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Steps to create specification

Click the Specification tab

Click the continue button.

1. Now you will be in step Define ABAP Environment

Fillup the following details in Step Define ABAP Environment and press save button

Quick Help:
In this step, you specify the packages in which the ABAP runtime artifacts will be created.
You also define texts to be used for naming these artifacts.
You have created the ABAP packages in the development system.
The system creates the ABAP artifacts in the packages you have defined. In case of root
packages, you will be asked to create the corresponding subpackages later in the
Generation Wizard. The entries in the Namespace and Abbreviations section are
integrated in the names of the generated runtime artifacts.
Note about packages: All packages must be located in the software component that was
specified in the Modeling Wizard (Enter General Data step). If you specify a namespace,
make sure the package names start with this namespace. All process object types that use
the same productive ESR namespace (Modeling Wizard step Enter ESR Data) also use the
same package for common GDTs.

Note: We recommend that you do not change any texts used for naming the runtime
artifacts once you have generated the process object type in the Generation Wizard. Any
changes to the artifact names result in regeneration. This may lead to syntax errors in
already implemented code slots or even to the loss of these code slots.
Press next button for next step Enter ABAP Short Names you will get error if the GDT
and package is not created in POS environment.

Create the above things

Execute the Tcode: SE80

2. Press next button for Enter ABAP Short Names

Quick Help:
In this step, you specify ABAP short names for the process object type itself and for the
individual process object node types.
The system uses the ABAP short names for naming the runtime artifacts for this process
object type during generation.
Note: We recommend that you do not change any texts used for naming the runtime
artifacts once you have generated the process object type in the Generation Wizard. Any
changes to the artifact names result in regeneration. This may lead to syntax errors in
already implemented code slots or even to the loss of these code slots.
Fill-up the following

Press save button.

3. Press next button for Define Node Dependencies

Quick Help:
In this step, you can specify dependencies between individual process object nodes. You only need to define dependencies for a node if there are
technical or business-related dependencies to other nodes (for example, Create Business Partner (node A) must be processed prior to Create
Account for Business Partner (node B)).
The system uses this information for determining the node that is to be processed next within a phase ( Create or Execute).
Node dependencies influence the visibility of node data within the code slots of other nodes. To ensure that data from a given node A can be
accessed in the code slot of another node B (and all subsequent nodes), you need to define A as the prior node.
Press add button in the create phase.

Press Save button to save changes.

4. Press next button for Specify Counterparts for Back-End Services
Quick Help:
In this step, you make the settings that the Builder needs to generate the counterpart services for the back-end services that you specified during
modeling. First, you name the process object type (POT) service interface and abbreviation. Then select an interface to name the counterpart POT
operations and make additional settings for this operation.
Note: To avoid naming conflicts within one ESR namespace, the names of the POT service interfaces should start with the process component
name (see Modeling Wizard, step Enter General Data) and end with the direction of the interfaces (In/Out). The direction should be the opposite
direction of the related back-end interface. If a field is empty, the system automatically creates a template for the name that you need to adopt.
The Builder uses the names you enter to create the ABAP artifacts for the service interfaces and operations in the Builder system. If you have
activated the Process Observer or Process Step Journal for logging, these tools write log entries whenever the corresponding back-end operation is
Note: We recommend that you do not change any texts used for naming the runtime artifacts once you have generated the process object type in the
Generation Wizard. Any changes to the artifact names result in regeneration. This may lead to syntax errors in already implemented code slots or
even to the loss of these code slots

Give meaning full name within the angle bracket for POT service interface.
For Business partner/contract account give name for Pot Operation Abbreviation and
check the checkbox process observer.

Press save button

5. Press next button for Enter Information for CNS
Quick Help:
In this step, you enter the information required to identify the process object type and the corresponding status changes in the Change Notification
Service (CNS) and the Agent Framework (AF).
Enter an Application ID to be used in CNS to identify your process object type. This ID must be unique within CNS. The Export Object Type is
generated automatically; it identifies status change events for process objects. In the Receiver (Information Message) field, enter a unique ID for
the event receiver that triggers the information messages about status changes. Your entry will be used in the AF to specify the agent ID.
The system uses these entries to create the corresponding CNS Customizing entries.

Note: To enable the system to actually create and send CNS entries, you still need to complete the Customizing settings for CNS. For more
information, see SAP Library for SAP Process Object Builder

Fill-up the details as below.

6. Press next button for Finish Specification

Quick Help:
This step contains information that the system has derived from the specification data you have entered. At runtime, the Error and Conflict
Handler (CA-FS-ECH) is used to process conflicts in asynchronous, back-end facing inbound services. The Builder automatically creates the ECH
component for your process object type and an ECH business process for each operation.
Once you have verified the information, choose Finish to complete this wizard. You can then start the generation wizard for this process
object type.

Press the finish button to complete.

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