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Keystone XL Pipeline Debate

Congress Approves

President Obama
Urges Patience and
Threatens Veto

Nebraska court
challenge lost by

TransCanada has
aquire rights to 88%
of the land required
to build the pipeline

The State
Department has
given federal
agencies until 2 Feb
to express concerns

Synopsis: The Keystone XL pipeline would be a huge boost to the energy sector in Canada and would
create stable jobs on both sides of the border.
At debate has resulted in much partisan bickering between republicans and democrats and will likely not
be resolved until after the US elections in 2016. There is little chance that the incoming Liberal
government will be able to make this happen before the US elections.
Aside from jobs, the pipeline will eliminate the need to haul large amounts of crude by rail car. Pipelines
have been proven to be a much safer way to transport crude oil.

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