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Adventure Location #01

The Harper's Scroll


In a market quarter known for its street vendors. It stands adjacent to a well-guarded warehouse.
The inn is a single storey timber framed building, with a small hedged yard and roughly hewn
wooden tables and benches. Accomodations consist of several hammocks in the common room.
The innkeeper is a slender male human named Dulfa. He has been stealing casks of drink from
another tavern.
1. Vegetable Stew, Mug of Perry (3 cp)
2. Roasted Artichoke, Mug of Cider (2 cp)
3. Vegetable Stew, Mug of Mead (4 cp)



1. Erodh: Male Elf Scholar, Good. Erodh has gray hair and bright blue eyes. He is generous
and inquisitive. Erodh seeks a company of adventurers to clear his name against charges of
2. Eled: Male Elf Aristocrat, Evil. Eled is short, with messy golden hair and dark gray eyes. He
wears fine raiment and jewellery. Eled has an animal companion, a black cat named Vellay.
3. Lene: Female Halfling Scofflaw, Evil. Lene has golden hair and narrow amber eyes. She
wears sturdy clothing and carries a long knife.
1. Something has been delving a network of tunnels beneath the town
2. A perpetual storm rages over the Withered Lands
3. The renowned warrior Ceolwy is held imprisoned within the Lost Labyrinth of Marceline
the Vampire Queen, trapped at the center of a shifting labyrinth
4. Dwarven miners have mysteriously disappeared in the Ceobbennca Downs
5. Bari's Delve is beseiged by the ogres of the Barukthur Mountains
6. A pack of aberrant monsters prowls through the Ironwood Jungle
7. Anbeol is enslaved by faerie folk

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