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Blue Monday and a Daydream

By Dalton Rees
The omnipotent presence of the buildings florescent lightbulbs burned into Davids
psyche like an ant under a magnifying glass. Within the confines of his cubical and the constant,
indifferent drone of the surrounding computer terminals, he felt exposed. Today was worse than
the others, he knew this for sure. The way his glasses would fog up during each painstakingly
arbitrary interaction with his coworkers, the uncomfortable sensation of sweat streaming down
his forehead onto his itchy, ungroomed facial hair; it was unbearable. Some days it was
comforting to allow his eyes to glaze over against the monitor and his mind to absently wander
along each line of code, though today it grew increasingly difficult to find solace within the
seemingly endless intervals of data. Davids clammy hands began to sweat profusely, shaking
uncontrollably against his bacteria-ridden mouse. The drone of the surrounding terminals grew
louder as the confining walls of his workspace began to expand and contract around him, as if
breathing. Suddenly, a loud, reverberating buzz released David from his spell- the designated
break period had begun.
Neurotically rubbing his hands against one another, David crept slowly to the break area
down the hall. Alternating patterns of apathetic faces sped passed him, each one with their own
individual fears and desires, a vast consciousness behind each pair of tired eyes; simply putting it
all into perspective made him feel nauseous. Diverting his attention away from the others, David
scanned through the passing motivational posters, each succeeding generic phrase more
unsettling than the last. What good was following his dreams when they carried and abandoned
him in this godawful place? Why hang in there when the only thing waiting for him at home was
a microwave-ready meal and a half bottle of cheap whiskey? Finally reaching the entrance to the

breakroom, David clinched his baggy eyelids shut and darted inside, automatically settling into
the chair furthest away from his coworkers. Sinking his face into his hands, he was finally able to
breathe, finding a moments repose away from the putrid smells and sights of corporate America.
Davids brief period of relaxation was broken by an excessively forceful slap on the back.
Hey-ya David, the booming voice behind him roared, howre you doing today, ya pudgy
Immediately recognizing the loud voice and antagonizing presence, David exhaled deeply and
turned around.
Oh, hey Derick, he said apprehensively, what do you need?
Derick released a deliberate and patronizing laugh as he pulled up a nearby chair, scooting in
uncomfortably close to his timid coworker, What, I cant talk to my best bud? he said with an
evident air of condescendence , his pearly white teeth radiating against the rooms bright,
artificial lights. David stared desperately into Dericks eyes which seemed to grow larger with
each passing second of torment, Please, just leave me alone, he begged, his feeble voice
shaking with an evident air of distress. As if by some sort of hyperactive impulse, the invader
forcefully grabbed hold of Davids cheek, shaking it with evident satisfaction. Greatly enlarged
by his glasses, Davids beady eyes darted around the room, beckoning to his peers for help.
Indifferent to the ordeal, the others continued to pick at their streamlined lunches, their thoughts
wandering elsewhere.
Say, Davie, you got a girlfriend? Derick crooned, his pointy nose bearing into Davids temple.
He remained silent, attempting to hold back the salty tears streaming down his face. The elitist
bully tightened his grip, No? he asked, his voice assuming a low, menacing snarl.

David felt the room condensing once again, the once passively breathing walls assuming
a demonic disposition. The pressure that had been building upon him throughout his life from
each disappointment, each anticlimactic moment, each night alone staring at the steadily
decaying ceiling, exploded within him, destroying his psyche and with it his last shred of
happiness. David began to wail hysterically, no, no, no, no, no, he whimpered, feebly
slamming his fists against the table. Visibly satisfied, the attacker released David from his grip,
leaving a dark bruise. Thats right, you pathetic little man, he hissed, his wide-eyed coworkers
staring with concern and vicarious amusement, you will always be alone, your insignificant
existence means absolutely nothing.
Automatically reassuming his conditioned, casual demeanor, the office aggressor rested
his hand on Davids trembling back, Nice talk, bud! he said lightheartedly, his incandescent
teeth once again on display. In an explosion of rage and cosmic retribution, the once pacified
man leapt from his chair and wrapped his stubby fingers around Dericks neck, pulling him to the
ground. Shut up, shut up, shut up! he commanded, his shrill voice increasing in volume with
each deliberate shake. Meandering out of their usual bubbles, the semiconscious employees
surrounded the spectacle, eating up each second as if another trending topic. Dericks
unwavering confidence dwindled away with each scrutinizing second closer to his imminent
demise. Tears streamed from his bulging eyes as previously unprecedented thoughts of dread and
regret invaded his conscious mind. The bystanders stared in terror and confusion as David
released his slowly convulsing hands from the bullys neck, revealing the sepulchral product of
his rage. Enlarged by his thick, foggy lenses, Davids beady eyes frantically darted around the
room, the petrified expressions of his coworkers reflecting the true magnitude of his crime of

passion. Preserving his delirious expression, David began to mumble soft, incoherent apologies
as he sprinted away from the horrific scene left in his wake.
Beads of sweat steadily dripped from Davids chin as he pushed through the emergency
exit door, clumsily thrusting his weight into the unsuspecting world outside. Wheezing
hysterically, he continued running. Seeking solace away from the vicious energy following him
along his wayward path, David set course for the nearby forest, seemingly drawn towards its
shimmering emerald rim. The enveloping sirens in the distance indicated that his time was
limited as men in decorated suits were soon to place him in a metal box and throw away the key.
Out of the corner of his eye, David noticed an opening in the trees, obscured only by the
entangling limbs of a nearby willow. As if by pure, primal instinct, David dove into the arboreal
shelter, his fogged glasses slipping away from his porous nose and combusting against a
neighboring stone. Within seconds, the tragic hero found himself falling down a seemingly
infinite chasm, spiraling into the abyssal plane below. Davids shrill cries for help reverberated
against the surrounding walls, fading away in the void. Entering a state of freefall, David felt the
preliminary sensation of deaths embrace trickling down his spine, along each crevice of his
trembling form. Soon there was impact, and with it the peaceful silence of motionless existence.
As if awakening from an eternity of reflection and repose, Davids conscious mind was
retrieved from the abyss by the welcoming sensation of warm fluid trickling down his forehead.
Overcome by an unprecedented state of euphoric bliss, David propped his weightless form
upright, finding himself under a magnificent tree of magenta leaves and splendid, curling limbs.
Closing his eyes, the joyous creature allowed the fluid to flow onto his tongue; the transparent
substance an explosion of titillating tastes unimaginable in the realm of worldly beings. Under
the radiating indigo sky, David dreamily rose from his resting place and advanced into the

flourishing meadow below. Technicolor flowers of varying shapes and sizes brushed against his
face as he drifted aimlessly through the infinite splendor of perceptual ecstasy. Sights and sounds
beyond comprehension, smells assuming a deeper complexion, a freeform world with no need
for direction; each singular existence an expression of divine joy. David stared in awe and
indiscriminate reverence as the wonderlands strange and majestic beasts radiantly drifted
overhead. Cats, dogs, and winged-fish alike spiraled through the treetops and along the ground,
propelled by a mystic force explicable only by means of metaphysical speculation and
imaginative excess. In this place, time was irrelevant and virtually nonexistent as its inhabitants
did not rely on a sun to rise and set upon them, but illuminated vibrantly through their
insurmountable energy.
Away from the bureaucratic nightmare of corporate America and the dismal reality of his
lonely existence, David felt free. After an immeasurable time of wandering aimlessly through the
flourishing trees and mystic meadows of this strange paradise, our protagonist found himself at
the bank of an incandescent porcelain-white pool, surrounded by a mass of multicolored weeping
willow trees. Removing the remaining pieces of his constraining office attire, he allowed himself
to fall into the pool, eliciting a series of magnificent waves and subsequent ripples around him.
In a state of weightless bliss, Davids buoyant body rose to the waters surface, where he allowed
his once racing mind to drift into nirvana. After a time, the gentle creature contently rose from
the pool and spread himself out over a shimmering boulder. Exhaling deeply, David released a
joyous laugh, What is this magnificent place? Within seconds, David felt a hand rest gently on
his shoulder, radiating a vibrant and comforting energy.
It is home, you are home, a voice behind him said.

Glancing back, David was met by a tall woman of impeccable beauty, draped in a radiant
display of flower necklaces, her breasts obscured only by her flowing yellow hair. Gazing deeply
into her alien, kaleidoscopic eyes, David was speechless. Placing a floral necklace onto his neck,
the mysterious woman lightly stroked his cheek and dove into the pool, disappearing from sight.
Overcome by the situational ecstasy, David began to release fluid tears of joy. Before he was
fully able to process the situation, the smiling man looked back again, finding himself
surrounded by a procession of women identical to the first he encountered.
You are free, said another, stroking his cheek, placing another reef of flowers around him, and
diving into the radiating pool.
You are loved, said the next, repeating the same graceful act.
You are ours now, David, the lovely procession continued.
Forever loved, the next said gleefully.
Continuously gliding passed him, the divine band of nymphs covered David in
luminescent flowers, each accompanied by an expression of affection. He was free, he was
loved; safe from the suffocating smells and sights of reality. The fragrant flowers accumulated
over his fluid form until all that could be discerned from the mass was his smile, illuminated
against the bright, magenta sky. Fading away under the masses of now melting flowers, David
was happy.
Slamming the door to the ambulance, the policeman lit his cigarette and took a long drag.
Those things will kill you, you know. His partner said lightheartedly, watching the vehicle
speed away, its sirens blaring.

Unmoved by the clich, the policeman took another drag and leaned against the cruiser.
So, whats the deal? the other asked.
According to witness reports, the guys supervisor was giving him a hard time and he just
fucking lost it, strangled him to death. After searching the area, we found the assailant bare
naked in an old animal burrow, smiling hysterically and mumbling all this weird shit to himself,
he took another drag and stared into the distance, absolutely bonkers. Visibly confused, his
partner glanced down the road. Where are they taking him? he asked. The policeman put out
the cigarette on his boot and apathetically stared onward, Probably in a white room with padded
walls, the guy is clearly unfit to stand trial.
David was free. David was loved. It was wonderland, forever.

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