

Schooled in - educated For fear of – z obawy

Bow to - o do what someone else wants you to do Fraught with – full of

Bow to the inevitable – accepted sth he could not change Fret over - to worry

By all means - permission Frowned upon- to disapprove of sth

By virtue of – by means of Germane to – relevant, important

Characteristic of - feature belonging typically to a person Glared at – give a black look

Coax into - influence or gently urge Hankered for – desire

Coincided with - to happen at the same time as something Immunity to – the state of being immune to a disease
else Immunity from – protection from law
Comply with - obey In arrears – have not paid
Confining to - KEEP SOMEBODY IN A PLACE In disguise – w przebraniu
Consents to - to give your permission In moderation - do not do sth too much
Consistent with - to match In small doses – w małych dawkach
Deaf to - unwilling to hear or listen to something In the aftermath - dealing with the results of war
In the nick of time - just before it is too late Research on - study of sth
In the wake - as a result of Resort to – uciec sie do
In vogue - popular Respite from – break from
Inferior to - worse Revelled in – enjoy sth
Kowtow to – too eager to obey Rid of - overcome
Laden with – full of sth Stimulus to - something that helps a process to develop
more quickly
Lagging behind - behind the level or progress
Subjected to – put through sth bad
Lapsed into – go back to a worse state, forget sth
Subsumed under - include someone as a member of a
Longed for - one that you want very much group or type
Make a beeline for - go quickly and directly towards Succumbed to - to allow the feeling take control
someone or something
Suited for - to have the right qualities to do something
On first name terms with - know someone well enough to
call them by their first name Sympathize with - to feel sorry for someone
Noted for – known for Tantamount to – similar to
Notified of - inform Tinkering with – make small changes in sth
Notorious for – bad famous for Tribute to – is a clear sign of sth
Obedient to - always doing what you are told to do Triumphed over - success after a difficult struggle
Oblivious to - not aware of Typical of - having the usual features of a particular thing
On bail - the temporary release of an accused person Under cover – secretely
On second thoughts - after thinking about something Beyond repair – so damaged that they cannot be mended
Under repair – being repaired
On the spur of the moment – on impulse, suddenly
Unfaithful to - niewierny
Out of doors - outdoors
Mindful of – conscious of
Out of ordinary - unusual or unexpected
Vouch for – say firmly that you believe in sth
Out of this world – extremely good
Waxed about -
Ousted from - remove
With a view to –ing - because you are planning to do
Overburdened with – too much of work to do something in the future
Paid no heed to – ignore someone Without fail – always
Peculiar to – typical of Worthy of – deserve the specific action
Pernicious to - very harmful Yearned for – to want sth badly
Partake of – eat Had a yen of - Crave or desire
Partake in – participate
Ponder over - consider
Praised for – chwalony za
Predispositions to - tendency to behave in a particular way
Prejudicial to – having a bad effect, negative
Proclivity for – a tendency
Recoiled from – move back
Reminiscent of – reminding you of sth

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