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Name: Andra Ojeda.

Date: 19/12/12

In the last centuries the people had the opportunity to hear about secret
organizations that made conspiracies to obtain the things they wanted. One of
these organizations is the Illuminati, that has existed since ancient times. Adam
Weishaupt was the founder of the Illuminati in 1776, whose objectives were
created during the same time by himself and was supported by international
Illuminatis principal objective, the New World Order , consists in a new
government that no have countries, having only one nation and abolishing the six
main world religions : Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, and
Confucianism. This caused the opportunity to create a new religion that would be
beneficial for them.
In order to accomplish its purposes they must find prepared people who have
political power, monetary richness, bankers and philosophers like Carl Marx, who
was Illuminati.
In addition, they needed a plan so that their introduction to the New World Order
not caring about problems with world governments, would be ensured.
Reaching this point, Friedrich Hegel, an important philosopher who created the
Hegelian Dialectic took significant part. This Dialectic was based on the
conditional case of existing any argument. If that were so, that argument must had
a contrast, so that after those two arguments get to be binded, a new argument
was generated. It meant to be: thesis + antithesis = synthesis.
The Illuminati included Carl Marx with the objective of creating the contrast of
capitalism to achieve their desired New World Order. This contrast was later
referred as Communism.
The most important and influential people stay in this organization. Apart from rich
people and philosophers, the illuminati have people that work with the religion for
example some from the Vatican. If someone wants to introduce a new government
which would hold the whole world, that person has to think the easier way to do it.
This only way is the religion, starting from the main one, the Christianity.
Some studies refer that Illuminatis members were people who marked with
historical facts like Franklin D. Roosevelt, Adolf Hitler, Mozart, Goethe, Carl Marx,
Abraham Lincoln , etc.

As the conclusion, we need to be skeptical with these themes, without forgetting

that our world is in danger and faces many political, social and economic problems
depending on each different country. If we dont care about this, the certain
moment when the Illuminati may have the opportunity to introduce the New World
Order, will come, If this happens, all of our traditions, customes, cultures and
beliefs will be denied so that there one be any other option than accepting this New
World Order and any other decision they would take.

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