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Maheen Hashmi 12U

Media Studies

Production brief

Project Name: Our project name is Gone as the genre is horror. we

have chosen to call our project name Gone as we thought this would not
give away too much of our storey line.
Length: For this task we have film and edit a 2 minutes sequence.
Genre: Horror
Deadline: The deadline to complete this task which involves filming,
sound, editing and paper work should be complete by February.
Group Members
Edition: All group members will take charge of sound
Maheen Hashmi: Editor, As I have taken media studies before and have
done editing before I have a better understanding of how to edit and
shorten a footage in the time that we are suppose to have our film in.
Editing such as voice over, adding music and cutting a few shots out are
the basic editing that I will have to do for this film.
Alisha khan: Camera, we chose Alisha to be the camera women as she
is able to understand the different aspects of the camera for example, the
different shots and angles that she has to shoot within a second.
Nayani Vijayaratnam: Director, we have chosen Nayani to be able to be
the editor as she has have previous experience and she is able to take
responsibility of the group of when we need actors and need to find a
location to film.
Overview of content: For our opening sequence we are going to have a
young girl that is in her teens around 16 or 17 travelling home from a late
night party that is located at her friends house. When she leaves the
party there would be many show that she is leaving from there as well as
her clothing will symbols her coming out from party. As she is leaving we
will use a non diegetic sound to symbols she is feeling as if someone is
following her home.

Target audience
Our target audience are 15-40 year olds as our film is horror. We have
chosen this age group as the movie is horror and if I had chosen a

Maheen Hashmi 12U

Media Studies

younger age group then it would not have been a suitable target
audience. This also covers a wide range of opinions and views.
Comparable products: The film that we found that had a similar story
line was Gone Baby Gone directed by Ben Addleck and made in 2007.
The reason why we thought is was

similar to our idea as a male character called Patrick Kenzie and his parter
Angie Gnnaro had witnessed an televised plea by a women that was
named Helene that was from a return of her missing daughter that had
been kidnapped with her favourite doll 'Mirabella.
Message to audience: The message that we want to send to the
audience by our film is mostly aimed at young teens as they go out late
night with thee friends so they should be careful with their surroundings
and to stay out of danger.
Representation of our characters:

Young Female Character: Attractive, Young, scared and weak

Young Male Character: Strong, aggressive and over powering

The way we have wished to represent our characters is usually how the
media will convey young people due to specific situations that we come
across with.

How we know our production will be successful:

The way we will know if our production will be successful after its all
complete is by doing questionnaire that involves around our film and by
looking at the audience feedback we will know whether or not this will be
successful. After we have complete our sequence we will refer back to the
results that we have and see is we have net the success criteria of the
audience response.
To be able to meet the success criteria and able to send our message out
to the audience within the 2 minutes sequence that we have produce is by
having characters that are able to act and express into the character role
that we have given them. Choose the correct sound that will go with every
shot that we film to help the audience connect with the film. we have
decided to use less dialogue and more acting from the characters we have

Maheen Hashmi 12U

Media Studies

to make sure the way we use different shots, angles, lighting, sound etc
will also have to be good. To enable us to do this we will have to practice
how to use this correctly.
Conventions are usually written with different age groups in mind for the
film to be successful. There are also other ways that we could keep the
audience engaged is by the idea we use, genre, what age group we aim
this film at, how we convey the message to the audience, editing, lighting,
location etc.

Message we want to send to the audience:

The message that we want to send to the audience is to alert of your
surroundings, do not trust anyone and stay safe where every you are in
any time of day.
To make our film the equipment that we will need to film with are;
Software for editing

The costume that we have decided that we are going to use that we think
is suitable or our film are;
Female character: Dress and heels
Male Character: Jeans, top and trainers

As we do not have enough time to shoot again due to weather, time

changing and booking equipment we are only going to get a chance to
film each shot once or maybe more if we are going to shoot that same
shot again on the same day. To support us we have our teacher and the
media department that help us with the equipment but we have to book
the equipment on time as some group will have to share a camera and

Maheen Hashmi 12U

Media Studies

tripod. By the end of this we hope to have a success 2 minutes sequence

that we will also convey our message through.

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