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I am Righteous

What is man?
Genesis 1:26-28 – Ruler over all of God’s creation (Psalm 8:4-6).

What has Satan done to man?

Genesis 3:16-19 – Given pain, ruined marriage, added toil to life, introduced death
(Romans 5:12).
Romans 8:20-22 – frustrated creation, brought a bondage of decay.

What has Jesus done for man?

2 Corinthians 5:16-21 – New creation, reconciled us to God, sins don’t count, became
the righteousness of God (we switched places – Jesus became sin and we became
righteous. Now if Jesus took our place then we took His – think about that).
Romans 3:19-24, 27 – Made us conscious of sin, given us righteousness (we did no work
for it), justified us freely, Jesus eliminated boasting.
John 14:19-20 – The all-powerful God of the universe lives inside you now.

How did this happen?

Romans 4:4-5 – We get all these great things from God simply because we believe in
Ephesians 1:13-14 – God marked you with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit – He
guarantees your right standing before God. You only believed; God did the rest.
Titus 3:4-5 – Our own attempts at righteousness before God has nothing to do with our

What does this mean?

John 14:12 – Because of our faith we can do greater things than Jesus did while He
walked the earth.
2 Corinthians 4:13 – Believe it and speak it forth.

(Show example of a man living out his righteous rights)

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