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Joey Bartlett

Treatment 115
WW2 is nearly over. The chaos is not.

115 is set in the WW2 period where the war has taken an apocalyptic turn into a
world of undead beings. The chemical Ununpentium, known as chemical 115, has
been battled for in secret behind the chaos of the war. However, upon excavating in
search of the veins and experimenting the chemical on soldiers, a zombie outbreak
has begun. Two British soldiers fight their way through the chaos, finding radio
transmissions from multiple men and trying to uncover what has happened. 115 is a
single-play drama as it is a one off filling in a backstory behind the Nazi zombies
storyline of the game Call of Duty. It is a single play drama because it features
multiple scenes in just one large act as there are only two characters. The genre of
the radio drama is horror. This is because it contains elements of threat and
frightening moments. It is set in a zombie apocalypse.
I feel that my radio drama is unique in that there arent really any others like it. This
is because the idea is drawn from a video game. However there any many radio
dramas that it can relate to such as Undead End and Aftermath as they are based in
a post-apocalyptic world featuring zombies. The conventions of an apocalyptic radio
drama can vary just because there are so many situations you can choose from
(aliens, zombies, meteorites, supernatural, natural disasters).
Creating my own radio drama in a world of undead soldiers seemed appealing
because the possibilities are limitless unlike creating a film. Leaving the audience to
their own imagination can be a lot more exciting and darker in this case because you
do not have to focus on what they see on the screen such as visual effects and
blood, you get to toy with their imagination by being creative with diegetic and nondiegetic sounds. The soundscape I will create will mimic that of a battlefield that has
gone into silence as well as incorporating zombie sounds, weaponry, windy ambience
and musical tension.
The narrative structure of 115 is linear as it follows the two characters William and
Michael through their wasteland adventure. It features radio broadcasts received from
another group stuck in the same mess they are. The location of where the drama
takes place is on a battlefield in Japan.

Joey Bartlett

My radio drama is aimed at a teenage/adult audience that enjoy horrors, zombies

and video games. The radio drama will also appeal to a huge audience across the
world for people that have played and are interested in the Nazi Zombie storyline in
Call of Duty.
115 will air on 2nd November at 8.45am in the Rotherfield Studio at The Henley
College, featuring Hamish Campbell and Joseph Bartlett.

Name: William Townsend

Height: 6ft2
Age: 26
Foot Size: 11
Nationality: British
Voice Actor: Joe Bartlett

Name: Michael Goldsmith

Height: 5ft10
Age: 24
Foot Size: 9
Nationality: British
Voice Actor: Hamish Campbell

For the cost of my radio drama I will have to work out the price of how much it will
cost to hire out a recording studio for an hour to record, because I am using a
professional recording studio I will not need to hire any equipment. I will also need to
find out the price of hiring voice actors for my drama. I also need to find out the
prices to use certain sound effects for my radio drama.
Studio hire: 100 an hour
Equipment hire: 60 an hour
Actors: 200 for the whole production (Two actors 400)
Software (SFX): 80
Total cost: 640
115 is targeted at an age 15+ as the elements and imagery of the drama are dark
and violent. It is aimed at both male and female listeners. People that have played
the Call of Duty Nazi Zombies storyline will also be interested as it gives a new look
on the franchise therefore it will attract large attention from the gaming community

Joey Bartlett

The drama will be aired on Radio 1 after 8pm. Students and adults will be in from
work and therefore I this is a suitable time for it to be aired.
The appeal for 115 will come from people that enjoy radio dramas such as Undead
End and Aftermath, gamers that have played Left For Dead, Dead Rising and Call of
Duty, and people that watch TV shows such as The Walking Dead.

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