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Sydney Bluestein
Tears stream down my face.
I knew the moment that I arrived
that I would never escape this trap.
But, when I decided to run away from home,
I never considered the consequences.
I, Sonya, had run away from home
at the age of 12 in search for a better life.
When I reached the center of town in Mongolia,
I was offered a job which paid very well.
Little did I know this one mistake
would change my life forever.
Minutes later I accepted this job.
My new boss began to take me to his office.
We then arrived in what seemed to be a message building.
But, when when I walked inside I realised
this man was not who he said he was.
Many other girls my age were arranged into stalls
with men 3 times their age.
These girls were forced to entertain men for hours a day,
7 days a week.
Right when I arrived,
I was assigned my cell and was urged to get to work right away.
In line waited 8 men.
After the first man was pleased with my work,
I realised I was going to hate it here.
I needed to find some way to escape.
There was no hope for me to ever return home,
to ever hug my family again,
or to ever regain my freedom.

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