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By Fatou

The background colour links to the story line

because in insidious there was a man who
had those exact colours printed on his face.
Also the colour red represent war, aggression
and violence, war links to this movie because
there is almost a war between the spirts
(ghosts) and the humans. Also violence links
to this because people in the film are
attacked by the spirits.

Insidious means doing something in a

subtle way but it has a harmful effect
on the person you are doing it to. This
links to the film because in the film the
only time the boy is attacked by spirits
is when he is asleep. Sleep is subtle,
however not in this case.

The shock in there faces shows that

something has gone wrong. The
women almost looks like she confused
or thinking because her hand is under
her chin and people usually do that
when they are thinking also the mans
mouth is wide open, this shows how
shocked he is towards the situation
(His son being in some kid of comer).

This image has low key lighting this

creates a darker atmosphere. The
darkness could represent death an in
the image the boy look as if he's in the
position of the disseised.

This image is very intense because it

almost looks like a crime scene,
because of the bloody hand print on
the blanket. They use natural lighting
this gives the impression of realism.

The close up to the women eye links to

the film because in the movie she can
see things that others cant. Also the
close up shows the fear in her eyes.

Its a dark room there is no key

lighting. There are only two lights. You
can see the mans shadow hitting his
face its a medium close up. The
darkness around him and the
expression on his face shows he has
seen something horrifying

The low key lighting at the back

represent the darkness and evilness of
the demon at the back also the man at
the front is in natural lighting giving of
an impression of realism.

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