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By: Mikayla, Gabby,
Sarah, and Emilie

Zn(s) + HCl(aq) > H2(g) + ZnCl(aq)
When the zinc and the hydrochloric acid are combined in a test tube with a rubber
stopper, the zinc and hydrochloric acid react to form hydrogen and zinc chloride.
The egg will fill with hydrogen gas. The egg explodes because the flame and heat
causes the gas to expand and creates pressure, therefore breaking the egg.

Flammable Bubbles
Methane with water and dish soap creates bubbles, and methane is flammable.
Methane is a mixture of natural gases that is combustible. Combustion is when a
fuel, like methane, reacts with oxygen in the air to produce heat. This can be seen in
this chemical equation:
CH4(g) + 2O2(g) > CO2(g) + 2H2O(l)
- Complete combustion of all hydrocarbons (compounds of hydrogen and carbon)
produces the same products: carbon dioxide and water.

Elephant Toothpaste
The iodide ion from Nal is used as a catalyst that decomposes H2O2, liberating water, oxygen,
and heat. A catalyst is a substance increasing the rate of a chemical reaction without going
under any permanent chemical changes itself. Hydrogen peroxide decomposition yields
oxygen and water. The oxygen and water vapor create bubbles in the soap to produce the foam
that looks like toothpaste. The foam rises so quickly because a small amount of hydrogen
peroxide generates a large volume of oxygen rapidly.
H2O2 + I- > H2O + IOH2O2 + IO- > H2O + O2 + I____________________________________
2H2O2 > 2H2O(l) + O2(g)
- The reaction is exothermic (meaning releases energy by light or heat) because it produces hot

Blue Flame
When we added copper chloride to the flame, the flame became a blue color. The
flame changes color due to the electrons' movement. When the electrons move to
different energy levels, different colors are produced. In other words, when
chemicals are added to fuel burning, their atomic emission spectra affects the
frequencies of visible light radiation emitted. Copper chloride's electrons have low
energy compared to strontium chloride (which creates a red color) when the heat
energy from the flame excited their electrons to higher quantum levels.

Dry Ice
Dry ice creates fog because it is the solid form of carbon dioxide. At room
temperature, the dry ice undergoes sublimation, which is changing directly from the
solid phase to the gas phase. This creates the fog. Dry ice melts into a liquid only
when it is above the critical point for carbon dioxide. The critical point is where the
carbon dioxide, or dry ice, becomes a liquid when the heat and pressure are

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