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A. Which of the following is true or fals?

1. Two teams is needed when we play dibeke./1/

2. Numbers for the players in each team to wear. /1/

3. The main aim of the game is to attacking teams to score many point as possible. /1/

4. In order to play this game you need to develop: speed, accuracy and coordination. /1/

5. This game needs facilitator to control the play. /1/


B. Fill in the missing word

1. Dibeke is also known as___________. /1/

2. Indigenous: produce by or naturally belonging to, a particular region or______________. /


3. They play dibeke by kicking the ball past the half way line _________by the other team.

4. Two score keepers who count all the runs of each___________ or team. /1/

5. Traditional or________________ games get passed on from one generation to the next. /1/


C. Paragraph question

Write a 5 lines paragraph description of indigenous game in South Africa? /5/

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