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Criminal defense lawyer/ research project #1

Criminal Defense lawyers are respected in their line of work. They are
lawyers that primarily specialize in law cases dealing with offenses against
society or state, such as theft, murder, and arson. In order to do so they
Interview clients and witnesses to ascertain facts of case, correlate findings
and prepares case. They also prosecute, or defends the defendant against
charges. They also conduct cases, examine and cross examine witnesses and
then eventually summarizes cases to the jury.
Criminal defense lawyers must hold a juris doctorate and an attorneys
license in order to practice criminal law. The juris doctorate It is considered
the first degree in law and is offered by American Bar Association (ABA)approved law schools. You obtain a juris doctorate after three years of law
school. An attorneys license is obtained after four years of having have had
studied law.
The average salary of a criminal defense lawyer is $78,500. However, the
salary can range from $45,000 to $130,000. Furthermore, criminal defense
lawyers either work for a firm, the government, a nonprofit organization, or
the U.S government, therefore retirement varies depending on where you
choose to work.

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