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How does my magazine represent particular

social groups?
I have used a picture of a student around the campus of the
college. This is showing the sort of age range I am aiming for.
He looks very relaxed, which is going to appeal to a lot of
students because then they can feel like they are in a relaxed
environment. I feel as I am I student myself that this makes
students of my age range feel better about learning and
education. I have tried to make my magazine appeal to college
students by putting on my cover things that I know the majority
of students enjoy doing and taking part in.

What aspects of my work am I pleased with and

I am particularly pleased with my front cover because I feel as
if it have a lot of things on it that a professional magazine
would have. I am also very pleased with all the images I have
included in my magazine. I have tried to aim it at the college
age group in general. Ive tried to appeal to my audience as
much as possible although a lot more research needs to be

What aspects of my work do I think could be

improved and why?
I need to add a date and issue number to the front of my
magazine. A bit more research work needs to be done. I do
need to focus a bit more on the pictures and contents of the
magazine a bit more. In future I will look to do more research
and investigate more into what people really want to see and
read. I need to follow the codes and conducts a bit more in the

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