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Jonathan McHugh

Independent Study Plan

1. Describe the problem / question you are trying to address in your
artwork(s). How do you want people to react to the work?
I want to transform a space with art. I want this space to be outside, and I want to
make people see things in nature in a different way than usual.
2. What are the goals / learning targets of your project? Identify for each of
the following areas:
a. What methods will you use to come up with ideas and prepare for
your final work? Create a timeline of your process throughout this
Using a variety of research sources and art materials, I will create a wide
range of ideas and sketches that lead to the resolution of a final, welldeveloped concept, and create a timeline to plan how my work will progress.
b. What elements and principles of art do you want to focus on the
Using found objects and environmental materials, I will create an
environmental artwork that successfully employs space and form to
communicate artistic intent.
c. What media / techniques do you want to use and learn more about?
Which ones will work best for your intended goals?
Using found objects and environmental materials, I will create an
environmental artwork that demonstrates mastery of all materials used to
achieve my artistic intent by transforming the space in an engaging, artistic
d. What do you want to learn / incorporate from art history and
culture? List specific artists that you will use for inspiration.

Using a variety of research sources, I will document inspirational works and

information about Andy Goldsworthy, Christo / Jeanne-Claude, Richard Serra,
Zander Olsen, and Andrew Rogers, and use that information as inspiration for
new ideas in my own work.
e. How will you reflect on your process and product?
Using my in-process artwork and final product, I will document all stages of
my works development with photographs, clearly written descriptions of my
decisions, and written reflection about what is going well and what could be

3. What materials will you be using? List all materials needed and how you
will obtain them.
I will be using found materials and bring my own supplies. For example, I will be
using dirt to cover the courtyard floor and I may incorporate rocks and plants.
4. What strategies will you use to record your results? How will you know if
you have achieved your goals by the end of the semester?
I will create a questionnaire that viewers can fill out while they are experiencing
my artwork, and I will have a friend do some interviews with viewers about their
experience. Also, I will take pictures of each different stage of my artworks
development, including the changes that I make during each day of the two week
viewing period.
5. Will you present this work to the public? If so, explain how and where you
will do this.
I will hand out flyers and publically announce the showing of my artwork to other
students in the lunchroom. I will be showing the work for two weeks and changing
something about it every day during that period.

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