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Long reading:

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Character astrology signs:

1. Elizabeth Bennet- Sagittarius
In my opinion Elisabeth astrology sign is Sagittarius because she is lively,
clever, funny and loves to laugh at other people's foibles. Audacieuse,
rebellious, headstrong, she does not let walk all over and fights for what she
believes is right. In the text we can observe the traits of her character when
Darcy offends her by refusing to dance with her, Elizabeth attempts to laugh
it off. This is a very typical Sagittarius reaction to being hurt. They conceal it
with a joke.

2. Fitzwilliam Darcy - Capricorn

Darcy, a wealthy, proud man who falls in love with Elizabeth and reveals a generous, thoughtful
nature beneath his somewhat stiff demeanor. I attributed this astrological sign because He is very
serious, responsible, mature, reserved, socially conservative and class conscious. When he mets
someone he doesnt smile, for example he aims high steps in life, rarely smiles and he places
great importance on Capricorn values, such as family pride, social respectability and status. He
appears to the world as very solemn and humorless, but in reality he is simply shy with strangers
and, like the typical Capricorn, he has hidden depths to his personality. For example when he met
first time Elizabeth he doesnt speak so much, he done only exchange glances. He also possesses
that Capricorn tendency of being concerned over marrying the "right" person. So for this reason
he fall in love with Elizabeth, because he sees in it the person who completes.
3. Jane Bennet - Libra
Quiet, feminine, pretty and delicate. I find Jane A gentle and kind-hearted young woman
which is in my opinion a Libra. She always makes efforts to keep everyone happy,
sometimes she find it difficult to say,, NO to anyone. In the text she is as Elizabeths
confident Jane helps to keep her sister's tendency to be judgmental in check by offering
positive interpretations of negative situations. In her relation with Wickham Bingley she

disbelief that he could be a liar. When Ms Bingley returned back in his village without any
explanations, she has not begged him to come back, she just chose the patience. When she
and Miss Bingley become sisters-in-law, Jane's good nature causes her to receive Miss
Bingley's friendly overtures with more responsiveness than Miss Bingley deserves.


ride - where there is a real superiority of mind, pride will be always

under good regulation.

eceived with a great politiness be the Bennet family, Mr Collins came prepared to admire

the Bennet daughters and to speak about his wealth.

ntelligent and spirited Elizabeth fall in love with a proud and wealth man as Darcy.

arcy's arrogant aunt, who dominates Mr. Collins and entertains hopes that her daughter will

marry Darcy.

liza said

,,Insolent girl - thus established themselves eliza when she became understand

that she feels something to Darcy.

n advantage for Charlotte by marrying Mr Collins will be a big amount of money, than the

security, a house and a family.

ecessity to marry someone for money predominate in the 19th century.

ay after day passed away and Jane had no news from the man she fell in love and namely

from Charles Bingley.

unctual as usual and seriously Mr. Collins wanted to marry Jane, unfortunately she was

having already contender for who will be her husband.

egarding with respect and admiration to her sister Jane, because even future husband left her

, he lives in her memory as the most amiable man of her acquaintance.

verybody else condemned Mr. Darcy as the worst man because he put end relationship

between Jane and his cousin.

ewel of this novel is the love story between Elizabeth and Darcy

nhappy, but with money and in security, this was the main raison why Charlotte was

married Collins.

arcy has well-mannered and pleasant cousin, who was interested in Elizabeth, but who

needed to marry someone with money.

am glad to it, said Charlotte watching her husband

which was the right hand of Lady


olonel Fitzwilliam's manners were very much admired by the ladies

Encouraged by her older

sister, Elizabeth wanted to

help her to return her happiness and her beautiful smile.

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