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Technology club goals:


In an environment of inquiry, discovery and critical thinking, foster a deeper understanding of technology as
a learning tool by exposing students to a wide variety of software and technology applications.
Promote technology integration at Ridge Road Middle School by shaping student technology leaders within
the classroom.
Provide authentic opportunities to apply new skills through school-based projects.

In order to achieve these goals, permission is required to participate in various activities, photos, and any activities
related to the tech club. Please complete the form below so that your child can fully participate in the Ridge Road
Technology Club.

I give my student, _______________________________________(Print),

permission to participate in the Ridge Road Technology Club.
This permission includes:

The use of a student email to send and receive information between Tech Club members and advisors.
The email address and password my student will use is their CMS Google Account
Email:, Password: yymodd

The ability to post work online.

The use of email or backchanneling tools (such as for communication.
Meeting every other Thursday at 8:15 AM in the media center for meetings and other times after school with
advance notice.
Permission to be recorded or photographed while participating in R2TC related events.


Parent Name (Print):______________________________________________________

Parent Signature_________________________________________________________

Parent Email:___________________________________________________________

Parent Cell Phone:_________________________________________________________

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to email:
Melanie Baker, Tech Club Advisor
Maribeth Brown, Tech Club Advisor

R2TC Teacher Recommendation

******Students are required to receive a teacher recommendation prior to joining R2TC.
Please rate this student on the following criteria with:
1. Student is responsible
1 2 3 4 5
2. Student is respectful

3 4 5

3 . Student is dependable:
1 2 3 4 5
4 . Student is capable of working independently and in a group setting:
1 2 3 4 5
5 . Has this student received any disciplinary action from you this year?

6. If so, please explain why.

Please return this recommendation to Ms. Baker. Thank you!

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to email:
Melanie Baker, Tech Club Advisor

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