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Learning from the test results

An Evaluation: multiple choice and essay

Dr. Indriana Kartini

1. When you do writing, you have to choose a good title. Which one of the following titles is the best one?
A. German Saxifrage Pollens are Superior to
Those in Austria.
B. Does Saxifraga Pollen in Germany
Resemble That in Austria?

C. Pollen Between a Rock and a Hard Place:

German and Austrian Saxifrages

D. Pollen Morphology of German and Austrian

Saxifraga Species

2. Neither the physical behavior of these substances nor their halflife data .. known.
C. has
A. was
B. have

D. were

5. A misplaced modifier (sometimes known as a dangling modifier) appears to modify the wrong
element of the sentence, making the sentence confusing or illogical. Find sentence without such mistake:
A. Oxygen content was determined
immediately after collecting the samples.

C. While I was at the lecture, Dr. Smith took

the records from my laboratory.

B. While at the lecture, Dr. Smith took the

records from my laboratory.

D. Oxygen content was determined

immediately after analysing the samples.

6. If you write Materials and Methods for your Experimental Section; which sentence is more
A. Sigma provided the propanol.

C. None of them

B. We purchased propanol from


D. Propanol was purchased from


13. The new technique calls


for heat

the mixture before applying


it to the wood.

Model sentences: (a) Wolves rarely attack humans.
(b) Humans are rarely attacked by wolves
(c) An attack by wolves on human is rare.
(d) The rarity of an attack on humans by wolves
Question: (a) The ancient Greeks predicted eclipses of the sun accurately
Eclipses of the sun were accurately predicted by the
Ancient Greeks
(b) ..
A prediction by the Ancient Greeks on the eclipses of the sun was accurate (17)
(c) ....
The accuracy of a prediction..
on the eclipses of the sun by the Ancient Greeks .
Context: ,
who discovered they occurred every 18 years and 17 days. (19)

Essay writing: argumentation

The worst thing ever invented was
. (provide reasons to
support your idea)

Essay examples: pick up and

classify the errors !
The worst thing ever invented was atomic bomb. Nothing
is useless from it. Atomic bomb is just used to kill all of
the world. If it is active, not only plants and animal will be
dead, but also the humans body will break. Atomic bomb
usually is provided to hold the war. It is used by the
groups or countries which have a serious problem is not
finished with the peace way. This problem had happened
in 1945 in Japan.

Essay examples: pick up and

classify the errors !
The worst thing ever invented was spoke in front of
forums. I think it was the worst thing because I felt so
nervous to spoke. My hand .

Essay writing: process description

Describe how solar radiation can be utilized to
provide domestic hot water and lighting based
on the figure. The description should contain
at least 50 words.
accumulators cells
solar collector

lighting circuit


water tank

Essay examples: pick up and

classify the errors !
Solar radiation is one of many world problem. Solar
radiation possible caused by domestic hot water and
lighting. Electrical energy which are produce by heat
exchanger from domestic hot water and photovoltaic cells
which are produce by accumulator from secondary
lighting circuit can collected. And electrical energy which
are out can caused solar radiation. Methods for protected
world from solar radiation is protected own green land.

Essay examples: pick up and

classify the errors !
Sun is the most important thing for human life. Without
sun, we can not life in the earth. One of the advantages of
sun is its solar radiation. After many research, many of
the researches find that the solar radiation from the sun
can help human to provide hot water and lighting.
First, we put the solar collector to trap the solar radiation
from the sun. After the solar radiation are accumulate in
solar collector, it divided into 2. Half of the solar radiation
move to heat exchanger. In this step, the solar radiation is
changed to heat. And the heat flow to the water tank
which is full of clean water. If we open the tab, usually the
tap which colour is red, we get the hot water. We are not
to boil the water first, but with the solar radiation we can
get the hot water directly.

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