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A Complete Vaginal Discharge Color Guide

What is Vaginal Discharge?

The term vaginal discharge is commonly used for the fluid or mucus which is released from the vagina.
The vaginal discharge causes great concern among many women, which leads them to seek help from
their doctors or health care providers. Vaginal discharge is normal. However, if the color is different, and
the discharge is causing great discomfort, it could be a sign of some underlying health problem. Experts
usually recommend an examination to help determine the causes of vaginal discharge, and the color

Vaginal discharge is harmless. It is made from the skin cells of the vagina and the cervix by the female
hormone, estrogen. Women who are going through menopause usually have the lowest frequency of
vaginal discharge, since the estrogen levels in them is lowered. The discharge also contains bacteria, and
mucus, with a slight odor.

The Use of Vaginal Discharge

The vaginal discharge is responsible for protecting the vaginal and the urinary tract against infections. It
also acts as a lubricant for the vaginal tissues.

Amount of Vaginal Discharge

The amount of vaginal discharge varies from woman to woman. The color and the consistency also
depends on the menstrual cycle of the woman. From day 1 to day 5 of the period, discharge is usually
deep red since the body is shedding the uterine lining. Following day 6 to day 14, the vaginal discharge
might be less than usual. A few days before ovulation, the mucus becomes thin and slippery. It colors
becomes white or yellow.

Types of Discharge

It is totally normal to wonder about the color of your vaginal discharge and whether it is normal, or
needs to be checked out by a medical professional. Vaginal discharge comes in various colors, and
several of them are a sign of a healthy body.

There are six types of vaginal discharge in terms of color:

1. Red
2. White
3. Yellow-green
4. Pink
5. Clear
6. Grey

White Colored Vaginal Discharge

White can come in several shades. It could include cream and light yellow color. If there are no other
symptoms being witnessed by the woman, the white discharge is a sign of health. But if the consistency
of the white discharge is like cottage cheese, and has a strong smell, it means the person has an
infection and she should visit a doctor. It is usually associated with yeast infection that can cause
immense itching and irritation.

Yellow Green Discharge

A slight yellow hued discharge is harmless. It occurs if the woman has changed her diet or is taking
dietary supplements. Discharge that becomes darker in color, such as yellowish green, or green it means
the woman has a bacterial infection. It can also signal some kind of sexually transmitted infection (STD).
Go and see your doctor instantly if the vaginal discharge has a thick or clumpy consistency with a foul,
pungent odor.

Pink Colored Vaginal Discharge

Pink colored discharge means that it contains a little bit of blood. This color is usually associated
with spotting before a woman’s menstrual cycle. But, it could be a sign that there might be
implantation bleeding in early pregnancy. Some women also experience spotting after ovulation
that causes pink colored vaginal discharge. Your discharge can also be pink if you just had
intercourse, and the sex had left small tears in your vagina or cervix.

Clear Vaginal Discharge

Most of the ordinary vaginal discharge is clear or whitish. It may be slippery or have the
consistency of egg whites. A person is most likely to experience a clear, slippery discharge right
before she is about to ovulate, or is sexually aroused, and also during her pregnancy.

Gray Colored Vaginal Discharge

Gray colored vaginal discharge unhealthy. It is a common symptom of a bacterial infection
known as bacterial vaginosis (BV).

BV can lead to other vaginal symptoms which include the following:

a. Itching
b. Irritation
c. A strong, foul odor.
d. Redness around the vaginal opening (vulva).

If your vaginal discharge is grey in color, go visit your doctor promptly. The doctor will give you
antibiotics to treat this bacterial infection.
When Should You See A Doctor Regarding Your Vaginal Discharge?

See a doctor if vaginal discharge has an unusual smell or appearance. A person should also seek
medical care if they experience vaginal symptoms such as:

 itching
 pain or discomfort
 discharge that is frothy or like cottage cheese
 bleeding between periods or after menopause
 spotting after sex regularly
 grey, green, or yellow discharge
 a strong odor
 a burning sensation during urination

The doctor will perform a pelvic exam. They may also need to take a sample of discharge for

 starting or ending a period

 cervical infection
Red  cervical polyp
 endometrial or cervical cancer

 cervical bleeding
 irritation in the vagina
 implantation bleeding

 healthy discharge
White  yeast infection

 sexually transmitted infection, such as trichomoniasis

 healthy discharge
 pregnancy
Clear  ovulation
 hormonal imbalances

 BV

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