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Disclaimer: Neither the author, nor the publisher of Guy Gets Girl-2, are in any way
responsible for any use, misuse or abuse of information contained within this book. Only YOU can take
the necessary responsibility for your own actions! How you chose to use the powerful information
which you read within these pages, is purely a matter between you, the law, your conscience, and any
Higher Power that you feel accountable to. Be smart; always use good judgement, a sense of fair
play, and a latex condom. Be sure to keep in mind at all times, what you KNOW is truly right and
wrong, and ensure that any activity that you experience with another person is legal, consensual,
protected and mutually satisfying!
This book is sold for purely informational purposes only. It is acknowledged and granted that
all techniques and strategies discussed within these pages will work to varying degrees of success for
different individuals, based upon variable circumstance. These are inherent focus and skill, as well as
willingness to truly study, listen and follow implicit directions.
Therefore, there can be no absolute guarantees as to the effectiveness that any one particular
individual will have using this program, as there is no way to verify or ascertain that the information
was fully read, or its instructions truly followed to the fullest degree, in the proper specified order and
completely in the manner precisely ascribed to.
In other words, youll have a much better chance of winning on a regular basis, if you get your
fundamentals down pat and always Play The Game RIGHT!

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Why Version 2?
Is This An Act Of
Female Treason?
Step #1, Rule #1
Setting Our Sites
What Women Want
Playing The Numbers
Where To Meet The Girls
Of Your Dreams
Rock Of Ages
What Is Your Body Saying
Too Much Or Too Little?
Conspicuous Cat Women &
Co-operatively Conquered Cucks
Cool Is The Rule
Faking It Till Youre Making It!
Mental Land Mines
Search And Destroy
The Other Path Go For It!




Nothing Ventured
Nothing Gained!
Pre-Season Games
See It And Be It!
Who Are You?
The Most Common Male Roles
Played Out To Get Chicks
The Cost
Talking em Up
Pre-Planned Pick-Up Lines
A Definite Bad Idea!
Playing It Cool!
KISS: Keep It Simple, Sexy!
The Nature Of The Beast
In Conclusion




Guy Gets Girl

(Version 2)
A Guys Guide To:
Meeting & Greeting, Dating & Mating
The Various Women That You Desire!

Everything You Always Needed To Know
About Dating and Getting Laid
By The Hottest & Most Attractive Babes,
But Didnt Know Who To Ask!
By Woody O. Wilcox

(Learn Love Now!)
Why Version 2?

Guys, its so very important that you dont forget the importance
of a really great date. Women know what you want, and they are a lot
more likely to give it to you if you take the time and energy to give them
what they truly want, which is a GREAT DATE!




A few of years ago while we were brainstorming over a beverage

of choice, we suddenly realized that while we had already done a most
competent, dare I say masterful, job of helping our customers, friends and
associates come to a much more powerful and deeper understanding of
exactly how to get dates with totally hot, attractive women (for many
men, this is polite speak for: Getting Laid), what was missing from our
assorted arsenal of artistic ass-acquisition assistance articles, was a
fully fledged book written from the perspective of a woman herself. A
woman who was willing to let men in on the dirty little secrets of what
made chicks tick!

And so we decided to dedicate ourselves to humbly persevere and

risk the dangerous journey, to Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone
Before, directly into the mind of the female. To find out exactly what the
babes are thinking, doing, and planning, while we guys are trying to pick
up on them and score.

To effectively accomplish this goal, we had to interview literally

hundreds of women, to find one who could help us to bridge the gap
between what we understand in our own male minds, and what is actually
going on in the mysterious recesses of the female psyche. So that we
could take that vital information and apply it in such a way as to be able
to compete in the battle between the sexes, on a more level and fair
playing field.

Now we agree, this was an idea worth all the elaborate treasures of
Solomon, a veritable work of genius. But the problem was more complex
than we had anticipated. Firstly we needed to find a woman who was
willing to cop to the truth, say it as it really was, reveal what lies behind



the satin curtain and sell her fellow members of the eternal sisterhood
down the river. THEN be able to take that vital information, and express
it in an understandable and usable way for the average guy who reads the

Well, after months of interviews we found the woman that best

suited our needs and who seemed completely willing to sell out the
secrets and game plans of the women we want,. The war campaigns in
the battle between the sexes that had, over the years, given the female
half of our species what many have come to call the Vaginal-Vantage
over us dudes, the hung and horny humpers of homosapien humanity.

Well, the book was written and released, and was a smash success.
We received letter after letter thanking us for the insights, tips, tutorials
and suggestions of how to get a girls attention, right on through to how to
get her to have sex with you on your terms. And we were brimming with
smiles of happiness, knowing that we had lent a hand to our fellow man.

Thing is, there were some guys out there that felt that while the
female author who wrote the book seemed to give it her very best to share
what goes on behind the scenes (in the head of hot chicks) what could
possibly be even more helpful to mens chances of sexual conquest
around the globe was a second edition to this wonderful book.

An edition that would address:

(A)The thoughts and secrets of several women, of varying and different

life styles and circumstances, rather than merely the ideas of a single,
solitary female. And...



(B) Have the book written by a guy who truly relates to and understands
exactly what these women are saying, but that can then turn around and
write it all out in terms and words that we guys can more easily
understand and fully grasp.

Hey, great idea, guys! When youre right, youre right.

So we needed to brainstorm again, over some additional beverages

of choice, to come up with the perfect plan and find the man who could
make the whole thing work out, and thats when we decided to go with
yours truly, your old pal Woody.

Why Me? Because I know, associate with, work side by side and
write for and about many of the Movers and Shakers in the business of
erotica. And several of those Players happen to be gorgeous, luscious
babes, that have thoughts to share and stories to tell, and I have been
close and personal with many of these ladies for so long, developing
trusted and powerful relationships, of not only business, but friendship.

This allows me the benefit from already having these vixens

comfortable enough to let their hair down and tell it like it really is.
Because we already have a mutually respected comfort zone, and they
know I would never do anything to betray that trust and respect. And
because of that respect, they can open on up and get down to the nittygritty, without worry or concern that I will write something to hurt their
careers or make them look bad publicly. They all know that I dont kiss
and tell, and can keep their identity secret, so they can spill their guts
without concern of judgement or retaliation.



So here we are, thrilled to present what was in the years of making,

the deeper and even more effective version of Guy Gets Girl. This
version 2 takes you even further inside the thoughts of a tremendous
collection of beautiful, intelligent and sexually active women. Women
who are willing to explain what it is that they want, think, desire and are
willing to do if the right guy does and says the right things to open their
legs and allow us entry into the world of sexual paradise. All this told to
and written by a guy who understands your thoughts and thinks and talks
like you!

Is This An Act Of Female Treason?:

Some women who were approached and asked to take a part in this
history-making event did in fact feel as if to participate in creation of this
book was performing an act of treason against the sisterhood of women.
They felt that women have had to fight for something not even close to
equal treatment in society. At least compared to the natural and social
advantages normally experienced by men in this culture, and they werent
about to participate in selling out the female gender, giving away the
secrets that help them maintain a decided advantage over the men in the
Battle Between The sexes!

Well, while I definitely dont agree with their assessment of the

situation, I definitely respect their opinion and would never want to try to
change their minds for a moment. Although I have a feeling some of them
will change their own minds based on the material that they read in this




book. And that the classy determination to stay true to the sense of awe,
respect, and admiration for women, that over-shadowed and drove the
spirit of the entire process, would be obvious and honest.

Most importantly, the vast majority of the women who were

requested to be involved in this project were not only co-operative, but
absolutely thrilled to have this opportunity to set the record straight. And
to get some things off of their chests by finally having a direct conduit
straight into the minds of intelligent men. Guys who are willing to listen
to what they actually have to say, about what they need in return, in a
mutually satisfying relationship, so that they can now happily give to the
men what they are looking for.

Wow, is that worth its weight in GOLD or what? Women who

want to actually take the time to clearly spell out, in no uncertain terms,
precisely what it is that they are looking to get out of social interactions
with us dudes. So that they feel comfortable and confident giving the man
what he is looking for in the relationship, and often, unbeknownst to us,
its the exact same thing that we guys are looking for!

At this point are you wondering WHY?

Let them tell you in their own words:

When I sense that a man is truly aware of how to treat me as a

women, I begin to bubble up with an uncontrollable inner urge to begin
treating him as the man that he wants to be treated as.
Cynthia S.


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Hey, if by helping to write a book that teaches guys, step by step,

how to treat me in such a way, that I end up getting more of what I
want from a date, then count me in! If by doing so, guys end up getting
more of what they want from me, then so be it!
Wendy W.

I know what most men want, its not hard to figure out, you
know? But here the 411 on all that, theyre only going to get it, once
they have given me what I need and want as a woman. Fair Play is fair
Tanya B.

The date is like the audition for the play. Those guys who are
smart enough to know how to pass the audition, get to be in the play as
legitimate players!
Brenda T.

Most guys just dont seem to get it, and so it ends up they just
dont Get It, if you know what I mean. Those who open up to
understanding, caring about and giving us girls what we want, will find
us girls Opening Up and giving them what they want!
Terri D.


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A lot of men seem to expect us ladies to just jump right into a

romantic situation with them, with no working our way to the moment
of truth! That may work with some girls, but most of us use the Date
as an opportunity to warm ourselves up and get ready for whatever may
end up coming next.
Charlotte H.

The value of going on a terrific date is definitely missed by most

of the men I have known. The Great Date is exactly the necessary
lubricant for the female psyche, to prepare us to warm up, and loosen
up for the right guy who knows how to treat us right! Treat ME right,
and I will bend over backwards to treat YOU right!
Sarah R.

Makes sense to me! Only a moron wouldnt want to drink in the

nectar of nookie knowledge presented by a large group of women who
wanted to spell it all out in simple, easy to understand language. To tell
him what it takes to get their attention, get the date and eventually see to
it that Guy Gets Girl. To be used as soon as it is understood to score the
dates and mates we are most attracted to.

Lets dive in, then, shall we?


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It all starts with the very first moment of eye contact, and moves on
from there, either well or poorly, depending on how efficiently the
man manages his sales pitch!
What is he selling? HIMSELF!

Here are the facts. Most women are highly social creatures, they
absolutely love and practically live for the opportunity of regular
interaction with others, and are generally thrilled by the idea of being
found attractive and alluring to the opposite sex.

Then why has dating been such a complicated, confusing and

maddening experience for most men? And why are we guys always left
with the strange, gnawing sense that it is a huge, tremendously ominous,
Herculean effort to get a date with the hot and sexy women that we are
so very much attracted to?

One of the great disadvantages that men have always experienced

over the many centuries when it comes to dealing with the opposite sex,
is an obvious lack of planning and preparation. While women have
always been notorious for putting in a lot of thought, effort and energy
into getting ready to go out. Much like the great warriors who prepare for
battle, its the women who are known for meticulously putting on their
game face and getting ready for battle in the war between the genders.

The female has carefully gone over the strategy of the game, and
the various plays to be run, time and time again inside their head, getting


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totally set and ready to achieve what they have seen themselves achieve
successfully, over and over again in their subconscious mind. The woman
is always ready to perform at optimum efficiency, at the drop of the hat.
She always has a back-up scenario clearly in mind, ready to transfer her
energies to the moment she senses that its time to activate one of several
pre-planned contingency plans, should the initial intended campaign run
into some unforeseen problem.

Meanwhile, in most instances, guys just show up.

No plan, no strategy, no forethought, NO CHANCE!

If he does occasionally land a date or an intimate moment with the

babe of his choice, it is purely because the woman whom he believes he
has enticed and perhaps even seduced, decidedly set the ball in play and
saw it to her intended conclusion.

Guys, most women want to spend some fun, exciting and quality
time with a guy or guys. But there is this little thing called the War of
The Sexes. And even though we think we have the advantage with
strength, endurance, and testosterone driven perseverance, the truth is
dudes, when it comes to dating on OUR terms, most of us have been
getting our asses kicked and handed back to us in a paper bag.

Why is that so?

Most women do in fact want to date and also most of them

honestly, truly love sex. Many women, a lot more than you have ever
been led to suspect, are not only more than willing to have erotic

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encounters with the right guy. And even experience what so many of us
dream of every night when we go to bed, good, old Casual Sex, on a
purely, no-strings-attached, non-committal basis.

But we guys need to fully understand that the way that out
cultures social conventions and moral stipulations work in our lives, our
jobs, our reputations, that in this society, women have to be very, very
careful and precise in how they go about doing so.

Men who understand the unique challenges that women in

particular face in order to get involved in the sexual revolution are going
to be appreciated, valued and get tons of fun and entertaining dates as
well as laid on an ever steady and regular basis. This ability to
accommodate the special needs and concerns of the modern female, so
that she can comfortably participate in the act of dating, in a way that
they feel comfortable and secure. This comfort and security, this sense of
well being and understanding, this knowing that you care, will naturally
lead help you down the path to some potentially very wild, erotic, sexual
adventures. Because you show an educated and cultured grasp of the
importance of protecting her reputation. Women are expected to maintain
a sense of dignity and virtue. They also tend to expect you to make the
necessary efforts and participate in the goal of her achieving safety and
security, while avoiding danger, loss, judgement and illness. This is your
Free Pass to enter relationships, and eventually get between the legs of
some of the most attractive and desirable Babes on Planet Earth. But you
need to know what you are doing and what she is thinking.

Cyndi Lauper told us years ago that Girls just want to have fun,
and that is still true today. But women tend to be a lot more calculated

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and plan things out in their minds to a much greater degree than us guys.
So what we often seem to view as chicks just playing mind-games, is in
reality simply the more elaborate and involved process that females go
through in order to prepare themselves for the ability to let their hair and
panties down and have the kind of FUN we were discussing.

Originally, the plan was to develop a list of 100 questions
submitted by friends, clients, colleagues, customers, and associates. Each
to be to asked of and answered by a pool of 100 participating women who
would be able to, under anonymity, tell it like it is without concern for
what others may think of their answers or thoughts.

Why 100 questions and 100 women?. Simple, its a nice round
number that lends itself easily to deciphering percentages and statistics.
Its also a large enough segment of the female population to assure that
we got every single possible answer for our readers. It just seemed right
and made sense, so we went for it.

This, however, quickly proved to be a daunting and unmanageable

task, as:

(A) We first discovered that actually it was pretty damn tough to

come up with even 50, completely separate and distinct, uniquely original
questions. Questions that didnt blur the boundaries of the subject matter,
fading to one degree or another, into other fairly similar questions or
cross over entirely into other answers, once the true responses were


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revealed and read, studied and analyzed for consideration of being

published in this treatise.

In other words, what we discovered was that in typical male

fashion, we had over-thought the process by at least 50%. We guys had
over-estimated the complexity of the situation, the magical mystery of the
female mind, and as usual, true to form, were making the whole process
way too complicated.

(B) I could only find 87 women, whom I could completely trust

and rely upon to:


Know the subject inside and out, with the expertise and
ability to discuss it with the needed clarity and insight,
both authoritatively and honestly, thereby lending
answers of true and usable value to my readers.


Not be concerned or worried that participating in this

process would in any way place them at a disadvantage
when working with me on other professional projects in
the future.


Tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.


Set their egos aside well enough and long enough to

actually get down to the heart of the matter.


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Feel unencumbered to be completely open and vulnerable

to me, not only a man, but, in this case a man who has
had previous, passing passionate pleasures and erotic
encounters with many of the women involved.

So the original plan was cut back in scale by 50%, and I was much
happier and far more confident of the success of the project. I was glad to
be able to choose the most positively effective and informationappropriate 50 ladies, of that illustrious group to participate, and focus the
questions down to a mere, easily answerable 50.

This simplifying of the process turned out to be exactly what was

needed in order to best assure that we got a large, and varied pool of data
that was manageable and readable by our loyal audience of members.

So the very first important lesson about dealing with women came
to us before the very first interview was done and previous to the very
first survey being completed. We guys tend to over-think and overcomplicate the process of The Dating and Mating Game. And that little
fact, in itself, is what leads to us often starting off at a distinct
disadvantage when it comes to effectively getting the girl!

Therefore, be forewarned, this is not rocket science, and while we

most certainly are taking apart pieces of information about the female
mind, and its workings, this is NOT brain surgery. Relax, lighten up, have
confidence, because it turns out getting the women that we truly desire is
a much easier process than we ever rationally could have dreamed. Just as
long as we follow the very simple, and basic principles about to be
revealed in this most unusual and amazing of books.

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Are you ready? Then here we go!

Step #1, Rule #1!

The most important thing that you can do for yourself is to finally
take the time to learn exactly how to talk the talk, and walk the walk
that will put you in position to do what we guys are always looking to
accomplish, which is cock the. Well, .. you know what Im
talking about here, right?

So Step One is to decide exactly what it is that you are looking

for. There are many different types of women out there, as well as many
different purposes for spending time with them, so it is of the very utmost
purpose to specifically hone in on precisely what you are looking for,
with as much focus as possible.

For example, are you looking for a potential mate, steady

girlfriend, bed-buddy or a one-night stand? That is, are you looking for an
actual relationship or just a fun, one night fling? Do you want someone to
take home to meet Mom and Dad, or just a sexy F-Buddy to go to
concerts, dinner, hiking and movies and occasionally have sex with once
in awhile. Perhaps something somewhere in-between, a woman is more
of a part-time girlfriend, where there is a bit of consistency and regularity
to the relationship, but with little or no strings attached.

This is why its so important that you know exactly what you are
looking for. Because if you do, it is so much easier to actually target in on


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the objective and achieve it with a lot less effort, time, energy and
confusion. And to avoid any unnecessary stress and anxiety you might
create by perhaps sending out the wrong signals to the wrong women, and
begin to develop the rep for being a pretty much a thoughtless cad,.
Which is actually a whole other tactic that certain types of guys learn to
use quite effectively, but thats a different topic, that we will be
discussed in the more advanced sections of the book.

The point is, just like when you are planning any trip, you simply
must have the final destination set, or you never know if you are making
progress in achieving your goal. How can you know if you are actually
getting any closer, when you basically have no idea at all where you are

So, the goal can be more than one type of girl, and you are always
free to change your stated objective at any time that you choose to do so,
but be sure to understand rule number 1. The odds of you getting what
you really want are inextricably connected to the degree to which you
honestly, truly, precisely know what you want. Indecision and lack of
focus increases the chances of you wasting a lot of time, getting shot
down because you are barking up the wrong tree, focussing on the wrong
prey and using the wrong bait and tools or weaponry to achieve the
outcome that you desire. So take a moment to get a good picture in your
head what it is that you want. That will put you miles ahead of the
competition out there.

But thats only the first half of figuring out what exactly who you
should be spending your time targeting. Once you decide exactly what
sort of relationship or circumstances that you want to develop with your

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lady friend, you next need to be sure to set your sites on the type of
female of your desire.

Setting Our Sites:

What type of woman are you truly looking for, attracted to, want to
experiment with, grabs your fancy, turns you on and gets you hot, huh?
Are you looking for a younger, less experienced woman, or for a mature,
experienced MILF? Do you like your chicks a little on the nasty and
slutty side, or do you prefer the Good Girl image? Are you drawn to
high-crest sophisticates, dirty trailer-trash, professional working-women
or college-aged girls gone wild?

Once again, the closer you can come to drawing a well defined
map inside your own head, the less time you will waste talking it up with
the wrong babes, in the wrong places for the wrong reasons. Lengthening
the process of actually getting what you look for will be a natural
consequence of your lack of preparation.

Now if you really dont have any preferences, then thats just fine,
in some ways that lack of preference may help you get at least
something just about anywhere. But if, in the back of your mind, you
would love to have a fling with a raven-haired Goth chick, who is very
busty, mysteriously wild and a bit on the young side, then make that your
goal. Youll then be able to go to the places where such a woman is likely
to frequent. Get the concept?


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If you want a sweet, innocent, blonde, who dresses like a

conservative church girl, then your trip to the latest tattoo parlor or B & D
Dungeon may prove to be a huge waste of time. See where Im going
with this train of thought?

If you want to find a beautiful, gorgeous MILF, she isnt going to

be hanging out in the same place where you will find Suzie College
Cheerleader or a high-rolling, big spending female, corporate C.E.O.
who is looking for a little male distraction after a busy day at the office.
Different types of women hang-out in different places and do different
things with different friends, and once you know who it is that you are
looking to hook up with, then you can figure out where you need to go to
find her in her natural environment.

Once again, it is very important that you realize that I am talking

about narrowing in the scope of your focused search. But not as a
punishment, or obstacle to limit your options and diminish your chances.
Rather as a helpful tool, used by you to your own definite advantage, in
order to more effectively ensure that you go right out and get exactly
what it is that you truly want, right away. Instead of wasting hours,
perhaps even days fishing in the wrong place with the wrong bait!

What Women Want!:

Ok., so we have covered the importance of always knowing what it
is that you are looking for, so you can more effectively know if you are
getting hotter or colder in achieving your stated, predetermined goal,
which is the woman of your dreams.


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Now its time to become aware of and get a good grasp on the facts
of just what exactly it is that women want. As with us guys, the gals have
a whole plethora of wants, needs and desires. Luckily for us, we were
able to ask a large group of women. They stemmed from a wide selection
and segment of life-styles, from professionals to porn stars, from doctors
and lawyers to dancers and bartenders, from filthy rich to barely getting
by, and from 18 years of age, up to a few in their 40s.

So there is a whole plethora of information available, which will

help us to get to know what it is that the women are looking for in male
companionship. Here are the results from the extensive and in-depth
interviews that were taken. We basically asked these women what it was
that they were looking for when they were out on the town, or in social
circumstances that would allow them to achieve what would mean to
them, personally, a fully satisfactory circumstance of male

Here are how the numbers actually came out, as these wonderful,
sexy women were cool enough to openly and freely tell us what exactly
was on their minds, and what they are looking for in a guy. Theses
women held no punches and told it like it is, in their own words, just what
it was they are looking for when it comes to hooking up with a dude.

Now I must warn you that unless you program your thoughts to
grasp and accept the full spectrum of possibility regarding the needs,
wants and desires of the female population, you may find the results
initially just a little bit surprisingly disappointing. Especially considering
the basic nature of what we are trying to achieve here. But have no fear, I

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promise you, when the data and all its ramifications are explained, it will
actually prove to be very good news, and a clear, pin-point precise,
positive picture of what can be achieved out there, and that makes this
information preciously valuable to us all.

Besides, keep in mind the fact that you clearly got this book in the
first place to tell it to you exactly how it is. Not to feed you a huge line of
BS or lie to you, just giving you all the answers that we think you want to
hear. Hell no, thats definitely not how we work around here and I dont
think you want to be lied to. I think you are reading this book because
you really want to know whats truly going on out there in the minds of
these ladies. And this knowledge naturally increases your opportunities to
date and score with the females of your choice, because you now will
finally know exactly what it is that they are thinking. Thats a huge
advantage in YOUR favor.

Ok., that being said, here are our most interesting results:

Percentage Of Women Looking For A:

One Night Stand: 12%

Occasional Bed-Buddy: 14%

Short Fling: 7%

Repetitive Boy Toy: 9%


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Part-time Boyfriend: 14%

Boyfriend: 17%

Serious Committed Boyfriend: 13%

Long-term Mate / Husband: 14%

Playing The Numbers:

Now, I admit, I also was a bit surprised by these answers. From my
personal observations, as well as experience, conversations and
relationships, with many of these very same beautiful women, as well as
several others, I now admit openly to you all that I had underestimated
the width and breadth of the spectrum of various womanly wants.
Truthfully, I thought and predicted, based on what I had observed, that
there would be higher numbers in the extreme ends of the spectrum (One
Night Stand and Long-term Mate / Husband) and lover numbers in the
center. As most women, at least during what I thought were deep, open,
and honest conversations, expressed generally a desire to have a one night
stand, or just casual sex, or they were looking for The One. The guy
who could potentially be the long-term significant other and perhaps even
eventual husband.

But now you see the importance of asking a lot more in-depth and
distinctly pointed questions, because it turns out there are a fair amount of
women looking for anything from a regular Boy Toy, to a part time


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Boyfriend, and everything in between and outside of those ranges. In

other words, the options are really wide open, and thats actually Great
News because not all guys are looking for the same limited choices
either. So it truly is refreshing to know that the female half of our species
as actually just as diverse in the wants and desires and open to several
options when it comes to relationships with us guys.

And for those of us honest enough to admit that we were truly

hoping that there were more definitely horny chicks looking for
indiscriminate, casual, no strings attached sex, have no fears. Because
when you really go through the categories commented upon, and divide
then up between the two dichotomous choices of Good Girl and Bad
Girls, prude, prim and proper, compared to slutty, sexy little nymphs, the
numbers come out just fine for us Players and Dawgs!

Observe how the numbers actually work when it comes down to

the chance of actually meeting and making it with one of these adorable
and attractive ladies.

Now it is probably true that your chances of making it with the

ladies who rank themselves in the following categories is somewhat less
than promising, especially the further the woman is dedicated to seeking
out exclusively a full time, long-term, committed relationship. So the
following categories are probably a big waste of your time if you are
looking for nothing more than casual sex or a party chick to hang out and
hook-up with once in a while. But if you are a guy looking to date a
substantive woman with the thought of something special perhaps


- 26 -


developing out of these experiences, then these are the women who you
definitely should be setting your sites on.

Those Women who answered they are Looking For A:

Boyfriend: 17%

Serious Committed Boyfriend: 13%

Long-term Mate / Husband: 14%

Ok., add that all up and you have 44%. Now that is very helpful
information, as you begin to realize that 44% of the women out there are
inclined to remain something more along the lines of a Good Girl
seeking the company of a Good Guy.

However, it is never set in stone that a woman hoping to find an

eventual mate wont still party hardy until she has found that special,
perfect guy. The kind of guy who might be the one. And of course you
need to always consider the Woman Scorned by her current guy, the 7
Year Itch, the Cats Away, Mouse Will Play,. As well as the
absolutely amazing reality that we will discuss later in this book
regarding some womens insatiable inability to ignore the Alpha Male
charms of the classic Bad Boy!

That being said, we must now consider the following fact. When
you add up all of the categories that are a lot less long-term, serious

- 27 -


relationship oriented, you discover that actually 56% of the women out
there are at least open to the idea of playing the role. Thus, getting off
on being the Bad Girl, at least on some occasions.

These women, especially the ones at the very top of the list, are
definitely worthy of your calculated and educated advances of casual
dating and possible promiscuous sex. They have stated that, at this point
in their life, they really arent looking for anything long term or serious.
So yes, if you are looking to get laid by a babe who is hot and ready to
comply, these are the women who are at least open to the chance of some
one night romance. That is, as long as you do an adequate job of selling
yourself to the lady and sealing the deal, then if not downright
desperately looking for it as their predominant main goal and number one

On the other hand, you might be the type of guy who has already
sowed his wild oats in life. Or maybe the promiscuous life just isnt your
particular cup of tea. Then the women that might not be the best use of
your time pursuing are those who placed themselves in the following
categories. Especially the top 4:

One Night Stand: 12%

Occasional Bed-Buddy: 14%

Short Fling: 7%


- 28 -


Repetitive Boy Toy: 9%

Part-time Boyfriend: 14%

Where To Meet The Girls of Your Dreams:

OK, so we have determined that step #1 is to decide exactly what
sort of girl you are looking for, so that you dont waste a lot of your
precious time and energy making attempts to pick up on the wrong
women in the wrong places.

Then come to the important understanding that when you do the

math, just slightly less than half of the women out there are looking for
something more steady, long-term, and committed. While about 15% are
somewhere in the middle, undecided, or not committed one way or the
other to being the traditional Good Girl or the sexually liberated Bad
Girl. Then just less than half again are pretty much open to going with
the flow, as long as the guy in question can catch their interest and sell
himself as being a guy worth opening up to and eventually for.

So with that knowledge of the numbers, you have to ask yourself

where are the best odds of meeting the woman of my dreams? Whether
she is the potential life partner and mother of my children, or a hot trollop
that is willing to get down and dirty at the drop of a hat. Either way, you
need to know where to go to find her and what to do to hook-up with her,
once she is found.


- 29 -


Heres where these beautiful women said they can be found, based
on their particular interest in the type of relationship she is looking for:

One Night Stand: Club, Dance Hall, Bar, Party, Rave, Concert,
Amusement Park, Beach, Personal Ads, Sex Shops, Fair, Park.

Occasional Bed-Buddy: Party, Concert, Movie, Bar, Club, Out-door

Activities, Social Circle Of Friends, Art Gallery, Museum, Head Shop,
Book Store, Health-Food Store.

Short Fling: Office, Friends Friend, Friends Work, Grocery Store,

Bank, Cleaners, Neighbor, PTA Meetings, School Functions, and
Youth Sporting Events.

Repetitive Boy Toy: Rave, Club, Bar, Shopping Mall, Clothing

Stores, Gym, Music Stores, Personal Ads, Grocery Store, Beach, Dance

Part-time Boyfriend: College Class or Community Education Facility,

Book Store, Art Exhibit, Circle Of Friends, Political Event, Speech, and
Chamber Of Commerce.

Boyfriend: Running Errands, Restaurant, Party, Bar-B-Q, Beach, Art

Gallery, Outdoor Activity, Business Associate.

Serious Committed Boyfriend: Church, Business Convention, Political

Meeting, Social get-together, Civic Event.


- 30 -


Long-term Mate / Husband: Wedding, Social, Bar-B-Q, Church,

Friend of the Family Member, Dating Service.

So what can we learn from the top answers of where to meet the
women of our dreams? The special list provided to us by the lovely ladies
who opened up and shared their thoughts based on the category that they
chose to place themselves in, based on their personal choice of what they
are looking for in a guy.

Well, I think in this case part of what we verified here is a lot more
of what most of us guys already instinctively assumed would probably be
the case. So rather than shock us with a lot of surprise information, this
data just helps us to clear the run-way and have confidence. That is,
confidence that our instincts are pretty finely attuned, regarding where to
find our hick of choice. Just as the interview responses served to solidify
and verify what I think most of us took for granted, but hang on there
bro, because in this data is some information that just may blow your

Yes, predictably, the interviewed women who are more apt to be

spending their time looking to live life on the Sexy, Hot Chick side of
the street, tend to frequent the more wild, out of control, high energy,
sensually accommodating environs of the Rave, Club, Dance and Party
world. Where the more serious, long-term commitment ladies seem to
move in more family friendly, church and corporate circles.


- 31 -


But the next part is what might freak you out a little bit. Its
when you look at the responses of the women based upon the age of the
respondent. This is really very interesting; check it out.

Rock Of Ages:
Heres where I think things get pretty interesting, if not downright surprising. When you look at the ages of the women in each
category, it actually pretty much balances right out to be totally spread
evenly and equally across the board. With the exception of the Boy Toy
category, that swings decidedly to the more mature women in the survey.
Whether the women questioned are in the 18-24, 25-30, 31-35, or 36 to
40+ age group category.

So check this out, and then fathom just what it means to your
ability to get the women you are looking for, in the specific age range that
you desire, whether that be from college schoolgirl to MILF!

Percentage Of Age Groups In Each Category:

One Night Stand: 18-24 =31% / 25-30 = 27% / 31-35 = 23% / 36 to

40+ = 19%

Occasional Bed-Buddy: 18-24 =26% / 25-30 = 27% / 31-35 = 26% / 36

to 40+ = 21%

Short Fling: 18-24 =17% / 25-30 = 26% / 31-35 = 29% / 36 to 40+ =



- 32 -


Repetitive Boy Toy: 18-24 =13% / 25-30 = 16% / 31-35 = 34% / 36 to

40+ = 37%

Part-time Boyfriend: 18-24 =22% / 25-30 = 25% / 31-35 = 26% / 36 to

40+ = 27%

Boyfriend: 18-24 =28% / 25-30 = 27% / 31-35 = 24% / 36 to 40+ =


Serious Committed Boyfriend: 18-24 =22% / 25-30 = 26% / 31-35 =

29% / 36 to 40+ = 23%

Long-term Mate / Husband: 18-24 =23% / 25-30 = 27% / 31-35 = 27%

/ 36 to 40+ = 23%

So what have we learned here? Actually quite a lot! Whether you

find yourself attracted to or wanting to spend a little quality time with a
particular age group of women, the truth is, the standards and desires of
what women generally are looking for in a dating and mating situation
with a guy, are amazingly far more evenly distributed throughout the
entire age range of the lady participants. I think that is a very, very, very
encouraging sign to us guys!

Only in the category or looking for a Repetitive Boy Toy do we

find any noticeable variation in age groups, and when you think about it,
that really makes a lot of logical sense, when considering this particular
category any way. Face it, this category constitutes the female equivalent
of a Sugar Daddy, and face it, reality clearly dictates that it is most

- 33 -


likely only going to be the more mature, financially set women who are
going to be in the position to treat a guy as her personal play-thing.

Often these are either highly successful, financially well off

professional women, who have arrived, made their mark, and take their
career very seriously. These ladies dont have time for in-depth emotional
and mental game play. They just need to have a ready and waiting stud
carefully stashed away in their stable, to take out for a wild ride two or
three times a week, and then get back to business.

Or, on the other hand, these women tend to be lucratively well off
divorcees and widows. Who have no further interest in entering into the
state of nuptials again, but would like some regular guy action just to
scratch that special itch, when it needs to be scratched, and then get the
heck out of the way the rest of the time.

So naturally that category is going to automatically skew a bit high,

and be a more dedicated focus for those women in the upper age brackets.

But other than that, hey, congratulations, seems that the skys the
limit, as there are plenty of available women, of all ages, desires,
intentions and sought after lifestyles, spanning the entire gamut of dating
and mating scenarios. Seems that the conventional wisdom that most
women in the so-called know, perpetrate upon our consciousness about
such matters, falls pretty darned far from actual reality in this particular
subject, and I say, thank God!

So whether you are looking for a sultry seductress, the now

legendary hot to trot, world famous MILF, or something somewhere in

- 34 -


the middle, or even further out on the edges of female reality, there is a
plethora of women of every type imaginable. And they want to now tell
you exactly what to do to pick up on them, take them out for a great date,
and see where things lead afterward.

Are you game? Then lets go!

What Is Your Body Saying

Too Much Or Too Little?:
One of the things that all the women interviewed seemed to
immediately agree upon 100% is that what happens in the very first few
seconds of making eye contact has 10 times more to do with either
sealing the deal or going down in flames. More so than anything else you
can possibly think of doing over the next several hours.

Did you get that? Let me repeat it, because this is very, very, very
important to grasp. What happens in the very first few seconds of
making eye contact, has 10 times more to do with either sealing the deal
or going down in flames, than anything else you can possibly think of
doing over the next several hours!

Wow, that is absolutely brutal, and seems horrifically unfair. But if

its the truth that these women all agree on as reality, then rather than sit
around and make smug concepts on how unfair or illogical chicks can be,


- 35 -


why dont we rather simply agree to deal with the facts as the facts? Then
we can move on and use them to our advantage.

The one thing that I found most interesting in dealing with the
topic of womens view of body language, particularly in the first few
seconds of making eye contact, was that nearly all the women that I
surveyed and interviewed, laughed knowingly at the following old
wives tale saying. That females decide within the first 5 seconds of
meeting you, whether they are going to sleep with you, ever, and they
mostly agree that this old saying is pretty much right on the money! Here
are the numbers to back it up:

Usually decides whether they are interested in a guy, within:

The First 3-5 Seconds: 27%

The First Minute: 29%

The First 5 Minutes: 23%

The First 15 Minutes: 8%

The First Hour: 7%

The First Meeting: 4%

No Specific Time To Decide: 2%


- 36 -


So what do we learn from this information, and more importantly,

how can we apply it to our efforts to meet and greet, date and mate the
lovely ladies that we all encounter day in and day out on this grand
adventure that we call life on Planet Earth?

Basically the main things we learn here are: (A) Time is of the
Essence and (B) There simply is no second chance to make a great first

Now is that fair? No! Is that logical? No! Is that the way it should
be in a perfect world? No! Dont you wish it were different? Absolutely
Yes, I do, but theres no point in crying over spilt milk. This is the way it
is and if we guys are going to be successful and hooking-up with the
babes in this world, then we simply have to deal with reality as it is dealt
to us, and move forward from there!

This is just the way it is, and there is no point complaining or

getting upset about it. That wont accomplish a damned thing, other than
making us less attractive to the girls whom we are so intently trying to
connect with. So we merely have to learn to deal with it and begin to
learn how to effectively absorb this truth into our way of getting to know
the women that we want to date and eventually mate.

But, the actual mathematical plurality of the women questioned

admitted that in more cases than not, we actually have an entire minute.
Thats right, a full 60 seconds, to make our apparently first and final
impression, at least we have been reprieved from the horror of knowing


- 37 -


that we have to do something that gets us noticed in a positive way in the

first 3 seconds. So thats good news.

Secondly, while more than a quarter of the women out there give
you only a 3-5 second chance, and another even larger segment of the
female population, nearly another third, give you just one minute to make
an impression. You cant help but notice that even in the case of those
ladies who are a lot less likely to quickly decide Thumbs Up or
Thumbs Down, on you, that once you get to the dreaded, dangerous
and decidedly deadly 5 Minute Mark, your chances of making a love
connection or even getting a simple date are less than 21%. And those
odds are simply not good!

So what do we do? How do we go about making that positive first

impression that is going to get us in the front door to at least have a
chance with the lovely lady of our choice?

Well, thanks to this book, and the wonderful women who agreed to
participate in its creation, the answer is easy as pie! Why? Because we
now know exactly what the women are looking for, when they are
looking our way to decide Yes or No regarding any possible future
with us, and that gives us a very distinct advantage in a game that we
used to have no choice but to play blind.

Heres what the ladies revealed to us.

What do you look for in a gu, when you are deciding whether you
should give him a chance with you or not?


- 38 -


Confidence: 61%

Looks: 7%

Signs of Success and Wealth: 9%

Nice Body: 4%

Nice Face: 6%

Nice Smile: 13%

Hello!!!!! Anybody Home? If this isnt the greatest possible news

for every guy out there in the entire world, with the exception of the
hunky, muscle building, pretty boy model, then I just cant imagine what
possibly could be. Women want a guy who strikes them as confident,
followed next by a guy with a nice smile.

Ok., so what does that mean for us? Well, first of all, it means we
are in the clear to go for it, even if we arent rich, successful, in perfect
shape or the most handsome guy around. Thats good news, because if
you look around, most of us dudes simply arent any of those things.

But wait you say, Woody, you seem to forget that most of us arent
really all that confident either, especially around women, so really, were
still pretty much sunk here, right?


- 39 -


WRONG! Because when it comes to looks, a great physiques, a

handsome face, you simply cant fake that, you either have it, or you
dont. Theres no debate, no way to play the game as if you have the
assets that are being discussed. Faking wealth and success is a possibility,
but its a very hard act to pull off. And it takes tons of effort and trusting
for several possible potential points to all go your way, in a consecutive
order, with mathematical probabilities so immense, that it makes
astrophysicists want to drop to their knees and cry!

But a nice smile is the easiest thing on earth to manufacture, if you

dont already have it. And the golden goose and key to all your dreams,
confidence, is not a hard thing to develop with time. And until you do get
you confidence act together, you can simply do what all of us dudes did
while we were getting our sea-legs on the good ship Lady Love, which
is simply Fake it till you Make it!

So what exactly is confidence in the mind of a woman? And how
do we exhibit to the fairer sex, that we do in fact exude it, even in times
when we, perhaps, might fall just a little bit short in actually achieving a
great deal of success in that particular category?

Again, no problem, as you just happen to have a book that tells you
precisely what women are looking for signs of when it comes to
confidence. Which is 61% of what it takes to say Open Sesame and
gain entrance into the mysterious treasure trove of co-operative and
mutually satisfying, female companionship and then some!


- 40 -


Heres what the ladies tell us they are looking for.

What is the first or most important thing that you look for, when
determining whether or not a man truly has the level of confidence you
find attractive?

Acts In Control Or Bossy: 1%

Seems Comfortable In His Surroundings: 53%

Able To Competently Engage In Meaningful Conversation: 44%

Displays Material Symbols of His Success: 2%

Dominates The Environment Or Conversation: 0%

Hey, looky there! The good news is that if you can come across as
confidently comfortable in your surroundings and able to engage in
meaningful conversation with the ladies, then it looks like we have it
made, right? Yeah, thats right! (Well check in with the ladies to get a
clear explanation of what type of conversation is deemed by them to be

And, as well, it now appears that all those aggressive A-hole

Alpha Males, who honestly thought they were impressing the chicks by
acting like rough and tough, In You Face cavemen, where way off the
mark, huh?

- 41 -


Hmmm, .., well, not exactly, and heres what I learned from
these women about that part in particular. You see, women want, dare I
say, NEED to be treated in such a manner that clearly lets them truly
feel like a feminine women. In order for the biological female hormones
to effectively kick in and make her want to start treating some guy, like a
masculine man. So there definitely is some need for some powerful
machismo to be present, to activate the chemical equation that makes her
want to want you, and want you to want her.

Sadly, in this sometimes seriously overly civilized society, where

in some cases, men have been watered down, refined, psychologically
neutered, in the work-place and in social environments, women seem to
miss getting that strong, intoxicating testosterone heavy shot of real in
your face, confident manhood in action. Sexual connection is a
Chemical Equation, and chicks just arent getting a full inoculation of
what they need from these weak, willy-nilly, soft Nice Guys, with their
overly sensitive, caring and submissive attitude toward women.

This inevitably leads many women to make up for that glaring

emptiness within our current cultural cacophony, by dangling their
femininity in the faces of, or allowing themselves to be seduced by the
aggressive and often social misanthropic Bad Boys. Who at least spark
a flame in the female psyche as being their only possible exposure to that
real masculine, macho manliness that satiates their natural, instinctive
subconscious desire. And to scratch that itch that just wont go away,
even after thousands of years of cultural attempts to tame the savage beast
within the bosom of our feminine counterparts.


- 42 -


Now, of course, socialization has its effect on us all to some

degree. There is a part of the female mind that clearly informs and warns
her that this Hard Hearted, Rebel Without A Clue will eventually use
and abuse, hurt and desert her. But biology is biology, and when the Bad
Boy steps onto the stage, surrounded by a bunch of half hearted, semipotent, limp-dicked, mumbly-men, well, this aggressively dangerous
and powerful punk just seems to light her up and gets those womanly
juices flowing. She simply cant help herself, as its nature making its call
to the wild, and she will respond in kind, .. WILDLY!

Ok., so we are agreed that it is a given biological and psychological

fact that is simply undeniable and not even worthy of debate. Chicks are
just naturally, automatically attracted to guys that are confident and
comfortable with themselves. Especially when they happen to be around
a woman or group of women with whom they are seeking some form of
romantic or physical interaction.

So to precisely what degree is this particular quality of confidence

and self-assuredness important to women and why? Well, actually,
theyre a couple of very good questions. Lets turn it over to the ladies
and see what they say about it.

How important is it to you, that a man who is interested in

making a Connection with you, comes across as being fully
confident, cool and comfortable within the given situation?

Absolutely Vital: 63%


- 43 -


Very Important: 28%

Important: 7%

Relatively Important: 2%

No Big Deal: 0%

WOW, over 90% say it is either Absolutely Vital or Very

Important that a guy strikes the woman as being one who has his act
together socially, and is self-assured, and very comfortable around
women and in social environments. Also note that not a single woman
interviewed said that it was No Big Deal to them, which assures us
without a shadow of a doubt that this is definitely an enormously Big

Now, in all complete fairness, I must tell you that during ensuing
conversations about this particular question, though not during the direct
answering of the survey questions themselves, it was revealed that a few
of the ladies polled in this survey did openly admit that on special
occasions, they do like to occasionally enjoy the act of playing with a
weak, submissive or wimpy man. Either for the purpose of simply
abusing and humiliating him to no end, just to see how far a weak man
will allow the humiliation to go, and see precisely what they can get away
with, and also in cases where the given woman has inclinations to play
domination games as a sexual outlet, whether all-out S and M games, or
tamer and less dramatic forms of simply playing controlling the role of a


- 44 -


So in reality, there actually are times in a womans life where she

is not looking for a secure and confident guy. But is that what you want to
limit your life to being, merely a pathetic, pin-cushion to be intentionally
abused and humiliated by a woman for her own personal, selfish, twisted
sense of power, control and internal aggressive nastiness and potential

I suppose there are some guys out there that get off on being the
submissive to some strong, dominating woman. This might appease a
sense of psychological emptiness or reconnect you to a powerfully
emotional or physically intense moment or period in your past, whatever,
there is no judgement here. If this is how you personally get off,
more,.. or should I say. Less power to you my friend!

Conspicuous Cat Women &

Cooperatively Conquered Cucks:
When asked how they felt about men who were either very
compliant, overtly willing to please, or downright submissive to a ladys
wishes, wants and desires, heres what our group of lovelies had to say:

When it comes to dealing with a man who prefers to take a more

acquiescent or submissive role when relating to the wants and wishes of
his female counter-part, I tend to:

Find that attractive, fun, pleasing or exciting: 3%


- 45 -


Think hes a wimp, which is a total turn off to me: 38%

Be open minded, and am willing to respect that choice: 8%

Usually avoid that scenario, but will occasionally go that route

for fun: 14%

Will take advantage of the pussy, just to watch him wiggle and
bleed: 37%

Doesnt sound like a situation that will float most of our boats. But
for those of you out there who get off on this sort of thing, it appears that
there clearly is a group of women who are more than readily willing to
allow you that sense of humiliation that you seek. So while you may not
be treated with much dignity and open minded tolerance, you certainly
wont be lonely.

Now of course, there are always clearly those guys out there who
are simply into experimentation. While they have no real nagging and
powerfully compelling drive to be dominated, they may just want to
check it all out, as an experiential feather in their cap. In those cases of
Try It You Like It sexual experimentation, fine, whatever floats
your boat, Ive got no problem with you either my friend!

But for the rest of us, I imagine the vast majority of us, this is not
what we were looking for in our relationships with women, and probably
more along the lines of something we would actually prefer to avoid, at
all costs, if possible, right fellas?

- 46 -


Truth is, in the socially conditioned society in which we now

currently reside, there is certainly no shortage of dominantly aggressive
women, asserting their demands. Making it clear as day that they want
what they want, and acting as if they are the reigning Queen. Like theyre
always in control and getting things as they proclaim they must be, or
they will not give you the time of day. So do most of us really need any
more of this crap dropped on our head in a more condensed and intensely
potent fashion? I think not!

In fact, theres an ever increasing, quickly growing niche targeted

market, now opening up in a big, big way here in the adult entertainment
world. Especially designed for those slightly off the common beaten path.
Sort of, out there in left field antics of submission, sadomasochism and
cuckoldry. But most of us definitely just arent there, so with that said
and done, we bid those of you wanting to take that particular PandorasBoxed path of planned and pre-meditated patheticism, a fond farewell at
this point. And we move onward to our already agreed upon goal of Guy
Gets Girl.

Cool Is The Rule!:

OK, so we now know, without question, that most women
excepting those man-eating cat women who are merely looking for a
feeble mouse to sadistically toy with for their own fiendish desires, want
a man that is cool, calm, collected and in control.


- 47 -


Cool, that seems to be absolutely undeniable, but its only normal

human curiosity, I suppose, to want to know exactly why its such a
tremendously big deal to the fairer sex, right?

So I asked our group of hot, sexy ladies, exactly what it was about
confidence, and why it was such a big deal to them, and these were the 5
most commonly mentioned reasons from the survey participants.

What is the primary reason that you are more attracted / strongly
prefer men who exhibit confidence and strength in social environments,
as well as one-on-one interactive contact with you?

Strong, Confident Men: are simply hot and sexy, plain and

Strong, Confident Men: make me feel like a Real Woman, they

awaken and stimulate my sexual libido.

Strong, Confident Men: allow me to feel safe and protected, and

this security gives me freedom open up and feel free to be fully female
and to be myself.

Strong, Confident Men: are excellent providers and know exactly

how to get what they want in life, and I want to be a part of that.

Strong, Confident Men: make me wet!


- 48 -


Hey, thats all I need to know. Im sold. So then we have been

apprised of what the problem is, now we need to know as soon as
humanly possible, what the solution is!

So what do we do to solve this dilemma? Luckily, thats easy. We

simply begin to give them that confident and self-assured strength that
they so desperately look for and need in order to feel like we are in fact
real men, and thereby allow them to feel like real women, and Bingo,
the problem is instantly solved!

Alright, then how do we go about giving them the strong, selfassured manly man these women are desiring to connect with. Often the
first step is something more along the lines of playing a role or acting out
a part in a movie or television show. You simple watch how the AlphaMales out there in society behave, and you cleverly learn to mimic those
behaviours that succeed in getting the guy what he is looking to achieve
(dating and mating) and avoid all the activities, comments and behaviours
that fail to Get the Girl!

For years, the simple practice of studying and copying the exact
moves and plays of the champions has been called by those in the know,
Faking It Until Youre Making It,. It is definitely a very smart and easy
way to move yourself up the ranks from novice / beginner to the
successful heights and rewards of the experienced / winner!


- 49 -


Faking It Till Youre Making It!:

We have all heard about the Olympic athletes, who practice,
practice, practice, as well as go over their routine, again and again and
again, ad infinitum, in their heads, in order to make their intended goal a
legitimate reality. We know it works. Its been proven time and time
again by studies and research organizations, from both the academic as
well as corporate worlds. As well as in both psychology and philosophy,
the amazing and near wondrous effect of faking it till youre making it
has proven itself to be the most efficient method of improving ones
performance in any intended effort or venture on planet Earth.

Consistent and repetitive positive visual imaging, in meditation,

prayer, and physical practice is the answer to be a superstar in whatever
forum you want to make a huge and successful splash.

Basketball players spend literally hours a day shooting free-throw

shots, all alone in a gymnasium, so that when the place is packed with a
large crowd of fans, and there are nine other players, as well as referees
on the court, they will shine like stars!

Musicians spend years going over and over their scales and
practising their chords, so that when there is a live audience and perhaps
even television cameras rolling, they will appear as virtuosos.

Actors sit alone for hours a day, and rehearse their lines with as
much dramatic intensity, as if they were up on a glimmering Broadway
stage or behind the lights, camera, action of a Steven Spielberg film.


- 50 -


So, our heroes, the various athletes, musicians, and actors that we
admire and respect, all spend time practising the act of faking it till
theyre making it,. Perhaps , then, there is legitimate reason to believe
that this simple formula is what works to make them a Super Star in
their chosen field. And maybe it can positively help us to be successful in
our chosen field, dating and mating with the women of our dreams.

Ok., so how does it work? Well, consider what we know so far,

that thousands of years of human survival instinct has subconsciously
programmed womens attraction to the strong and confident Alpha
Male of the species. These Cool, Calm, and Collected men are
psychologically perceived by females as the natural born leaders. Theyre
the competent and self reliant, successful providers. So they cant help
their genetically programmed patterns to prefer, seek out and most
strongly and instinctively desire to seduce and draw to themselves, the
Reigning King, that He Man that instinctively makes them wet
between the legs and feel safe and secure being with.

So, lets face the facts. If Mr. Strong and Confident makes
women naturally feel comfortable and safe to let their hair down and be
fully feminine, which sets their inner sexual libido in motion, then it
seems to me that learning to behave like the Alpha Male is a very
significant and highly esteemed priority of men who want to be spending
more time with more Hot and sexy women!

Therefore, for those of us who perhaps due to circumstances

beyond our control lack some of these natural personality traits, we
simply must work to develop them. As soon as possible too. And just like

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with the actors, athletes and musicians that we all look up to, the fastest
way to quickly accomplish this task is to fake it till we make it!

This can be accomplished by some very simple, step-by-step

procedures that are known in the world of psychology as Self
Suggestion and Subconscious Implantation!. Now perhaps for some,
these words may sound real big and complicated. But the fact is, the
concept is really very simple and easy to do, as a matter of fact, we all
have been doing it to ourselves and each other, each and every day of our
lives, since we were babies.

This is the process that is naturally used by our brains as we learn

to talk as babies, learn to eat, go to the bathroom, read, write, spell, etc.
Its how we learn to ride a bike, build a doghouse, and eventually drive a

Its simply a process of continued, repetitive psychological and

physical input. Practice, practice, practice, observe, observe, observe, try,
try and try again!

Self Suggestion is simply the process of telling ourselves

something, over and over again, till we either believe it to be true or begin
to manifest its reality in our actual lives!
Meanwhile, Subconscious Implantation is merely the belief
systems, thought patterns, data and information, that is instilled into our
minds by others. This is why two identical twins can grow up separated at
birth, one baby in France and one in Germany, and they will grow
speaking entirely different languages, have completely unique thought


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patterns, social skills and conventions, beliefs, fears, dreams, strengths

and weaknesses.

Genetically, the two children are identical, but the

Subconscious Implantation that each receives in their own unique
environment makes two genetically identical persons grow up to be
totally different and distinct personalities, perhaps even bitter enemies.

Sometimes we learn good and helpful things about ourselves from

those others outside of us. Perhaps we are told by those whom we
cherish, love, look up to, admire, respect, or rely upon as we grow up,
that we are attractive, smart, clever, humorous, creative, brilliant, and on
our way to success in life.

Or, on the other hand, somewhere along the road, many of us were
damaged, spoiled, hurt, or severely injures and held back for failure and
unhappiness, by those whom we relied upon most and trusted to help us
grow up successfully. Maybe it was a parent, or sibling, perhaps a relative
or neighbor, maybe even a teacher, or some other culturally accepted
authority figure. Sometimes it is simply a passing stranger offering up a
particularly discouraging or hurtful word, maybe even unconsciously, at a
moment of great vulnerability, you just never know where some of the
garbage that we think about ourselves, originally came from, but a lot of
it is just that, . Garbage!

In computer class, one of the very first things that you ever learn is
the theory of GIGO, which stands for Garbage In Garbage Out! It
means that if there are flaws, untruths, bad data in the information fed
into the computer, then whatever calculations that result from usage of

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the Garbage data, the outpouring result will automatically be tainted,

and incorrect. Garbage in, naturally leads to garbage out!

Now, as we all know, the human mind is just like a computer, as a

matter of fact, I often refer to it in my writings as a Bio-Computer!
Therefore, according to the law of GIGO, and whatever you program
into your computer, or bio-computer, is what you are going to get out
of it.

Sometimes, if your inputting skills are not well honed or in some

cases completely lacking, you will be processing flaws or glitched
programs right into your own psycho-systematics. So that what naturally
comes out is distorted, warped and barely recognizable as what was
originally intended to be filed away for future use in life circumstances.

Perhaps it was something as simple or seemingly innocent as a

misunderstanding with a friend, a harsh comment by a teacher or a cruel
word by a parent. Or even being turned down flat and embarrassed or
hurt, when making an early attempt to steal a kiss or even hold a girls
hand. All of these things can create such devastating effects that, left
untreated and unchallenged, will continue to consistently debilitate and
subconsciously handicap a guy for life. Right up until he takes the time to
go back in and Re-Program his thought patterns, throwing out the
garbage information, and replacing it with concepts and data that can
positively be useful and effective for him, in developing meaningful and
fulfilling relationships with the opposite sex.

These Mental Land-Mines are psychologically disastrous and

only serve to continually undermine ones own efforts in being happy and

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content with ones interaction with women, and therefore these self
limiting beliefs must be eliminated and replaced with positive, helpful
and encouraging ideas and beliefs about oneself. We can most easily
accomplish this task by simply committing ourselves to copying or
mimicking what we see the very successful guys do when dealing with
the ladies. And then apply those techniques to our lives, over and over
again in a repetitive manner, until they begin to take hold, like a habit,
and manifest their beneficial results in your everyday, waking, physical

Mental Land Mines

Mental Land Mines are those negative thoughts and fears, those
self-conscious and insecure beliefs that we continue to hold about
ourselves, what we sadly feel deep inside is the Ugly truth about
ourselves, that consciously or subconsciously controls and rules our
attitudes and confidence levels with an iron fist. These Mental land
Mines, dont merely slow us down or hinder our progress, beyond simply
beating us up and making us look foolish to ourselves and others, they
literally Blow Up our plans, goals, and dreams. Even our most
dedicated willingness and best of intentions to face the music, approach
our challenges head-on and overcome all obstacle at all costs, when
bravely approached and attempted by walking through our personal field
of Mental Land Mines, will always end in utter frustration and failure.

So what can we do to stay out of the field of blown-up and broken

dreams? Simple, understand that these specific and personal mental land
mines may be uniquely our own. But then realize that everyone has their


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own internal demons, that even the most confident Super Dude and
seemingly flawless Hot Babe has their subconscious fears and negative
self thinking working against them on the inside. Just like the rest of us,
only they have determined to abolish or at least severely limit the power
that this negativity is able to have over their lives!

So who created these little monsters, running wildly through out

minds, consistently and continuously keeping us away from what it is we
want to achieve by setting off internal emotionally self-doubting
explosions of smoke billowing self-destruction? The proverbial Enemy
From Within!

Sadly it was a combination of both intentionally hurtful and

unintentionally hurtful comments. All brought to you by a mix of wellintended, but sadly misguided and simply nasty and aggressively cruel
people. Parents, siblings, teachers, family members friends, coaches,
authority figures, pretty much anyone out there in the world that would be
in a position to say something about YOU, and have the inside inner track
to actually get you to at least partially let that information into your
consciousness. So youd then accept it as truth about you, and begin to
color your world, when it comes to how you view yourself, and the way
you interact and relate to others.

The most dangerous thing about mental land mines is the fact that
it allows the enemy to strike you at the very heart, from within your
protective social and physical fortress. Here it can easily hurt you quite
deeply, where you are least protected and emotionally most vulnerable.
So a little bit of explosive goes a very long way in doing a tremendous
amount of damage relatively quickly, and that damage creates a chain

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reaction that continues on as the self-integrity of the personality continues

to implode from within. Just like the domino effect, one disrupted and
unstable segment of belief, tends to smack into the next belief. The entire
string of self-confidence and security, begins to topple, eventually
working from the inside, to unravel the entire person, as well as their
ability to successfully reach out and communicate and connect to the
world in an effective and efficient manner!

Some of these land mines are something as personal as: Im...

1 Ugly
2 Stupid
3 Not cool
4 Uninteresting
5 Bad to the bone
6 Socially clumsy
7 Fashionably misfit
8 Financially excommunicated
9 From the wrong side of the tracks

Or it could be social and cultural beliefs about the opposite sex,

such as:

9 Women can sense inexperience, and I dont have a shot

10 Chicks only dig hot looking male model types
11 Babes basically are there for 3 reasons only, money, money and
12 Shes already with some dude, may as well give up and walk
away now

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13 Ladies only have sex within string attached, committed

14 The sexy ones only get hot for the Bad-Boy (Alpha-Male)
15 Shes out of my league, I dont stand a chance
16 This chick is too popular and cool to notice or be interested in
17 I dont have the social skills to get up close to her

These are just a few of the Mental Land Mines that will blow us
up whenever we try to go meet that totally awesome babe that we are just
crazy about. Face it; if you dont believe you can get the chick, you
Wont get the chick! If you DO believe you can get the chick, you
WILL get the chick! Its all about what you believe deep inside
yourself, about yourself

So the truth is, these land mines must either be (A) sought out and
completely destroyed forever. Or, (B) until we have figured out exactly
how to do that, we need to at least agree not to go walking through that
particularly dangerous and explosive field any more, and start taking an
alternative route to all of our social and dating engagements from this
point on out!

Search And Destroy

Search And Destroy is by all means the most effective solution to the
problem. It actually roots out each and every land mine that has been
carefully placed or even accidentally dumped into your consciousness,
when it comes to your view of yourself and how you relate and get along
with the ladies.


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The value of Search And Destroy cannot be over-emphasized, by

any means at all, as the ultimate way of cleaning out the garbage, and refitting our psychological make-up, so that we are hindered no longer by
the hidden enemy within. But in truth, as much as this is by far the
superior and permanent answer to all of our Chick Problems, it also the
most seriously involved process of dealing with the crap we have allowed
others and ourselves to plant and grow wildly out of control in that fertile
field we call our mind.

The human brain is very much like a computer. As a matter of fact,

it was through the scientific study of the human mind, and how it
calculated facts and stored data, that man first became inspired with the
idea for designing for himself, the very first simple forms of Brain-Like
Artificial Intelligence!

Just like with a computer, we have either skilfully programmed

good or bad data into our files. That data is retrieved by our BioComputer and played back for us as the facts of any particular given
topic or subject that is searched for in the big memory banks that we store
in our heads.

Its just like the computer reality of GIGO (Garbage In =

Garbage Out). If you program faulty data into the system, when those
files are later retrieved in order to fulfil a necessary function, the flaws in
the data will automatically lead to a failed or faulty answer or solution for
the task in question.


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Therefore, the bad programming must be sought out, recognized,

focused in on, seized and delicately removed from the context of the rest
of the programming, and then deleted from the system. This is, of course,
the nice, civilized way of discussing the process of Search And
Destroy!. Deleting this negative programming from our minds,
removing all traces of it from our consciousness, is just like deleting a file
from our highly sophisticated Bio- Computer,. It allows us to start
afresh with a completely clean slate, on which we can now skilfully and
intentionally re-program the systems we want running, and supply
ourselves with the data and files we care to have running the inner show
from this point on out!

This is basically accomplished over a period of time using a

complex and involved process of self-assessment, inner searching, deep
meditation, and in some cases, the additional application of some system
of professionally guided or maneuvered, psycho-analysis. Or possibly
spiritual guidance provided by a psychiatrist, psychologist, analyst, priest,
pastor, guru, spiritual leader or meta-physician. The process is highly
effective and the long-lasting benefits cannot be over-emphasized, but it
is a long and arduous process, taking not only time but sincerely focused
dedication and commitment!

So then, what to do, what to do?

I think that this Search And Destroy effort must definitely be

made. As the cleaning up of that inner mess that is holding you back from
the desires and dreams of your life, must eventually be dealt with face to
face, and done away with permanently, without a doubt. But do we want
to go without the company of hot, seductive and sexy women while we

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work, and wait for the positive effects to eventually take hold, and clear
out those explosively charged MIND FIELDS for good?

I didnt think so!

The Other Path Go For It!:

Guys, the truth of the matter is, its time to just Go For It! Yes,
life is a long process, and we should always strive to improve each and
every day, in all of our various endeavors. But the guy who sits around
and waits till everything is just perfect before he gets in there and takes
his chances with the ladies is usually too damned old to even be
interested any more by the time he is ready to jump into the pool and get

The smart man knows his limitations, but he keeps them to himself,
doesnt share them with the world, and certainly doesnt ever advertise
his shortcomings to the world of women out there waiting for him to
make his move. If you were to ask me the number one rule to getting lots
of prime, top-notch, quality women, I would tell you one thing and one
thing only: Go For It!

Its a basic fact that chicks get excited and are attracted to guys
who have the balls of steel to just Go For It! They arent so much
looking for absolute authenticity of societal sophistication and cultured
perfection, and they definitely arent looking for genius geo-political


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insights or socio-psychological comprehension of world events, and how

they affect educational paradigms of future generations.

Weve already established that it has little to nothing to do with

how perfect your physique is, the thickness of your wallet or your hair,
the car you drive our home you live in. Not even your stock portfolio or
ability to walk directly into the hippest, posh restaurant, and get a table
immediately. Those are all nice things, in and of themselves, but what
makes or breaks the deal is whether or not a guy has the gonads to simply
Go For It!

Go For It in life, in love, and in lust. Women, above all else that
might be enticing in life, want a real Player. Someone who gets out
there and gets involved, takes risks, is willing to take a chance and get his
hands dirty, not some Aristotelian analyst, sitting on the sidelines, making
inquires, postulating theorems, setting policies, and offering intellectual

Women know just how fussy, prissy, confusing and complicated

they can be. Why do you think most women secretly hate most all other
women? Because many of them are psychological and emotional
quagmires, and they know, so they have all the respect in the world for
guys who are willing to just hop into the saddle and chance taking a ride.
They know all too well that occasionally you are going to get bucked off.
Heck, thats part of their plan to keep you interested and coming back for
more. So they arent going to judge you for occasionally going down in
flames. But they are going to judge you if you give up and dont take
your bat firmly in hand and swing for a homerun pitch after striking out a
couple of times in a row.

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The baseball analogy has been around for years, regarding the
GAME of guys getting girls. Remember, if you get a co-operative kiss,
youre safely on first base. If you get to go exploring for treasure with
what we used to call Roman (roaming) Hands you had succeeded in
hitting a double, and was now happily in scoring position at second base.
Getting a finger into the fun zone, and being allowed to keep it there, or
add more to the party, meant a triple, and you were just 90 feet away
from reaching the Golden Goal of Mans Eternal Quest, officially
scoring! When Penile Penetration is finally welcomed and occurs in a
mutually consenting explosion of fireworks and applause, you have
achieved the pay-dirt accomplishment of hitting a Home Run, and you
get to go HOME, back inside the vaginal tunnel where it all started so
very long ago, congratulations!

So, those willing to show the courage to go for it will eventually be

rewarded, because its a natural, genetically instinctive turn on for
women. They cant help but find themselves wanting to move in closer to
that energy and bath themselves in its glory. Its something primordially
mammalian that our modern consciousness cant fully fathom, but thats
really not important, as the whole point is to simply Go For It whether
you understand the psychology behind it or not.

What do our ladies say regarding this topic? To noones surprise, it

was a clear, Slam-Dunk verification of what we already knew, going
into the polling booth and having them vote their sub-conscious!


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Of the following traits in a man, what do you find most attractive

and appealing? What really gets you hot and horny?

A man with a male-models perfect physique: 11%

A man with fame and social clout: 3%

A man who has lots of money and will spend it on me: 24%

A man with a plan; a guy with the balls to just go for it: 62%

Wow, I must admit, I walked into this one having a pretty good
idea which statement would get the most votes. I mean experience
teaches you things, and I was fairly certain I knew how this one was
going to come out, heck I was pretty sure. I knew the exact order that
they would place, from #1 to #4. But what I never would have guessed
was the percentages.

More than 60% of the women would like to be with a guy who is
willing to just confidently Go For It. That number took me a bit by
surprise, considering we were offering up wealth, power, and sexy good
looks in the balance. I knew money would be number 2, but I never could
have guessed in a thousand years that it would out-rank a male-model
perfect physique by more than 2 to 1.

Ok., .. OK, so theres still a lot of Gold Diggers laying in

wait out there, looking for their next Sugar Daddy, thats apparently

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true and will not be denied. Yet still, by nearly a 3 to 1 margin, more
women are attracted to or just plain get physically wet for a guy who had
that take charge, balls to the walls, attitude.

So the numbers dont lie guys, chicks want a dude who is willing
to set caution to the wind, and just Go For It, especially when that IT
is Them!

That much said, we begin to see the depth, value, insight and
knowledge of so many of those famous old clichs that we have heard
since we were kids. The ones weve just never really fully grasped or
realized how profoundly true and relevant to our very own lives they
actually always they were, especially when it comes to getting the
attention of the female of our dreams, or simply some consistent, quality

Of all the old clichs, the one that clearly reigns as ultimate truth
is the following:

Nothing Ventured
Nothing Gained!
Remember the very wise and insightful words that have steered the
rich, famous and historically glorious Captains of Industry on to multiple
successes over the years: Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained!


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Thats right, this simple little saying really says it all, when you get
down to what we guys like to refer to as the brass tacks, the real nittygritty of the situation. Its much like the colorful analogy that many
highly successful business entrepreneurs have used when trying to teach
technique and sales strategy to those who are eager to learn. What are
these students always told, time and time again, to just remember to
always keep in mind? You just cant allow yourself to lose faith, give in
to doubt, start second guessing yourself and eventually give up before
you get yourself a good, hearty delicious meal out of the situation.

Now keep in mind, there is always room for improvement, and

there always will be that never changes! No one, no matter how
confident, experienced, and explicitly loved by the ladies, is ever going to
have has all the answers, all the time, and always succeed with all
women, thats just not a possibility. What is a possibility, however, is that
with continual application and experimentation, study, observation and
practice, practice, practice, you will continue to get better and better, and
succeed with your attempts at getting the ladies, more and more often,
with less and less effort!

For example, lets say you currently have a 10% success rate with
the ladies. Very well then, that simply means that you have to approach
and meet 10 women the next time youre out. You need to go up and
approach as many as 10 ladies before you get one who is going to want to
spend some quality time with you. Now keep in mind, these are just
averages, so you have to keep playing those numbers till you find one
with that makes your stock market soar!


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The good news is, perhaps your first bite will come with girl
number 7 or perhaps even girl number 3, one never knows. And averages
are just that, an average. Theres no infallible way of calculating the exact
out-come of each and every attempt. That is the exciting wonder and
splendor of life on Planet Earth. Because no one ever really knows what
is going to happen, till after its happened. And when dealing with
women, even then you may not be completely sure as to what exactly just
took place, but its a blast working your way through the process, and
trying to get better and better at the game as you go along. Thats where
practice makes nearly perfect, or at least, Nearly perfect practice
makes nearly perfect. Perfection is not an option in this universe,
especially when dealing with the feminine psyche.

So you keep your eyes open for each and every possible
opportunity to get into the game. I highly recommend and strongly
suggest playing what I like to call pre-season games. In most sports,
there is what has come to be called the pre-season, where teams come
out of their practice regimen, and give their strategies a go, testing what
truly works, what doesnt, and what needs more practice. Al before
bringing it into the field of play in a game that counts.

Pre-Season Games:
This is some of the greatest advice that I was ever made privy to,
coming to me from a very special gentleman who often took the time to
share with me bits and pieces of valuable strategy to succeed with
women. This was back when I was a young man, and was first learning


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how to just manage to even get into the game, let alone win one for the
proverbial Gipper!

Hell, back in the early days of my playing career, I was happy if I

was merely occasionally lucky enough to simply win one for the
Gripper once in a while. Meaning, if I had enough success to actually
see some boobs or pussy to mentally take a mental picture of, to use as
visual stimulation later on that lonely night, as I took things into my own
hands, so to say. Hey we all start out beginners, and I am no exception to
the rule!

So it was eventually explained to me that I was getting my head

handed to me in a basket each and every time I stepped out onto the
playing field. All because I was rushing into the season without playing,
and with time, winning some Pre-Season Games before starting my
official season schedule of games that COUNT!

So what is a game that COUNTS? Ill tell you, its that total
hottie that you totally dig on, the babe that makes you absolutely weak
in the knees just to look at, the chick that knocks the air right out of your
chest by simply walking into the room. Its the woman that you really,
really, really want!

Now the mistake I was making when I first was learning how to
deal with the ladies is I would ignore the girls I had no real interest in.
Instead focussing all my time, thought, energy, creativity and attention on
the woman of my dreams, only to go out and make the play for her
valuable and precious time and presence, without the benefit of a working
game plan.

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In other words, I hadnt played any Pre-Season games. The

games that would help me to work out the bugs in my strategy, the flaws
in my techniques, the weaknesses in my attack and the numerous kinks in
my ability to functionally call the proper play, under the intensity the
Game Day circumstances. And then to successfully implement the call
under the various pressures of real, live, fluid, competitive action, up
close, in my face! I got freaking creamed, over and over again, as I
unwittingly proved to be the true epitome of the well-documented Paper

Then one who knew better picked my head and heart up off the
ground, handed them back to me and then took me under his protective
tutelage and explained the necessity to get some practice games in there,
for experience. Games that are in every sense of word real, but PreSeason. So it didnt really matter how much I scored, or if I even scored
at all, I might get completely shut-down and shut out, while giving up a
ton of points myself, but it really didnt matter, as long as I kept learning,
because these games didnt count.

You see, these werent chicks that I was crazy about or simply had
to have, NO, they were just chicks, nothing more! Many of them were
basically very nice people. Many proved to be someone worthy of
making a decent friend, a buddy to go hiking or to the beach with. A
play pal to perhaps accompany me to a movie or concert. But I wasnt
looking for a friend, though. In time, I did, eventually, in fact make
several, but what I was really looking for, truly, was simply nothing more
than On The Job Experience, in a gig that I couldnt care less if I got
fired for screwing up and blowing it!

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Yes. Some of them were bitches. And there was the added benefit
of giving them what they deserved in the end and knocking em down a
notch or two from their high horse. But really, most of them were pretty
cool ladies who I just had a really good time with. Learning how to
effectively and efficiently Play The Game without the added extra
pressure of worrying about what the score was when the game was over.
And it made all the difference in the world to MY Life!

Now, keep in mind here guys, Im not talking about using and
abusing females for your own personal gains. As I said, many of these
girls became friends of mine, and some are still, to this very day, STILL
good buddies that I can rely on in a time of need, they just werent that
Special lady that got my heart or Willie all a-twitter whenever she
came near. These women were treated with human respect and
gentlemanly courtesy. No one was ever demeaned or made to feel less
valued. And with that commitment to deal fair and square, shooting
straight from the hip, I was able to learn more than you could ever
imagine about how females think, react, evaluate, and assess differing
situations and circumstances. The lessons learned were worth their weight
in Gold, and I apply them regularly to this very day.

So now you must be wondering if it could possibly be true, that

these babes can be experimented with for my own learning experience,
without being the girl of my dreams and without getting irate and
vindictive once they found that fact out? The answer is a resounding
YES! Not in every single case. Hey, bitches will be bitches, but most
chicks understand what the game is all about. And believe me, they have
been practicing and getting ready for years and years themselves. Long

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before it ever even entered our limited male consciousness that girls were
anything other than carriers of contagious Cooties and that we might
like to dive into that mysterious wonder and get wet and wild in the

If you dont believe me, then perhaps you will take the ladies word
for it, as they were all too willing to answer that specific question, when I
interviewed them for this book, and here is exactly what they had to say
about it all.

How do you feel about the idea that a guy may be dating you
purely on the basis of a Pre-Season basis, with the intent of simply
learning more about what works, and what doesnt, when dealing with

Its a disappointment to find that out, I dont really like it: 19%

Im cool with it. I understand how the game works: 38%

No Way Jose, that totally pisses me off: 12%

In my mind, EVERY date is Pre-Season until proven

otherwise: 31%

Alright, so nearly four out of ten women asked, think it is totally

cool and understandable that you are seeking out someplace to practice

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your game. All before going into the Championship Tournament that
counts for good, and another third simply believe that this is just the way
the game is played by everyone, so no harm no foul. That means nearly
seven out of every ten chicks are totally fine with this Pre-Season
mentality to dating and spending time with the opposite sex.

Then take into account the fact that just under 20% (1 out of 5) is
disappointed when they eventually discover that in your estimation,
THEY are Not The One! Hey, thats not bad odds at all! Meanwhile,
just a bit over 10% (1 out of 10 women) not only are disappointed by this
fact, but they are downright Pissed Off about it. Now, at first, that
seems a little negatively intimidating, but really, when all is said and
done, those arent bad numbers, especially when you stop to take into
account the percentile of females who strike you, just of the top of your
head, as seeming to be out-right bitches, right? Thats means, when we go
to the numbers, that only three babes out of ten have any sort of negative
reaction to this Pre-Season concept, certainly not enough of a defensive
stand to prevent one from diving in and getting the education of a life
time, is it? Enough said!

Ok, so then with that issue put to rest, we need to now discuss the
truth that in order to even have a Playbook to start working at running
plays from, you need to decide what sort of player you are. So you can
officially begin learning the dynamics of your chosen system of sexual
strategies, and that my friend, comes from some very focused sessions of
learning how to See It, and then Be It!


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See It And Be It!

A lot of self help groups and even religious affiliations talk a lot
about the importance of developing the ability to do what they like to call
Name It and Claim It. In this process, one is committed to truly
deciding what it is that one really wants in life, and then mentally focuses
the power of his or her will, in order make it come to pass. This is much
like the self-improvement gurus famous chant of Believe and Achieve,
where you meditate and pray to the point where your directed energy can
then, somehow, miraculously think it into reality. This process is
otherwise known as Blab It and Grab it, Say it and Display It, or my
personal favorite, See It and Be It!

I prefer the usage of the term See it and Be It,. Mainly because it
reminds us not only to focus on what are objectives are, seeing our
success happening over and over again in sessions of in-depth
visualization. It also reminds us that we need to keep our eyes ever open
for the opportunity to put our new found confidence into practice. As well
as keep an eye out for those guys that seem to always score on a regular
basis with the total Hotties that have captured and excited our interests.

After all, it only makes sense that if we find ourselves attracted to

the Goody Two-Shoes school girl look in a female, then we should
have the brains to pay attention to which guys seem to be getting their
attention and action on a consistent basis. Right? Thats called working
smart, as well as hard. Now as men, we need no help in figuring out how
to get hard, but it a whole different story when it comes down to being
hard and smart at the same time. Learning to use our TWO HEADS in


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a serious set of sage-like, synchronized stratagems of sexual solution

solving, rather than merely going off Half-cocked, missing the target
completely, making a fool of oneself and wasting a lot of time and
energy. Make Sense?

So if you like chicks that have the Goth look, you keep an eye
out on what sorts of guys seem to score regularly with that sort of babe,
how they act, how they present themselves, how the handle the situation.
Does one have to be a Goth Guy to get a Goth Girl? Knowing what I
originally thought I knew about the whole Gothic Phenomena, I
would have quickly come to the conclusion that the answer would be a
certain Affirmative! However, I would have been dead wrong (pun
intended), had I not bothered to study the scenario in a more scientific,
research-oriented manner.

Turns out there are two very distinctive and differing types of Goth
Chicks. Which is something I never would have really noticed, because
thats not truly my personal cup of tea. So I never really paid much
attention, but I have friends who dig that Morticia Adams Lilly
Munster, Elvira look. So being around it more, I discovered that there
are those who are hard core, living the nightmare, devotes. Those who
wouldnt be caught dead (I know, I know, use a pun, go to jail!) going
out into the night with a normal guy like you or I. But they are actually a
very small percentage of the whole Goth Look. Most of those chicks are
pretty open to go out with anyone who is interested in dealing with them,
as they are, on their own terms! Who knew? Wellnow YOU do.

Whatever Flavor Of The Month sounds delicious to you, at this

point in your life, there are plenty of sexy ladies out there right now

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having a blast as they play that role to near perfection. And if you watch
to see very carefully who is scoring and who is striking out, you will
increase your chance of making time with the story-book character of
your dreams on a consistent and regular basis.

So, the next important question is, does a guy have to be playing
the exact same ROLE in order to get the attention of a lady who has a
particular Stylistic Presentation to her way of approaching life? Heres
what our ladies said.

Does a guy have be coming from pretty much the same LifeStyle approach, the same Way of Dealing with the outer world, as
you, in order to have a good chance of making a connection with you?

No, I prefer connecting with men outside my circle, after all, as

they say Variety is the Spice of Life: 32%

I dont really care one way or another, as long as they are happy
with who they are and sincerely like me for who I am: 34%

I prefer keeping to my own, but am not exclusively limited: 23%

Absolutely. I know who I am, I know what I like, and I dont

have time for complications or posers: 11%

Wow, well, you have to admit, that is pretty darned encouraging

information, wouldnt you agree? Only eleven percent of the women out

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there will actually blow you off, by not fitting into the stylistic category
that they like to present themselves to the world as being a part of. Thats
good news right? So whats your pleasure? Step right up to the worlds
smorgasbord of delectable delights, and see what looks gets your stomach
growling and causes you to salivate just thinking about, the world of
women are readily available to you, all you need to do is simply go for it,

Whether you like the Sophisticated Debutante look or the Slutty

Trailer Trash look. Or maybe the Fun Loving Soccer Mom MILF
Look or the Boot Skootin Boogie Country Girl, it doesnt matter.
Theres plenty of varieties to choose from and all you need to do in order
to get yourself a little taste, is to just scope the competition, and see who
seems to be scoring in your category of choice. Meanwhile, observing
who isnt doing quite so well with that particular model, and then define
for yourself a strategy based on what you can clearly see is working and
what is getting shot down.

So you have determined the type of chick you are into. And
observed which types of guys seem to consistently hit it off successfully
with that particular style of babe. You now need to come to some set
conclusions on precisely how you are going to play out YOUR role in the
whole production.

Thats right, now its your turn to make some decisions about the
persona that you want to present to the ladies as you make your way up
and get close to the goal line. And thats where a lot of guys fall flat on
their face, so come prepared to do a little bit of thinking, planning and


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some actual soul searching, cause next, you decide the answer the all time
famous question, WHO ARE YOU?


For literally thousands of years, all the greatest thinkers,

philosophers, and visionaries that mankind has ever known: Aristotle,
Buddha, Wittgenstein, Descartes, Plato, Voltaire, Kant, Emerson, Jesus,
Socrates, and even Pete Townshend of The Who, have been asking this
one, single, solitary simple yet problematically perplexing question,
Who Are You?

Now its your turn, but thank God you arent going to be quoted
for all eternity in the great books of world wisdom, or even tested in a
final exam that determines whether you go on to bigger and greater
things, or have to re-do the course from scratch again. No my friend, this
ones just for you, and you alone.

You see, its important to maintain a semblance of consistency

whenever you are dealing with people in relationships, business,
friendships, and most importantly, dating. You need to come across as the
Real McCoy,. The authentic article, the legitimate you, in all that you
do. So its important for your own sense and appearance of integrity to
have a set image in your mind, that you clearly project at all times, when
in the act of meeting with the ladies.


- 77 -


Now I know, I fully recognize, understand, acknowledge and even

have a pretty strong opinion of the subject myself. That there is the ongoing eternal Great Debate on whether you are better off just being
yourself and let the chips fall where they may, or whether it is wiser to
concoct a specific persona . One that successfully attracts and easily gets
you in, mingling among the type of women you find most desirous and

Well, just like political parties, religious affiliations, and favorites

such as food and music, thats something that you will just have to decide
for yourself. But I will give you some insights into what some guys find
very effective, and then let you know what our lovely ladies had to say
about each approach, pro and con.

Now, if you are a regular reader of my various and numerous

written materials on such matters as hooking up with women, you will
quickly recognize the categories. As I have discovered them to be (A)
Pretty much dead on True in almost all cases. And (B) much easier to
remember, with a cute little alliteration, that helps store the concept in
your mind, like a childs nursery rhyme. So dont underestimate the
power and value of simplicity, after all, isnt that why you are reading
this particular book in the first place, to make your experiences
connecting with women simpler?

There are about as many ways of playing the Guy Gets Girl
Game as there are guys in the world who want to get the girls. But over
the years, if you really tend to study and pay careful attention to what
exactly is going on, you begin to find certain repeatable patterns, that just

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keep coming up on a regular basis. The following section is based on

those scientifically adapted observations of human nature playing out in
the myriad of possibilities, pursuant to the mating rituals of modern day
men and women.

Like any analogy, categorized simplification, and stereotype, there

are always exceptions to the rules. Thats true in any subject. But in order
to help ourselves to more effectively grasp certain concepts. Concepts
that will, in turn, work to help get our minds around the basic facts of the
matter in order to better position ourselves to achieve the intended
objective, we part ways with anomaly and specificity, and happily
embrace the general mathematical averages.

Now Rule Number One, is CONSISTENCY! You dont ever

want to appear as a flake or as some sort of loony psychotic with serious
issues of indecision, or multiple-personality complexes. Thats a real
turn-off with the ladies. So by far, the safest path for all concerned is to
pick a personality style that you feel most COMFORTABLE with, and
then stick with it!
Some guys are very comfortable just being themselves, with no
pretences or stress and strains as to how they are coming across to the
fairer sex. Other dudes are completely in a panic, and need to apply the
good old reliable, Fake It Till You Make It technique, just to give
themselves the Breathing Room and clear opportunity to get in close
with the ladies. And then develop a little experience with experience,
comes comfort and confidence!

I also realize that we guys have all been told by practically every
female we have ever had the balls to have a serious one-on-one

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conversation with, that all they are really looking for is a guy who can
simply just be himself around a girl. So we naturally assume that women
must obviously know what it is that they want. And since they are so
clearly into talking up a storm all the time, and so much better than us
Cave-men at the whole, sensitive / feeling thing, theyll simply open
right up and tell us the truth about what exactly theyre looking for. All so
we can then happily give it to them.

WRONG! Perhaps by design, perhaps not, there really is no way of

knowing for sure, but that just not how things actually work in the real
world of Male-Female interaction. Call it deceitful trickery, mind-games,
inability to make a clear-cut decision, or the female prerogative to simply
change her mind, at a moments notice. Or if the wind begins to blow in a
slightly skewed direction, it becomes clear that chicks either dont really
know what they want, or they just arent going to tell us the truth about
what they are really thinking.

Perhaps it is a form of psycho-emotional denial. Like the nice

church chick who sometimes wants nothing more from life, than a tough,
rowdy guy to just rip her clothes off and do her dirty on the back pew of
the local church on Sunday morning, just before services begin. How
does she come to terms with those desires in her own mind? She doesnt,
she just denies their existence, as if they are not real and goes about her
business, always wondering why the sound of a motorcycle makes her
weak in the knees and suddenly wet in her special place.

So, for your own sake, please come to terms with the start reality of
this situation, as soon as humanly possible. Otherwise you will be
wasting a tremendous amount of time, energy and effort, as well as lonely

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nights, by yourself, frustrated and taking maters into your own hands, if
you know what I mean. Yes, sadly, what they often tell us is actually the
furthest thing from the truth, and those guys who believe this nonsense
about just being yourself and that being cool with the chick, will
continuously be shot down on a consistent basis.

Alright, without further ado, here is the list of the most commonly
used and sexually successful male personas / personality styles that seem
to do well with the ladies. Keep in mind this is not by any stretch of the
imagination, the only choices available to you. As I said before, many of
the most successful seducers are guys who just do their own thing. But
some men need that helpful, scripted role laid out for them, so that they
can experience enough beautiful women laid out for them, to get the
expertise and confidence to eventually do it all on their own, in their own
carefully developed manner!

Be sure that while you read about them, you honestly think about
what your personal thoughts have been about these types of guys in the
past. When you have been around them. Because thats most likely what
many guys will be thinking about you, when you are playing out that
chosen role! Remember your comfort level in being around guys like that.
Because once you make that decision, to become that person, it most
certainly effect, in a limiting way, the sort of friends that you will keep,
circles you will move in, and of course ladies you will be spending time

Remember, all that dating really is, in the simplest of terms, is you
SELLING YOURSELF to the women that you are most attracted to.
The truth in all sales and marketing, which must always be adhered in

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order to truly succeed is YOU CANT BE ALL THINGS TO ALL

PEOPLE! Not all personas and styles appeal to every type and style of
woman out there, so it is of the utmost importance that you truly consider
whether or not this self-transformation is the one you are ready to live
with, at least for a while!

The Most Common Male Roles

Played Out To Get Chicks:


The Arrogant Ass-Hole: This is the conspicuously

conceited High-Brow who is simply better than
everyone else out there, and he wastes no time making
sure everyone is aware of it. Tends to be the kind of
trendy, Yuppy Jerk, who is above it all, living high up
in the castle on the hill. This is a modern day Prince
Charming! He usually appears to be well-off
financially and fashionably, though its not necessarily
so. Hes all about himself and his possessions. I cant
possibly fathom why, but in truth more women than we
would ever want to believe or admit possible, find this
guy to be an totally attractive package. And are often
more than willing to spread their legs whenever
requested to do so, in hopes of earning their right to sit
beside him on matching thrones, as his Reigning Royal
Queen Bitch!


- 82 -



The Big, Bad-Boy Bastard: This is the epic Rebel

Without a Clue or Cause! Hes the rough and rowdy
Tough Guy, who will not be saddled with societies
conventions or relationship rules. In public, women look
down their noses at him as a loser, too low beneath them
to be worthy of even a moments notice. A mere morally
moronic menace, that should be locked away. But what
they are often really thinking inside that scheming,
dreaming mind of theirs is, where they really want to
lock them up is tightly between their thighs, where they
can be taken, used, abuse and ravaged like a common
animal, debased and conquered by this powerful,
modern-day outlaw, that secretly gets them wetter than
they have ever been, and feeling fully feminine and
wild as a cat, just thinking of being taken by this hot and
horny hoodlum.


The Cool, Calm, Calculated, Charismatic and

Confident Charmer: Ok., so I admitted to you earlier
that I not only have an opinion on the subject, but a
strong one, at that. Clearly you can tell, just from the
way I write my descriptions, that this is my personal
favorite, but that just me. In my observation, this is the
genuine, Real Deal! This is that truly nice, Down To
Earth gentleman who lives by the notion of Im Ok.,
Youre Ok.! Not willing to play the game just to get
laid, because its simply a matter of being comfortable
with who you truly are and upholding your own personal


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self integrity. This guy plays it cool, never overtly

focused in too strongly on one particular female, he
plays the field and keeps his options open. Women know
he knows, and that give him his allure and definitive
advantage in the game of love. In that sense, he is truly
A Player, but not in the common vernacular sense,
because he is all action, with very little friction. Smooth
sailing all the way! He genuinely admires and enjoys all
women, and appreciates their naturally unique beauty,
taking it all in, for all that it is worth.


The Defiantly Devious Devil: I have a lot of friends that

go this route, and the can be a real blast to hang out with
and party, so I view this role, as well, with a certain
amount of deeply fond respect and admiration. This is
that overtly sensuous, Balls To The Walls, outright
licentious playboy, who is openly all about sexuality and
nothing else. He is a true, passionate connosoire' of the
carnal and casually kinky, and while he plays hard, he
definitely plays fair, understands that it is just that,

Heres what my interviews uncovered, relating to how our Field

of Females felt about each of the four male roles presented, both
regarding their positive attitudes (What attracts or turns them on) and
their negative attitudes (what they detest or pisses them off!)


- 84 -


Keep in mind, that in order to truly gauge exactly what these

women honestly think and feel about each role, I had to intentionally
remove the descriptive segments as well as change the names of the roles
around a bit. Thus removing any and all conspicuously positive or
negative terms, that might possibly, unfairly Lead The Witness in our
court of lust. So, in a valiant attempt to avoid any sort of biased pre-text
which might change the outcome of their answers, I kept the titles all
pretty plain and simple. Then allowed the ladies to use their own
imagination, as the qualities of the characters being placed before them,
but I believe you can still quite clearly assess who is who here.

Ladies, of the following four categories of men, which ONE do

you find yourself most commonly attracted to and /or turned-on by?:

The Kingly Conqueror: 11%

The Bad-Boy: 27%

The Confident Charmer: 53%

The Playboy: 9%

Now check out the answers as to who these chicks really dont like,
its pretty damned interesting, if you ask me!


- 85 -


Ladies, of the following four categories of men, which ONE do

you find yourself most commonly annoyed to be around or pissed-off

The Kingly Conqueror: 34%

The Bad-Boy: 29%

The Confident Charmer: 6%

The Playboy: 31%

Hey guys, be sure that you take the time to pay careful attention to
exactly how women feel about the BAD BOY!

Remember me telling you that they seem to either be in a state of

confusion or denial regarding how they really truly feel about this dude in
particular. Check out the numbers of positive responses, compared to
negative responses, its almost identically the exact same numbers, both
ways. At least with approximately one third of the women interviewed,
this Bad Boy seems to turn them on and piss them off, at the exact
same time, with equal intensity and degree of effectiveness.

Talk about not being able to make up your mind or clearly let
someone know exactly what it is that you really want. These chicks dont
even realize the depth of the mixed signals that they are sending out on a
daily basis as they both loath and despise this rowdy rebel. While at the

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same time dreaming of the moment that he rips their panties off and takes
them as a carnally conquered captive!

So, whats the best way of going about working through this
dilemma of deceit or denial? Well, as was clearly stated previously, I
wouldnt even begin to try to choose for you, as only you know the
particular type of action that you are looking for. Clearly, if you want the
score with the Blue Blooded foxy debutantes who were once the
revered high school Home Coming Queens then you would probably
do well as the Arrogant Ass-Hole.

If you get hot and bothered, just thinking about the wild rides
available from those rowdy biker chicks, or perhaps you find the
sensuously slutty, almost openly trampy whore-vixen to your liking, then
probably the Big, Bad-Boy Bastard is your best bet.

Looking for the pure, pulsating pleasure of plentiful, passionate

pussy to pound, or perhaps, a beautiful babe who is completely satisfied
by getting together for an hour of bona fide Booty-Call, then by all
means, consider playing the role of the Defiantly Devious Devil!

For the rest of us basically nice and normal dudes, who dont want
to play the part of the Bad Boy or the jerky prick, we probably will do
much better, simply learning to function as Cool, Calm, Calculated,
Charismatic and Confident Charmers!

Round and round and round they go, where they stop, nobody
knows. Chose wisely my friend, because whichever path you decide to

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take, there are consequences for those actions, some positive and some
negative. Obviously, you know that, and wouldnt be here right now,
reading this book, if you didnt know in your heart of hearts and believe
in your soul of souls, that our actions create observable reactions and
bring about definitive, long lasting effects. Getting dates, getting laid,
getting off, all that is the positive side of the coin, but dont forget to keep
in mind the balance of what lies on the other side of that coin, which is
the cost of a decision, poorly made or poorly played!

The Cost? Did you say COST? Hey buddy, real men like me
never pay for action, so whats this BS about COST?

Come on, this is no surprise. Youre a smart guy and admit it, know it deep down inside, there is always a cost. Especially when
it comes to dealing with the opposite sex. And in this sense you need to
decide whether the type of woman you are excited by is interested in the
sort of guy you are, and is the forced transformation or determined effort
to play the game worthy of the effort. Is it valuable enough to sacrifice
your sincerest levels of integrity? Is it, in a way, just a matter of playing a
role, like an actor in a movie or a play? Are you not just following a
character outline pre-created for you to walk your way through, step-bystep, line by line, much as you would playing the role of a doctor on a
television series, having never, ever actually ventured or invested a single
moment in medical school?


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Keep in mind, this is not a value judgement in any way at all. Its
not a matter of what I or anyone else thinks is better, but simply comes
down to a level of comfort, and there is, as in most matters in life, a
definitive Trade-Off in the process, and that must be weighed with an
open and clearly honest mind. What one gains from working his way into
certain cliques, in order to spend time with particular styles of women
that turn him on, he loses in his over all sense of comfort and to some
degree, lets be totally honest here self integrity.

Lets just call it like we see it, no holds barred! Its not a matter of
right or wrong, good or bad, better or worse, its simply the facts are the
facts. To some degree, in some cases more than others. Or in order to fit
it, and play the role. Ato maintain the veracity of the staging, allowing
your lovely lady Co-Star to keep up her image, and play the role
through. There is a certain amount of Play Acting that is required, to
keep the show running, and that takes effort, creativity, dedication to the
role and a lot of effort.

Each new situation that arises must be dealt with. But not
instinctively or by relying on past experience and studies expertise. But
instead from a pre-written, scripted format of this productions particular
reality, and than that leaves plenty of room for things to go wrong. So if
you are going to play this game, you need to really psyche yourself up,
and be prepared to play the Hell out of it, to the very hilt. Be prepared for
the theatre to come down on your head in a crashing cascade of
Shakespearian Shambles, if you should accidentally fall out of character,
or reveal the woman of your fantasy to be a charlatan, hack, phoney, or
mere actress, pretending to be something special, that she isnt.


- 89 -


Thats a huge responsibility, which I personally decided was way

too big for me to carry on my shoulders. Life seems tough enough as it is,
just being me, let alone having to continually edit and correct the
Universe to allow a smooth and steady performance for some chick that I
may or may not even end up wanting to sleep with. No thanks!

Its just that sort of out-come driven, hyper- intensive, semiglorified grown-up version of playing Cowboys and Indians or Cops
and Robbers, that kinda freaks me out and leaves me in the lurch.
Perhaps its more along the lines of playing house. Now I do happily
remember getting in tons of serious Parental/ Teacher Trouble. It was
way back in my Kindergarten days, for talking my buddies into building
an immaculate miniature HOME, out of those Huge schoolyard building
blocks. Then getting busted for playing the Mommy-Daddy bedroom
scenes just a little bit too graphically to detail, during recess and lunch
breaks, but, perhaps, thats another story all together.

So is the effort to play roles for a chance to score with a Hottie

that dresses like a French Prostitute, A Nurse, A corporate CEO, or a
Hippy from the 60s? Thats for you to decide for yourself.

As for me, I concluded years ago that it was NOT! I decided to

play the game, pretty much on my own terms, just being myself, pretty
much, but certainly with some definite intentionally indoctrinated and
well practised upgraded comfort and confidence through consistent
commitment to creating co-operatively close-contact, with calculated
consensual conscious connections! Which is another way of saying that I
go out of my way to always talk to chicks. Its easy, takes all the pressure


- 90 -


off, its a rarely used talent by most men, and best of all, its completely
FREE and leaves them wanting more.

But many of my friends disagree completely with me on that

particular decision. They seem to be very, very happy, playing the role
they feel it takes to be exactly who they think they need to be in order to
get plenty of quality action with the particular type of female that they
find hot and enticing. Its really just a simple preference, ones freedom
of choice, and I respect their decision.

Ill give them this much, its sometimes easy to find a certain type
of babe that rocks your world. If she presents herself in such a way, as to
be somewhat clearly categorized, she is doing you both a bit of a favor in
already supplying most of the ground rules to be adhered to in order to
earn your way to spending some Special Time with her. So while it
leaves nothing left to the imagination, and there is truly zero sincerity,
originality, or personal uniqueness to the situation, it is a great way to
easily pave a road to direct contact with a little Honey who floats your
boat. Im not going to knock that in a million years.

No matter what, I have something to say to a beautiful woman, no

matter where I am or what she and I are doing, and with practice and a bit
of belief in oneself, it doesnt come across as at all forced, dorky or out of
context! The trick is to be observant, relevant, and then keep it short and
concise, always dazzling them with something insightful or encouraging,
positive or FUNNY, and then shutting up to leave them wanting more.


- 91 -


Talking Em' Up!:

Heres the secret that will make all the difference in the world with
your ability to make it with the ladies. Ready? The only thing to fear; is
FEAR, itself! Yep, thats it! The only thing to fear; is FEAR, itself!
Yes, its a clever old clich, but most clever old clichs become just that
because there is a lot of depth and truth to the comment. Clichs exist
because someone once said something so clearly brilliant, that everyone
immediately realized the intensity of the significance of the statement,
and after enough people proudly repeated the veritable truth, it became an
official clich.

So, how does this apply to talking to chicks? Easy. Truth is, I never
have the time to sit there in panicked desperation, worried about what I
am going to say to a totally awesome babe, because I never give myself a
chance to have the tie to worry. When I see a complete package enter the
room, I immediately look up, look around for a reasonable observation,
then quickly turn to the woman, crack a sincere smile, as if I am clearly
pleased by what I am looking at, make my comment, then smile again
and continue on with whatever I was doing at the time she came along.
Boom, Crises averted, problem solved, score 1 point for Woody!

What have I just accomplished by this simple little maneuver? A

lot! First of all, I have now placed the ball in her court, placing the
pressure firmly on her to come up with the next move or clever volley
back of conversational repartee, plus I have avoided the natural,
increasingly nagging pressure and worry of what I am going to say. I am
cool, I am calm, I am confident, and I have already broken the ice, spoken


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the first word, which puts me in the top 15 percentile of guys, and if my
comment wasnt something completely inane, ridiculous or completely
out of context, then I have risen to the top 5% of men, which is a very
powerful and productive place to start any seduction strategy from.

So, how to be sure to avoid the ever so dangerous Stupid


Simple really, just 2 things:


Keep it short, to the point and relevant! Best to always

make reference pertaining to something actually clearly
prevalent within the environment that you share, and then
tie her into the comment, in a way that makes it clear that
things have just gotten clearly better now that SHE has
arrived, without seeming doltishly obvious.


Smile before you make your comment, and look her

directly and deeply in the eyes, without being obvious
that you are trying to do so. No Bug Eyes, just calm and
confident, person to person recognition, then smile again
and go back to what you were doing. Period!

Thats it. Keep it short, simple concise. Theres no need to take the
additional risks of attempting to perform verbal gymnastics or
impressing her with a $3,000.00, highbrow 7-syllable word, when
something charmingly simple and down to earth in a comfortable,
conversational style will do just nicely! Remember, short and sweet.

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Keep to the point, nothing too drawn out, and tie her into the comment, in
a way that makes it clear you like her being around.

If you are waxing your surfboard, and a bikini Goddess walks up,
smile, look her in the eyes, and say, WOW, now I cam see why all those
waves are in such a hurry to get to shore! Then smile again, and go back
to what you were doing.

If you are in the nursery picking out put some plants, and a lovely
lady approached in short shorts and a loosely tied halter top, just
something as simple as And here I thought it was the flowers that made
this such a beautiful spot!

Just use what ever is around, and find a way to connect her into the
scenario in a positive way, and you are set. It doesnt have to be brilliant.
Sincere and from the heart is better than clever most of the time, and
dont worry if it sounds a little corny. Most women appreciate the fact
that you had the balls, interest and drive to make the effort, and as long as
you are not rude, offensive, lewd, or downright retarded, you will be fine.

Women are honored that a guy will think they are special enough
to warrant the attempt to strike up a conversation, especially if it is in
some way regarding their Most Favorite of all possible topics in the
whole wide world themselves! They know coming up with Just The
Right Thing to say is no easy deal, and they respect a dude that has the
cajones to go just Go For It and play his cards with confidence and


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Heres what our bodacious bevy of beauties have to say about this

What exactly are you looking for when you first meet a guy, and
he attempts to break the ice by speaking to you first?

I want to see that he can think on his feet. I like clever

conversation and a well thought out comment scores high in my book:

Confidence, comfort, and character. I want a guy who is cool,

calm and collected: 24%

Sincerity and a willingness to take a chance, by attempting to

take charge: 31%

Something unique, different, out of the ordinary, truly original,

and pertinent to what is going on around us: 38%

Excellent, so then we are right on track. The willingness to step out

there and make the first conversational comment not only impresses the
ladies, but takes all the pressure off of ourselves, allowing us to more
calmly and comfortably just be US without any false pretence or
presuppositions, and thats worth a million dollars right there!

Also, here is a very significant and vitally important place where I

clearly break from most writers who give advice to guys seeking the

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attention of women. I think memorized Pick-Up Lines are a complete

waste of time, a clear sign of a guy with a lack of confidence and creative
integrity and I simply never, ever use them, nor do I recommend that
YOU ever use them.

Pre-Planned Pick-Up Lines

A Definite Bad Idea!
Why do I think that? Because, after years of having in-depth, open
and honest discussions with numerous ladies from all walks of life, I have
easily concluded that by a landslide decision of 10 to 1, that what most
WOMEN think about pre-planned, memorized Pick-Up Lines.

If you are using them to meet women, and more than 90% of the
chicks out there think they are a clear sign of a loser, then mathematics is
enough to tell me to leave well enough alone. Instead, to take my chances
with a quick comment about where we are, what we are doing, and how
much better it is when SHE is around. That is the key to unlock a
females subconscious interest, making her feel important and attractive.
Plus you get extra points for thinking of your own comments, rather than
some corny one liner that ripped right out of some crap Pick-Up Line
book you bought. Even if the book was free, you got your moneys worth,
so dont do it!

If you dont believe me, perhaps you will listen to the words of
those who know precisely how such things as Pre-Written Pick-Up


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one-liners affect a womans attitude toward a man. Lets hear from our
group of gorgeous girls again.

Ladies, how do you respond to guy when he uses a Pre-Planned

Pick-Up Line on you, in an effort to break the ice?

I like it, it shows he was thinking ahead and came prepared: 2%

I prefer something original, from the man himself, as it gives me

a chance to learn a little bit about him, by how he presents himself to
me: 34%

Its not a deal breaker, but hes definitely starting off in a big
hole, and losing ground fast: 41%

No way, thats the sort of B.S. I would just as soon avoid from
moment #1: 23%

Hardly seems worth the effort of spending the time to memorize

such trite and ineffective silliness, especially when in 98% of the
situations that a Pick-Up Line is used, it will merely shoot you in the
foot, if not put your chances with the lady a cold 6 feet under. Definitely
a big No-No in Woodys eyes, but Ill let you alone on that one to
decide for yourself, as I think the numbers so very clearly speak for
themselves on this issue!

Whatever you chose, pick your Part carefully and then get to
work, playing it cool!

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Playing It Cool!
So I believe the best and most effective advice is to just play it
cool. Seem happy to be there, comfortable around women, even if there is
a ton of hot babes all around you, you need to make it seem like you live
confidently in that environment on a daily basis. Its all a matter of how
you present and project yourself, and chicks dig guys that are cool and
confident, so give them what they want, and they are a lot more likely to
instantly begin giving you what you want!

Unlike so many of the important conventional corporate Sales and

Marketing theories that I have shared with you over the years, which I
like to remind you of on a regular basis because (A) men are a lot more
comfortable working and making money than trying to score hot chicks.
And (B) because they play so well into the dating and seduction game
(Remember you are ALWAYS in the process of continually SELLING
yourself to the babes!), one huge difference is in the rule of Talking

The old business adage is once a proposal is officially placed on

the table, in the initial process of negotiations, it is generally believed one
should clam up and shut his mouth, because according to the Know it
Alls of marketing, The first one who talks, Loses!

Now is this statement TRUE?. Actually I dont believe that it is.

And have often proven it to be severely flawed, if not, Dead Wrong on
numerous occasions in my own business dealings. But I will say that
some very successful business men, whom I truly admire and respect, and

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who make enough money to be able to afford arguing with the Wood
Man without giving it a worry in the world, believe it with all their
mind, heart and soul. So, I will have to say that the jury is still out on that,
regarding business, but when it comes to dating and seduction, the
opposite is definitely the absolute truth!

When attempting to make a positive impact, and successfully pickup on babes, especially the very hottest of babes, The One Who Talks
First, WINS! The first to speak sets the tone of the relationship, takes the
drivers seat, and places the other person, the lively lady, in a position of
catching up and having to respond. Also it sets off her alarm that there is
a Take Charge, confident and strong man in the area, and her attention
is automatically centered on you, as a rare and valuable anomaly.

So when taking the initiative to start the conversation, simply go

with the topics that naturally come to mind. Usually basedon the sorts of
things, situations and people that surround you at the time of the meeting.
Then try to tie the woman into the topic, emphasizing how much things
are better off with her around, and be sure to say it with a smile starting
the sentence and also ending it as a form of powerfully effective, subconscious punctuation.

Then, once you have got the party started, from that point on, just
be a really good listener and go with the flow of the conversation. Now
that you have coolly and calmly taken control of a situation that would
have proven to set most guys off in a sweating, stammering, tongue-tied
trance, you proved to the woman that you are The Man,. Youve taken


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circumstances by the short and curlies, opened the dialog with her, and
made the first contact, seeking a connection.

If theres any chance at all of you eventually scoring with her, she
will answer back, guaranteed! If shes impressed and interested, she will
respond back with something, who knows what, but something, though it
may not be in any way at all based on what you said. But who cares, if
she replies at all, congratulations, cause your willingness to break the ice,
has drawn the affirmation of a fine females response, a definite sign that
you are on track and on your way for a pleasurable pay-off. Now all you
need to do is listen carefully to whatever she says next, without looking
as if you are overly eager or intently interested, and she will naturally
supply all the cues to where the conversation can go next.

And if she doesnt respond at all, or worse yet, makes a point of

shoving your attempt clearly back into your face then once again I offer
you a hearty pat on the back for going to the plate and swinging. And I
must congratulate you, for managing to discover that she is a bitch, a
huge waste of attention and energy, and not worthy of your efforts and
valuable time.

She just did you a huge favor, by helping you to qualify your
potential partners. So just think the words Thank You in your head,
dont allow her crappy personality and lacking attitude tick you off, cloud
your thinking, create a single bit of worry, doubt, stress and tension, and
simply move on to the next woman, without giving her a second thought.

Chances are, the very act of you handling her is such a cool, calm
and collected way will catch her attention and earn her respect. It may

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even freak her out a bit, shake up her confidence in her sex appeal, and
open her mind to suddenly wanting to give you a shot, if not now,
sometime in the future. So never act deflated and never let them see you
sweat. It makes you all the more attractive in their perception of things!

Most importantly, part of playing it cool is the knowledge to stay

smart and keep it simple! So many guys begin to get overconfident and
downright cocky. They start talking too much, or about the wrong things,
and it will blow up in your face. Just like with the Olympic Skater who
can win the Gold medal by skating a flawless routine and landing a
Double Lutz,. But as everything goes according to plan, the skater gets
overly confident and conceited cocky, and decides to instead go for the
splendor and brilliance of the phenomenal Triple Lutz finale!

After picking themselves up off the ice, trying to forget the image
of even a Bronze Medal slipping away in as they collapsed in a hobbled
heap of humanity, they get to go home, empty handed once again,
because they just couldnt remember to Keep It Simple.

KISS: Keep It Simple, Sexy!:

Remember, the biggest mistake that you can make once you have
successfully engaged a woman in the act of verbal communication is to
begin to either try to hard, or try to get to fancy for your own good,
usually quickly ending in a fumbled fit of failure. Either mistake is pretty
much a Deal Breaker,. It instantly begins creating a sense of inner
tension, worry, doubt and anxiety. And just like most wild animals out
there on the hunting grounds, the female of our species can smell fear


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from a mile away, and to them, it is a stinky odor that they want nothing
to do with, psychologically, instinctively, and biologically genetically!

Do yourself a huge favor and just dont be stupid. Dont make that
mistake, not after you have been so very severely warned, because you
will want to kick yourself in the ass or head, if at the moment there is any
difference between the two, if you let this chance just slip through your
hands like sand.

Hey, take a look at the situation here. Youve got her talking to
you now Amigo, and its smooth sailing from there on. She will bring up
this and that and you will in turn come across as clearly tuned in, but
cool, paying her just enough attention to show her that you think she has
some real potential, but not so much that she can get overly confident
herself. This keeps her off center, always second guessing, which makes
her work all the more harder to ensure that you two hook up for some
personal contact, as she is driven genetically by the need to be attractive,
appreciated, and wanted. Its just the natural make-up of a woman, so use
it to your advantage, as a tool, dont let it become a bomb that explodes in
your face! Never let her think for a moment that you are a sure thing, a
Slam-Dunk victory for her to snatch (pun intended! LOL)

Keep your eyes and ears open, pay attention to what is going on
around you. Talk about things that you are able to clearly observe she is
interested in, which may mostly be herself, but then, so what, youre
looking for some hot female companionship, not a new best friend and
confidant. Just short, concise, to the point comments, avoiding the typical
caveman 3 to 4 word gruntings or the annoyingly meek and imperceptible
mumbling of a madman!

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Remember the short answer is generally the better answer, when

compared with all that can possibly go wrong with the longer, more
involved and potentially complex response. If you are good with words
already, no problem. Just be comfortable and be yourself. But if you are
not usually gifted in the art of conversation, just take it slow and simple.
Dont rush, it makes you seem nervous, and dont push the envelope too
far, as most chicks are truly only interested in finding a guy who is
interested enough to pay attention to their favorite thing, themselves!

Its now a game of tennis. But each time you successfully hit a
volley back to her, and she responds by putting the ball back into your
court, you have scored another Brownie Point in her mind, plus
valuable experience and growing confidence that you will continue to
use, today, tomorrow, for ever!

Remember, they arent usually looking for a new buddy or pal.

They want a man sandwich. So you dont need to get to deeply personal
or involved. If they are looking for a FRIEND, then quickly abort that
mission and start looking elsewhere, because there is nothing worse than
having the heavy and horny hots for a total babe, who just wants to be
your friend.

Guys often make the mistake of convincing themselves that if they

just hang in there and are a GOOD, TRUE, RELIABLE FRIEND the girl
will eventually come around and change her mind and decide to develop
a relationship based on that mutual respect and trust. But I tell you,
partner, thats only the case in B Movie chick flicks and bad romantic

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Women tell me that they usually have a pretty good idea if they are
going to date a guy (now days, the term dating basically means sharing
a meal, an entertaining event and then sex) within the first 60 seconds of
meeting him. And the chance of closing the deal is pretty much out of
your hands if you started off with a bad first impression, so say thank you
for not wasting your time and move on, once she makes it clear you
arent her cup of tea!

You simply dont have the free time to get yourself caught up in
the drama of the pursuit of a chick who doesnt make it clear as a bell that
she is interested. Once she has passed judgement, and found you wanting,
you will be a much happier person, far, far away from that proverbial
hornets nest, trust me!

The Nature Of The Beast:

As long as she thinks shes going to have to work , in order to get
you, she will. But once she ever gets the slightest hint or sense that you
think she is The Cats Meow, youre toast dude. She will instantly lose
all interest, respect and will proceed to do everything in her power to
crush you like a bug that she now suddenly perceives you to be. You need
to keep in mind at all times that it is instinctive for women to always want
what they CANT have, and no longer want what they realize they CAN

Is that cool? No! But it is the reality of the world we have been
dropped of in, and so we might as well make the best of it, right? We may


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not like it, but theres NOTHING that can be done about it, so simply be
forewarned and move forward. Just as it is a waste of time blaming the
scorpion for acting like a scorpion, or hating a black widow spider for
acting like a black widow spider. It is a complete waste of time going
over the spiritual, ethical and philosophical reasons why such behavior in
chicks is so utterly uncool. Just deal with it, roll with the punches, and
know the way of the world before you even step out onto the playing
field, prepare ahead of time and have fun playing the game!

Does this mean that women are jerks and should be held in
contempt and disrespect by men? Absolutely NOT! As off the wall and
illogically unfair as the female of the species may seem to us most of the
time, we seem just as lunk headed and retarded to them, as well. So what?
What are we going to do, Boy-Cott (Does that mean what I think it
means?) No way. We get back up, dust ourselves off and get back in the
game, willing to move on and find the next potential partner in pleasure
and companionship.

Remember, at first, you may only succeed with maybe 1 out of

every 10 girls you try to connect with, but with time your numbers will
improve, if you dont give up and keep on keeping on. Pretty soon it will
be 3 out of 10. Then 5, and eventually maybe 7 out of 10. Any guy
claiming hes regularly hitting above 70% of his attempted targets, is
either aiming way too low on the food-chain, or he is one of those typical,
locker-room / bar-stool purveyors of pure Ego-Testical bull-shit, and
they, like the venomous scorpion woman, should be avoided at all costs!

Woman are a complex creature, but she is the most marvellously

designed, constructed and put together masterpiece in all of creation, and

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I wouldnt want to even venture thinking for a moment what life on

Planet Earth would be like without her. Sounds like a much bigger pain in
the ass than what we guys currently have to endure, chasing and catching
the fair maidens that so effortlessly attract and lure us into their wiles,
with their armor piercing, magnetic animal appeal, sensuous sexual
seductiveness and rare and udder beauty!

I tell ya, I dont know of a more worthwhile pursuit on the physical

plain of existence, than making the efforts to connect and spend some
quality time with the beautiful babes of our biosphere!

In Conclusion:
And there you have it, all laid out nice and easy, just like we like
our women! I hope you will be one of the few smart guys that actually
goes back and reads this book at least 3 times, because I promise you, you
will discover some very valuable information, that your brain was ready
to absorb, the first or second time through the program.

Gentlemen, repetition is the ultimate and only effective secret of

achieving Perfect Practice, and an turn, only Perfect Practice leads to
the consistent, without doubt or hesitation, second nature, nearly
perfect application of these techniques and theories regarding the future
of YOUR dating and seduction abilities! That seems like something well
worth taking the time to study up on and work out.


- 106 -


So here is the info you will use to better understand the nature of
the prey, the strategy of the hunt, the layout of the hunting ground, and
the numerous rules of engagement (Rule #1, never get engaged! :-D.)
This is the data, presented to you in a well-organized and easy to follow
up on and follow through with. Begin to use this system immediately, and
you will be amazed at just how quickly you get huge improvements in
your success with the ladies. Its truly amazing how much better a player
can perform in a sport, once he knows and understands how to apply the
rules of the game being played.

One of the biggest flaws in humanity is that we tend to over

complicate the simplest of things, and we tend to over-look and underestimate the value anything that seems to be so very easy. But hey, thats
cool. Because what this means to you and I, is that while this information
is readily available to the masses, only the assertive and committed few
will actually ever put this information to work. Meaning the advantage
we now have over our competition when it comes to scoring with the
babes, has just dramatically expanded exponentially, which means that
when it comes down to which Guy Gets Girl, ahhhhhhh, that would be
US, thank you very much.

Go get em tiger, and Ill see you next time round, when the good
folks at Platinum Dreams LTD release their next informative and
entertaining treatise on making it with the honeys. Till then, see ya!

Live Love Now!

Your pal,
Woody O. Wilcox.

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