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Learning Guide

Module Name: Periodic Table

Course Name: General Chemistry
Learning Goals/Outcomes
Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:
Define each element by their masses, numbers and
Identify the trends of the periodic table for element mass,
element atom size, electronegativity, and ionization energy

Learning Resources
Required Resources
Chemistry textbook by Pretence Hall
Video provided by professor of lecture
Additional Resources (provided by the professor)
Crossword puzzle creator website
Periodic table doc to use when creating periodic trend tables
Online lab activity with unknown elements

Learning Activities
Activities for This Lesson
Create a crossword puzzle using elements names and
Create a periodic table for each of the periodic trends
Complete lab activity by predicting unknown elements based on
their characteristics
Discussion Questions
What is the most interesting/useful element on the periodic table
and why? Explain uses and history as evidence of your choice.
Compare and contrast electronegativity and ionization energy?

Form adapted from Smith, R. M. Conquering the Content. San

Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2008.

Check your understanding. Can you .

Identify an element if given their mass or element number?
Explain each of the period trends with 100% accuracy?
Identify an element if given their atom size, electronegativity, or
ionization energy?

Lesson Evaluation: Graded Assessments

Crossword puzzle
5 periodic tables with each trend correctly labeled on them
Unknown element activity

Form adapted from Smith, R. M. Conquering the Content. San

Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2008.

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