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Date: May, 1968

Location: Westmoreland, NY
Shane Kurz experienced a series of terrifying close up encounters with a
UFO outside her home. Shane recalled a very peculiar incident that
occurred approximately one year before her first abduction. At that time
she was in high school. One day she decided to go to school early and
when she was about 50 yards from the school entrance somebody came
up behind her. It was raining, and she was carrying an umbrella, and she
had not seen anyone on the street prior to that. But suddenly somebody
appeared behind her and said:
Hello Shane, May I share your umbrella?
She turned around and saw a man walk up to her.
He struck her as being different by the fact that his appearance just
didn't seem to fit with the way everyone looked around the area. His
dress was a little more modern, maybe a year or 2 ahead of the current
time, so she thought he was a stranger. He had on corduroy pants and a
plaid shirt, but his eyes and ears were the strangest things. She was
fascinated by his ears, because they seemed to come to a point and was
very sharp compared to humans. Also his eyes were gray, yet when she
looked at them they seemed to disappear, as if she could see completely
through them. They were very magnetic. He seemed to talk with some
kind of accent, but she couldn't quite place it. It sounded a little on the
oriental side. His eyes were slightly slanted, not up but sort of back. His
hair was light brown, and he did not wear a hat, which was unusual,
because it was cold and raining, and he wore no coat either. He wore no
necktie, his shirt was open, and he was about 5' 4" and came level with
her shoulder. When he walked, he never took his hands out of his pockets.
Shane immediately asked how the stranger knew her name, but he
evaded the question and began asking some of his own questions, all of
which were somewhat strange.
He asked Shane what she did during lunch hour at school. When Shane
replied that she played volleyball or basketball.
He asked her, What is volleyball and basketball?
Shane told him that everybody knows about those games, but the
stranger insisted that Shane explain the games to him.

Then he asked her: During your lunch hour would you like to go for a
When she replied that she didn't see any car, he pointed to a nearby field
and said: Oh, my vehicle is over there, is a white vehicle.
Shane politely declined.
Then came the strangest part of the encounter, as Shane says:
I sort of ended the conversation by saying, it was nice meeting you, and
turned around. She thought she had taken 3 steps, he didn't follow her,
she turned around just out of curiosity to see where he went, and he
wasn't there. No more than 3 seconds had passed from the time she took
the steps and turned around, there was no possible way he could have
gotten out of her sight that quickly.
She was stunned. Shane quickly searched the whole area, but the strange
man had literally disappeared. She asked some of the girls in the area if
they had seen the stranger, they replied:
Who was that cute boy you were talking with?
Under regression hypnosis Ms. Kurz told of being abducted while
walking through a field and being levitated into a saucer. Inside the
saucer several gray aliens placed her on a table, stripped her, and rubbed
a thick liquid on her. She was told that the liquid was a stimulant and that
she was being tested for pregnancy with a device that was lowered on her.
Then the leader told her that they wanted to make a half with her. One of
the beings quickly sexually penetrated her. He made animal sounds and a
humming noise during the act. Ova samples were taken by a long needle.
Kurz was then released. Shortly after this incident, which she did not
remember at the time, her menstrual period stopped for a year. She had a
sudden, unexplained weight loss exactly 9 months after her abduction. It
was the weight loss that led her to a doctor and eventually uncover the
memory of the abduction
Data: maio de 1968

Localizao: Westmoreland, Nova Iorque

Shane Kurz experimentou uma srie de aterrorizante fechar-se encontros com um

OVNI fora de sua casa. Shane recordou um incidente muito peculiar que ocorreu
aproximadamente um ano antes de sua primeira abduo. Naquela poca, ela estava
no colgio. Um dia, ela decidiu ir para a escola cedo e quando ela foi cerca de 50
jardas da escola entrada algum veio por trs dela. Estava chovendo, e ela estava
carregando um guarda-chuva, e ela no tinha visto ningum na rua antes disso. Mas,
de repente algum apareceu atrs dela e disse:
Ol Shane, eu posso compartilhar de seu guarda-chuva?
Ela se virou e viu um homem caminhar at ela.
Ele a golpeou como sendo diferente pelo fato de que sua aparncia simplesmente no
parecem se encaixar com a forma como todos olharam ao redor da rea. Seu vestido
era um pouco mais moderno, talvez um ano ou dois frente do tempo atual, de modo
que ela achava que ele era um estranho. Ele usava calas de veludo e uma camisa
xadrez, mas seus olhos e ouvidos eram as coisas mais estranhas. Ela era fascinado
por seus ouvidos, porque eles pareciam chegar a um ponto e foi muito acentuada em
comparao com os seres humanos. Tambm seus olhos eram cinza, mas quando ela
olhou para eles pareciam desaparecer, como se ela pudesse ver atravs deles
completamente. Eles foram muito magntica. Ele parecia falar com algum tipo de
sotaque, mas ela no conseguia coloc-lo. Soou um pouco sobre o lado oriental. Seus
olhos estavam ligeiramente inclinada, no para cima, mas espcie de volta. Seu
cabelo era castanho claro, e ele no usar um chapu, o que era incomum, porque
estava frio e chovendo, e ele no usava casaco tambm. Ele no usava gravata, a
camisa estava aberta, e ele foi cerca de 5 '4 "e nvel veio com seu ombro. Quando ele
entrou, ele nunca tirou as mos dos bolsos.
Shane imediatamente perguntou como o estranho sabia seu nome, mas ele evadiu a
pergunta e comeou a fazer algumas de suas prprias questes, todos os quais foram
um pouco estranho.
Ele perguntou Shane que ela fez durante a hora de almoo na escola. Quando Shane
respondeu que ela jogou vlei ou basquete.
Ele perguntou-lhe: Qual o vlei e basquete?
Shane disse a ele que todo mundo sabe sobre esses jogos, mas o estranho insistiu
que Shane explicar os jogos para ele.
Ento ele perguntou a ela: Durante a sua hora de almoo que gostaria de ir para um
Quando ela respondeu que no via qualquer carro, ele apontou para um campo
prximo e disse: Oh, meu veculo est l, um veculo branco.
Shane recusou educadamente.
Depois veio a parte mais estranha do encontro, como diz Shane:
Eu meio que terminou a conversa dizendo, foi um prazer conhecer voc, e se virou.
Ela pensou que ela tinha tomado 3 passos, ele no segui-la, ela se virou apenas por
curiosidade para ver onde ele ia, e ele no estava l. No mais do que 3 segundos
haviam se passado desde que ela tomou os passos e se virou, no havia nenhuma
maneira possvel que ele poderia ter chegado fora de sua vista que rapidamente.
Ela ficou chocada. Shane rapidamente procurou toda a rea, mas o estranho homem
tinha desaparecido literalmente. Ela perguntou algumas das meninas na rea se
tinham visto o estranho, eles responderam:
Quem era aquele menino bonito que voc estava falando com?
Sob hipnose, regresso Ms. Kurz disse que foi sequestrado enquanto passeava por
um campo e sendo levitado em um pires. No interior do pires vrios estrangeiros

cinzentos colocou sobre uma mesa, ela despojado, e esfregou um lquido espesso em
cima dela. Ela foi dito que o lquido era um estimulante e que ela estava sendo testado
para a gravidez com um dispositivo que foi baixada para ela.
Ento, o lder disse-lhe que eles queriam fazer uma meia com ela. Um dos seres
sexualmente rapidamente a penetrou. Ele fez sons de animais e um zumbido durante
o ato. Amostras vulos foram tomadas por uma agulha longa. Kurz foi ento liberado.
Logo aps este incidente, que ela no se lembrava na poca, seu perodo menstrual
parou por um ano. Ela tinha, uma perda de peso sbita inexplicvel exatamente nove
meses depois de seu rapto. Foi a perda de peso que a levou a um mdico e,
eventualmente, descobrir a memria do rapto

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