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Part 2 of 3 on the road to revival. We must understand God’s power to restore us to Him
after we’ve confessed our sins. For each of the three parts we will see a partnership
between things God is doing and things we must be doing.
Definition of restore – to bring back to a former, original, or normal condition…to put
back to a former place, or to a former position, rank, etc.: to restore the king to his
I would imagine each of us is in need of some restoration with God. We’ve been de-
throned from time to time and it’s important to make sure we’ve sitting where we should
be. (Revelation 3:11)

So how do we go about getting restored?

Acts 3:19 – Repent and turn to God so that times of refreshing may come.
Clearly we have to repent…allow the Holy Spirit to search our hearts and purge out any
wickedness or sin.
Psalm 139:23-24 – pray for God to test you and know your thoughts; let Him see if there
is any sin in your life so that He can steer you into righteousness
Psalm 26:2 – again, allow Him to test you and try you by examining your heart and

(Take some time to do this now)

Now that we’ve begun the process of restoration we need to continue walking with God:
Joel 2:12 – for most of our Christian lives we commit some of our heart, some of our
soul, and some of our strength to the Lord. (S. Prefontaine Quote “To give anything less
than your best is to sacrifice the gift”).

If we will turn our whole lives over to the Lord then look at what will happen:
Joel 2:18-19, 23-25a – God’s blessings begin to flow and healing comes to the land.
Restoration comes as God “repays us for the years” that have been wasted. (God is ready
to do this in your life if you will rend your heart, repent, and turn to Him fully).

Next week we’ll talk about revival – this comes after you have been restored to your
rightful position.

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