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Peace District H/Quarters

11, Ejoyokah street, off Jakpa Road, Effurun


TEXT: JOHN 8:31-36; 1 JOHN 3:4-9; 5:17
INTRODUCTION. We cannot talk about freedom from sin without knowing what sin is,
the origin, and consequences on man’s destiny.
DEFINITION AND MEANING OF SIN. Two Greek words in the New Testament most
closely define sin
1. HAMARTEMA – “To miss a mark” i.e. an attitude of men which does not hit the
bull’s eye of God’s glory target. (Rom. 3:23).
2. PARABASIS – “To overstep forbidden line” i.e. when man deliberately or
accidentally steps over the line of the law of God. (1 John 3:4; Acts 1:25; Jam. 1:11).
3. Sin is lack of conformity to the moral law of God, either on act, disposition, or state.
(A. H. Strong).
4. Sin is a transgression of, or want to conformity to the divine law.
5. Sin may be defined as anything in the creature which does not express, or which is
contrary to the holy character of the creature.
6. Sin is restless unwillingness on the part of the creature to abide in the sphere and
limitation in which the Creator, guided by infinite wisdom, had placed him.
 Sin is an act: the breaking of a law or commandment is sin.
 Sin is a state: the fallen state of a man without righteousness
 Sin is a nature: the nature of fallen man at enmity God.
 Sin is Satan Indiscipline Nature.
 Sin means Simple Instruction Neglected.
 Sin is a virus that kill and destroy the soul of man (Rom, 3:23)
 Sin is going against the law of God in thought, speech or action.
 Sin is anything that defiles (Matt. 15:19-20).
 It is a rebellion against the instruction of the Holy Spirit.


1. Sin stops stars (SSS)
 Adam the first man and his wife were no doubt stars.
 They are the first in God’s creation of all humans, but they lost it; sin stopped
 Saul the first king of Israel, elected and ordained by God died in shame and
God rejected him because of sin. Sin stops stars.
2. Sin is a destroyer (Num. 25:)
 In the books of Numbers chapter 22-24; God protected the people of Israel from
their enemies and did not allow Balaam to curse them for king Balak.
 Not one of them was hurt
 When they sinned against God, 24,000 people were destroyed in one day.
 They were promised the land of canaan, but sin stopped them.
 They were slaughter in the wilderness by their sins.
3. Sin, when not confessed and repented of wrecked destiny (1 Sam. 2:27-30)
 God changed and cancelled the promise He made to Elim and his family
because of their sins.
 They all perished in one day with their glorious destinies.
4. Sin makes man a prey to his enemy (Judges 16:1-20)
 Samson was no doubt a star.
 He ruled his people as a judge even as a young man.
 He would have been appropriately tagged “Superman”.
 He was extra-ordinarily strong and stronger than any man that ever existed on
earth – in terms of natural strength.
 But sin scrapped his glory off his head (his hair).
 Sin dragged into his enemy cottage as a slave, to grind pepper, and then sin
gouged out his eyes, hence no more vision.
5. Sin is a murderer (Rom. 6:23)
 Sin has killed many before their time. i.e. King Saul, Samson, Ananias and his
6. Sin is a reproach (Prov. 14:34)
 Anyone who refuses to drop the load of sin ends up sinking in the swamps of
CONCLUSION; The Lord Jesus Christ paid the penalties for our sins. Therefore no one should
pay the penalties for his or her sin. Jesus paid it by His sacrificial redemptive death. (Heb. 9:22).

Christ in you the hope of glory (Col 1:27b)



TEXT: JOHN 8:31-36; 1 JOHN 3:4-9; 5:17


A. The origin of sin in the Universe.

 Sin originated in the Angelic world.
 God created a host of Angels, and they were all goods as they came forth from the
hand of their maker, (Gen. 1:31). But a fall occurred in the angelic world, in which
legions of angels fell away from God.
 Lucifer degenerated into the devil and become, therefore the source and strength of
 These five scriptural passages explained this. (Ezekiel 28:11-19; Isa. 14:12-15; Luke.
10:18; 1John 3:8; 12:3-4.
B. The origin of sin in the Human race
 While an angel introduces sin into the universe, it was a man who invited it into the
world. Gen. 2:16-17; 3:6; Rom. 5:12; 1 Cor. 15:22.
 Man listened to the slander against God.
 Doubted God’s love and His word.
 Looked at what God has forbidden.
 Lusted for what God had prohibited.
 Dialogue with the devil.
 Absolute disobedience to God’s commands.


1. Loss of communication with God – Gen. 3:23-24; John. 3:3; Eph. 4:18; 1 Cor. 2:14.
 Man lost the image of God in the sense of original righteousness.
 He broke away from the real source of life and blessedness.
2. Death (Rom. 6:23)
 Physical death – separation of the soul from the body (Gen. 2:7; 3:19; Num. 27:3;
Rom. 5:12; 14-17; 1 Pet. 4:6).
 Spiritual death – broken relationship between man and God (Eph. 4:18; Rom. 8:6;
Jam. 1:15; Gen. 2:17; John 5:25; 8:51; Luke. 15:32).
 Second death – the final separation from the presence of God (Isa. 33:14; Mk. 9:44;
Rev. 4:10; 20:10, 15; 21:18).
3. Condemnation (John. 3:18)
4. Guilt – conscience stricken (Gen. 26:10).
5. Perdition – destruction and damnation (1 Tim. 6:9).
6. Punishment (Matt. 25:46)
7. Eternal fire (Jude 7)
8. Hell (Matt. 25:41)
9. Lake of fire (Rev. 20:14)


The Lord Jesus Christ paid the penalties for our sins. Therefore no one should pay the penalties for
his or her sin. Jesus paid it by His sacrificial redemptive death. (Heb. 9:22).


TEXT:Luke 19:10 “For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost”.
INTRODUCTION: Acts 4:12 says, “Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under
heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”
WHAT IS SALVATION? Salvation is defined as “SAVE.”
a. “SAVE” translated as “HEAL” (Mark 6:56, 10:52, Acts 14:9).
b. “SAVE” as rescue from physical danger (Daniel 6:27). He delivered Daniel from the power of the
lions. (Matt. 8:23ff) The wind and the wave obeyed Jesus.
c. “SAVE” as rescue from personal enemies.Psl 59:2 says, “Deliver me from the workers of iniquity
and save from blood thirsty men.” (Example: Paul and Silas in the prison).
d. “SAVE” as deliverance from political oppression, Exd 14:13, 30- Salvation from Egypt. Judg 8:22,
3:13, 31- Salvation from enemies invading Canaan.
e. “SAVE” as deliverance from sin. Matt 1:21 says, “And she will bring forth a son, you shall call His
name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.”
WHAT IS SIN?SIN can be defined from the letter word; S – Satan.I –In. N – Nature. That means carrying
the nature of Satan. Also sin can be defined as;
1. Wickedness (Gen 6:5)
2. Evil (Gen 8:21)
3. Rebellion (Exo 34:7)
4. Harm (1 Sam 24:11)
5. Unrighteousness (1 Jn 1:9)
6. Disobeying God ( Gen 3:1-7)
7. Corruption ( 2 Pet 2:19)
a. Negative reaction
b. Breaks God’s heart (Gen 6:6)
c. He is angry over sin (Psl 78:19-21, John 3:36, Rom 1:18)
d. He hates sin (Psl 5:5)
e. He punishes sin (Gen 3:15-19, Isa 3:11, Amos 3:2)
 2 Chron 7:14- If my people.
 In Matt 11:28ff, Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who labour and heavy laden and I will give you
 Matt 16:19- Jesus says, “And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven.”
 Mark 16:17ff- Jesus said, “And these signs will follow those who believe.”
CONCLUSION; your salvation is the primary purpose of you been a Christian, you have no business in His
kingdom if you have no assurance that you are saved.

Christ in me the hope of glory {col 1:27b}

TEXT: I Chronicles 14:10 “And David inquired of God, saying shall I go up against the Philistines? Will
you deliver them into my hand? The Lord said to him, go up, for I will deliver them into your hand”

INTRODUCTION; One common trait and an undeniable fact about the fathers of faith that helped
them fulfilled their purposes in life or do ministry with ease was God’s guidance upon their lives.
God’s guidance had been their saving grace during trials, and temptation. In I Samuel 30:1-8, we
read that David and his men got to the camp and found out that enemies had raided them.
Confused, they wept uncontrollably. Those who were supposed to encourage David began to
weep and even attempted to stone him but he encouraged himself in the Lord by asking for His
direction. “So David inquired of the Lord, saying, shall I pursue this troop? Shall I overtake them?”
And He answered him “Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all” (I
Sam. 30:8). God guidance is the secret to every great exploits. It becomes difficult for you to
make mistake if God is guiding you.


From today’s reading we know that the only way to victory in life is God directive and guidance.
David was made king twice firstly in Hebron and secondly over all Israel. He was the only king in
Israel that got triple anointing (I Sam. 16:13; II Sam. 2:4; II Sam. 5:3), he was also an experienced
warrior. Yet he asked for God’s guidance on every crucial issue of his life. We can never fail when
God lead and we follow.
Many missed it in life because they did not consult God before choosing their life partner, career,
location and so on. One man of God said “God is not committed to what He has commanded”.
Prophet Jeremiah said O Lord, I know the way of man is not in himself; it is not in man who walks
to direct his own steps (Jer. 10:23). King Solomon admonished us in Proverbs 3:5-7 not to lean on
our own understanding, not to be wise in our own eyes.
The Bible says commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established – Prov. 16:3
and you will receive God’s guidance for your life.
If you take decision without God’s directive or guidance in your life, you will have to repair alot of
things because the Bible says a man does not understand his own way (Prov. 20:24).
Note; What you get from reading will only keeps you informed, but what you get from above
will keep you on winning side.
There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death (Prov. 16:25).
Therefore, commit your work, thought, career, family, ministry and everything you will do in life
into God’s hand, pay full attention to Him, engage in prayer of enquiry.

CONCLUSION:-PRAYER (1) O Lord, govern my life with your guidance.

(2) Do not let me leave God out of my life.

Christ in me the hope of glory {col 1:27b}

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