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Spirit of Offense Part III

Short review of parts I and II

Part I
Matthew 16 – identify offense (removes you from God’s call) and how it works (makes you defend yourself)
Matthew 13 – effects of offense (removes faith; God’s ability to produce fruit)
Part II
Matthew 15 – Pharisees offended by Jesus telling them everyone does things wrongly from time to time. So Pharisees talk about it.
Matthew 18 – Better to die than be the cause of offense. Cut off offenses.
Matthew 24 – (Proverbs 17:9) many will be offended and their love will grow cold.

Part III
Removing offense: Romans 15:1
Acts 24:14-16 KJV – There is a striving here; that because Paul’s a Christian he is void of offense toward both God and man.
Acts 25:8 KJV – Christians should never offend!

2 Samuel 6:13-15 – This scene must have looked pretty offensive. We worship in different ways and need to stop be offended about
it. Some people wave flags, some people blow shofars, some have swords; if they’re worshipping unto the Lord let them worship.
And don’t laugh! Your laughing my offend them.

Romans 15:3, 5-7 – Don’t defend yourself, and learn to accept others in unity.

Romans 14:4, 10-13 – Stop judging each other with condescension. We lay heavy burdens on each other and easily offend.

1 Corinthians 8:9 – Your freedom can become offensive to others.

1 Corinthians 10:32-33 – We must even try not to offend unbelievers (especially with Christian hypocrisy).

2 Corinthians 6:3-11 – Go out of your way not to offend. Open your heart to human beings and see things God’s way (Proverbs

Exceptions to offense in our lives:

Romans 9:30-33 – Jesus is a stumbling block.
Matthew 21:43-44 – If you’re offended by Jesus you’ll never have a part in God’s kingdom (you produce no fruit).
1 Corinthians 1:23 – The cross is offensive (Galatians 5:11).

End with time of confessing offenses in groups, praying for each other, and worship.
1 John 2:10-11 – confess all instances where you’ve looked down on anyone and let God teach you to love.
Ezekiel 18:30-32 – I beg you to get rid of your offenses.

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