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Travesty- n. a false, absurd, or distorted representation of something.

v. represents in a false or distorted way.

Mottled- adj. mark with spots or smears of color

Flummoxed- adj. bewildered or perplexed

Protagonist- n. the leading character in a story

Wreak- v. cause (a large amount of damage or harm)

Flourished- v. grow or develop

n. a bold or extravagant gesture or action

Apogee- n. the highest point in the development of something

Taboo- n. a social or religious custom prohibiting or forbidding

Adj. prohibited or rejected by social custom

Treacherous- adj. guilty of or involving betrayal or deception

Harbinger- n. a person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another.

Bamboozled-fool or cheat

Dupe- deceive or trick

Acquiescent- adj. ready to accept something without protest, or to do what someone else wants

Compliant- adj. inclined to agree with others or obey rules

Portend- v. be a sign or warning that something is likely to happen

Signify- v. be an indication of

Diffident- adj. modest or shy because of a lack of self-confidence

Hesitant- adj. tentative, unsure, or slow in acting or speaking

Duplicitous- adj. deceitful

Deceitful- adj. guilty of or involving deceit, misleading others

Vindictive- adj. having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge

Vengeful- adj. seeking to harm someone in return for perceived injury

Apropos- Prep. With reference to, concerning

Adj. very appropriate to a particular situation


Ample- adj, enough or more than enough

Jaunty- adj. having or expressing a lively, cheerful, and self-confident manner

Stringent- adj. strict, precise, and exacting

Stern- adj. serious and unrelenting

Imperative- adj. of vital importance

Quintessence- n. the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class

Epitome- n. a person or thing that is perfect example of a particular quality or type

Euphoric- adj. characterized by or feeling intense excitement and happiness

Ecstatic- adj. feeling or expressing overwhelming happiness or joyful excitement

Exaltation- n. a feeling or state of extreme happiness

Subjugated- v. bring under domination or control, especially by conquest

Subdued- adj. quite and rather reflective or depressed

Exhilarated- adj. very happy, animated or elated

Sluggish- adj. slow moving or inactive

Mitigate- v. make less severe, serious, or painful

Aggravate- v. make worse, or more serious

Abstruse-adj. difficult to understand; obscure

Congeal-v. solidify or coagulate, especially by cooling

Abrupt- adj. sudden or unexpected

Famish- v. to cause to suffer severely from hunger

Ambivalent- adj. having mixed feelings or contradictory

Ominous- adj. giving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen;

Susceptible- adj. likely or liable to be influenced or harmed by a particular thing

Adamant- adj. refusing to be persuaded or to change one’s mind

Futile- adj. incapable or producing any useful result; pointless

Ostentatious- adj. characterized by vulgar or pretentious display


Grotesque- adj. comically or repulsively ugly or distorted

Clandestine- adj. kept secret or done secretively

Fleeting- adj. lasting for a short time

Sordid- adj. involving ignoble actions and motives; arousing moral distaste and contempt

Blurb- n. a short description of a book, movie or other product written for promotional purposes and
appearing on the cover of a book.

Labyrinth- n. a complicated irregular network of passages or paths in which it is difficult to find one’s
way; a maze

Mundane- adj. lacking interest or excitement; dull

Penchant- n. a strong or habitual liking for something or tendency to do something

Obsolete- adj. no longer produced or used; out of date

Vivaciously- adj. attractively energetic and enthusiastic

Dogmatic- adj. inclined to lay down principles as incontrovertibly true

Plethoric- adj. excessively

Panacea- n. a solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases

Debacle- n. a sudden ignominious failure; a fiasco

Forbearance- n. patient self-control; restraint and tolerance

Allegiance-n. loyalty or commitment of a subordinate to a superior or of an individual to a group or


Grungy- adj. dirty

Proscribe- v. forbid, especially by law

Cantankerous- adj. bad-tempered, argumentative and uncooperative

Perambulate- v. walk or travel through or around a place or area especially for pleasure and in a
leisurely way

Alleviate- to make easier to endure, to lessen

Amicable- friendly, showing good will

Benevolent- showing good will, desiring to help others

Inevitable- sure to happen, unavoidable, certain

Scrutinize- to examine in detail


Tenacious- persistent, stubborn, obstinate, retentive

Disdain- to scorn, to treat with contempt, despise

Evident-plain or clear to the sight or understanding

Frugal- not wasteful, thrifty

Superficial- lacking in content, shallow

Scurrilous- adj. scandalous, defamatory, libelous, offensive

Ebullient- adj. showing excitement; cheerful and full of energy

Primp- v. groom oneself with care; tidy

Expedite- v. hasten, hurry; accelerate

Affluence- n. abundance; wealth

Consort- n. husband or wife; companion

Flout- v. defy; break; disobey

Gawk- v. stare foolishly; look in open-mouthed awe

Haggle- v. argue about the price; negotiate; bargain

Hoard- v. stockpile; accumulate for future use

Venerate- v. regard with feelings of respect and reverence; revere

Adumbrate- v. to report or represent in an outline

Agglomerate- v. a jumbled collection or mass; to pile or heap together

Languid- adj. weak or faint from illness or fatigue; lacking spirit or liveliness

Votary- n. one bound by vows to a religion or life of worship or service

Terminus- n. the final point or goal; end point

Somnolent- adj. sleepy; inclined to or marked by drowsiness

Valorous- adj. valiant; courageous; brave

Sumptuous- adj. splendid and expensive-looking; costly; lavish

Shriek- n. sharp piercing cry caused by agony or terror

Saunter- v. stroll slowly; walk leisurely

Acquiesce- v. to agree or express agreement; to accept something without protest; to comply;


Defame- v. to slander or libel

Contingency- n. a possible event

Emblem- n. a symbol; special design or visual object representing a quality, type, group, etc.

Castigate- v. to punish; reprimand severely

Exigent- adj. urgent; demanding attention

Virile- adj. masculine, manly

Trivial- adj. of little importance or value

Adamant- adj. hard; inflexible

Composure- n. statement of mind under stress

Embellish- v. adorn; beautify; decorate

Genealogy- n. record of descent; lineage

Irksome- adj. boring; dull

Nauseate- v. cause to become sick; fill with disgust; sicken

Prim- adj, very precise and formal

Sacrosanct- adj. most sacred

Carnal- adj. fleshly, sensual

Declivity- adj. downward slope or bend

Heckler- n. person who harasses others; someone who tries to embarrass you with gibes and
questions and objectives

Mellifluous- adj. pleasing to the ear

Rhapsodize- v. speak or write about something with great enthusiasm and delight

Saturnine- adj. gloomy

Soliloquy- n. talking to oneself; monologue

Waif- n. homeless, orphaned

Adulation- n. servile flattery, exaggerated and hypocritical praise, excessive admiration and praise

Bleak- adj. unfavorable, unpromising, black dim

Excoriate- v. censure of criticize severely, scold with biting harshness

Flux- n. following, series of changes


Gourmet- n. connoisseur of food and drink

Importune- v. beg persistently, ask pressingly

Pastiche- n. an artistic work in a style that imitates that of another work; piece of writing or music
made up of borrowed bits and pieces

Petty- adj. trivial, unimportant

Repudiate- v. renounce, disown, reject

Salvage- v. rescue from loss, relieve, save

Tempestuous- adj. stormy, violent, wild

Bovine- adj. dull, slow

Caulk- v. seal, block, waterproof

Sate- v. fill, gorge

Roster- n. list, schedule

Permeate- v. pass through, spread, diffuse through

Gibberish- v. nonsense, babble, prattle

Incessant- adj. uninterrupted, non-stop

Combustible- adj. flammable, explosive

Loath- v. detest, opposed

Confound- v. confuse, puzzle

Gall- n. irritation, bitterness

Jaunty-adj. carefree, cheerful

Ire- n. anger, rage

Laud- v. praise, extol

Sinewy- adj. lean, firm, tough

Retinue- n. a group of advisers, assistants, or others accompanying an important person; attendants

Warble- v. sing, babble

Scapegoat- n. someone who bares the blame for others

Rubble- n. broken fragments, debris

Mordacious- having an abrasive attitude or using abrasive words


Mephitic- bad-smelling; having a foul odor especially of gas or vapor

Peremptory- used to describe an order, command etc. that you must obey without any questions or

Fungible- capable of being switched for something of equal value

Conniption- a fit, fuss or tantrum

Impasse- a situation that prevents advancement

Winnow- to blow away by fanning

Nescience- unawareness or ignorance

Blatherskite- a person who constantly talks, usually about nothing important

Hebetate- to make someone become dull mentally, emotionally, or spiritually

Dulcet- comforting and sweet

Lummox- someone who is clumsy or regarded as intelligent

Mar- to ruin or spoil

Absquatulate- to depart hurriedly

Filial- pertaining to a son or daughter

Finery- expensive objects or clothing

Adscititious- additional or external; coming from outside source

Lionize- to treat (a person) as if they were important, or a celebrity

Malaise- a feeling of general bodily discomfort, fatigue or unpleasantness

Filch- to take illegally

Prevaricate- speak or act in an evasive way

Lavation- a washing or cleansing

Imprecation- a stated curse that bears a person ill-will

Dyslogistic- conveying disapproval

Omnific- possessing unlimited power to create anything

Elide- to leave out or omit

Gravid- pregnant

Desiccated- dried out; lifeless


Jocose- playful; humorous

Harlequin- a jester, usually dressing in white and black, that behaves in a silly way and makes people

Pulchritude- physical beauty

Jingoism- extreme patriotism for one’s country that often shows itself through aggression towards
other nations

Hinterland- the remote or less developed parts of a country

Valetudinarian- a person who is unduly anxious about their health

Portcullis- a sturdy sliding gateway door that moves vertically to open and close

Clangor- a continuous noisy banging

Turpitude- a vile or depraved act

Tocsin- an alarm

Achromatic- for something to be colorless usually with black, white and grays

Affable- pleasantly easy to approach

Inexorable- impossible to stop or prevent

Amalgamate- to mix or merge so as to make a combination

Bulwark- an object that acts as a shield

Behoove- in an individual’s interest

Capitulate to give in; to surrender under certain terms

Hegemony- the predominant influence of one group over another

Cavort- to move on around in an excited fashion

Morose- feeling sad, in a bad mood, and not wanting to talk to anyone

Odoriferous- producing an unpleasant scent

Oeuvre- the entire collection of work belonging to an artist, writer, or musical composer

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