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Savannah Holtz

October 1, 2015
LAE 4424
Dr. Meadows
Literary Analysis
Genre: Fictional Picture Books
Kamik an Inuit Puppy Story by Donald Ulualuak

Bibliographic Information
Uluadluak, D., & Leng, Q. (n.d.). Kamik: An Inuit puppy story. Ontario: Inhabit Media.
The plot of a story can be separated into five distinct sections; the exposition, the rising
action, the climax, the falling action, and the resolution.
Exposition: The character Jake, his grandfather, his grandmother and Kamik are
Rising Action: Kamik is not really well behaved and wont listen to Jake when he calls
him or yells commands to the puppy.

Climax: Jakes grandfather tells his about the sled dogs of the past and how to truly raise
a puppy.
Falling Action: Jake thinks about what his grandfather.
Resolution: Fallows the advice his grandfather gave him.
The setting of this book is somewhere in Canada where it snows most of time.
The overall theme of this book is to always look to your heritage for advice and guidance.
While Jake does experience some change it is not enough to classify him a multidimensional. Thus all the characters in this story are one dimensional.
Jake- A fairly stubborn boy who just want his puppy to listen to him like a good sled dog.
Jake Grandfather- A wise elder for Jake.
The style of writing is fairly simplistic with decent amount of variation in sentence
structure. But the authors use of native words for the character add need realism to the
Point of View
The point of view of this book is from a narrator prospective.
Really liked this book; shows great diversity as well are progression of character in a one
dimensional way. I would recommend this book for a class with people from Alaska or the great
north because they might connect with it best.

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