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Bartolinitis is Infections of the Bartholin gland or
bartolinitis can also cause swelling of the external
female genitalia. Typically, the swelling is
accompanied by severe pain and even he could not
walk. Also can be accompanied by fever, swelling of
the genitals as reddened.


Vulva: skin discoloration, swelling, pus pile in the

gland, tenderness. Bartholin gland swollen, painful
once when Penderia walking or sitting, can also be
accompanied by fever, were mostly women with these
patients come to a health center with complaints of
vaginal discharge and itching, pain during intercourse
with her husband, pain when urinating, or a lump at
around genitals. There is an abscess on the genital
area .On physical examination found mucoid fluid and
mixes with the smell of blood.

Cause Bartolinitis
Bartolinitis caused by a bacterial infection in the
Bartholin gland that is located inside the vagina rather
out. Start of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and so on. The
infection then gagged gland produced a vaginal
lubricant fluid.

Eventually the fluid meets the so-called pockets gland
cysts (fluid-filled pockets). "Germs in the vagina could
infect one Bartholin gland until clogged and swollen. If
there is no infection, will not cause complaints

Signs and Symptoms

a. Vulva: skin discoloration, swelling, pus pile in the gland,

b. Bartholin gland swollen, painful once when Penderia
walking or sitting, can also be accompanied by fever
c. The patients were mostly women to come to a health center
with complaints of vaginal discharge and itching, pain during
intercourse with her husband, pain when urinating, or a lump
around the genitals.
d. There is an abscess on the genital area
e. On physical examination found mucoid fluid smells and
mixed with blood

The most effective treatment at this time is to:
antibiotic group cefadroxyl 500 mg, taken 3 1 after
meals, for at least 5-7 days, and mefenamic acid 500 mg
(for example: ponstelax, molasic, etc.), taken 3 1 for
ease pain and swelling, to deflate the gland.

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