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This pantomime, this farce, this act of regret,

No challenge, no fight no freedom of flight
This dark inner room, shackled, starved of bloom
This trap, this lonely, with presence of gloom
Eyes stark, cold and empty
Glazed and frozen, unfocused with agony
Lips dry to touch, unspoken words
Conversing is hard, infrequently heard
Thoughts remain thoughtless
Actions positively pointless
Movement becomes senseless
Laughter, remoteness
Dreams offer hope when daylight breaks
A time to act, the saving grace
Light is dark, safer in here
Dark is light, dreaded fear
Of lifes routines, encounters, supporters
Councillors, doctors, officials, detractors.
Loneliness is hard, but falseness is harder,
The truth really matters
Not small talk and mutters
Respect for others , that offer nothing in return
selfish to them, for me to learn
like myself first, abolish the worst
I will slowly smile, vanquish this curse
Darren Vranjes 2006

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