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Leadership Questions - EDU 4103

Interview with an Education Leader

1. What accomplishment are you most proud of?
2. What are the traits of an effective principal?
3. What is the hardest decision you have had to make in your career?
4. How would you describe your leadership style?
5. What are the three most critical things you would do in a school or learning
environment to accelerate growth and ensure that every pupil is learning?
6. Tell us about one student in your career that stands out in your mind. Why
does this student stand out?
7. Tell us about a time when you implemented a strategy to involve parents to
improve student achievement.
8. Give us an example of a time when you used data to identify and solve a
specific problem or issue related to student
9. What are the first 3 things you would do as a principal to engage the
community at your school?
10. Tell us about how the teachers in your school work together and collaborate
11. Have you played a role in this collaboration? If so, tell us about the
situation, your role and what happened.
12. Give us an example of a time when you used data to identify and solve a
specific problem or issue related to student achievement.
13. Please tell us what data you used, what the problem was, what actions you
took and the results/outcomes.
14. What data do you believe is most informative for monitoring progress of
students in your school?
15. What experience do you have in managing budgets?
16. What is the most difficult budget decision that you have had to make? Give
us an example of how you have allocated resources to your key priorities.
17. What were particular challenges the school faced?
18. What direct impact have you had on your schools results?
19. How has your school improved in terms of student achievement?
20. What programs or projects have you been responsible for implementing?
Tell me how you planned and executed the most important of these.
21. Where did the idea come from?
22. How did you initially define your short- and long-term goals?

Leadership Questions - EDU 4103

23. What do you consider to be your major strengths as an administrator?

24. How will you motivate teachers so they will want to try new ideas?
25.Explain why you think a positive school culture is important?

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