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1.Is it not weird that once a mere plant grew into a tree?

so i guess there is nothing to be

amazed at which is to be.

2.Have you ever taught how fogged your taught are?

3.People would kill to attain success but what do they actually attain?

4.I have doubt unsolved and unsolvable but solved as they are.

5.For some hatred empowers, while some it discovers.

6.Find on self in every inch of oneself

7.Fear is found in depth of might for its mere survival

8.One sees no light in oneself but the others they do in him

9.All he’s got is a pot of full of vain which he sells for a hand full of grain

10.He who hath got none in vain has got none in gain.

11.While nature hasa secret to share with peace the beauty of which we stay and stare.

All of these written by


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