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hey we also hate him all say why we hate Dene whilst he is here.

[20:03:40] Tails
Lock: I think that'd help [20:03:46] Denegoth: Greetings [20:03:49] Daniel Alab
ama: Hello. [20:03:51] Tails Lock: so he knows why and such [20:03:59] *** Deneg
oth added Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub *** [20:04:03] Denegoth: Matt wishes to be he
re [20:04:05] Daniel Alabama: Whos this guy? [20:04:08] Tails Lock: oh Matt... [
20:04:09] Daniel Alabama: Matt isn't needed. [20:04:09] Geia Mable Akyama: <_< [
20:04:12] Evan Hildebrandt: That would be his accomplis Dx [20:04:13] Daniel Ala
bama: He has nothing to do with us. [20:04:16] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: awrite
pals [20:04:24] Denegoth: Matt is my lackey [20:04:25] Tails Lock: Lol Matt is h
ated more than Dene [20:04:29] Geia Mable Akyama: ... [20:04:34] Daniel Alabama:
No, he just shouldnt be here. [20:04:34] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: i am the voi
ce of reason [20:04:36] Tails Lock: gtfo Matt. [20:04:38] Geia Mable Akyama: thi
s guy reminds me of my brothers leechy lover [20:04:40] Tails Lock: you are unlo
ved [20:04:45] Evan Hildebrandt: Your a voice of stupidity is what you are Dx [2
0:04:45] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: so what's all this about Taro then? [20:04:51
] Daniel Alabama: Alright now things are out of hand. [20:05:05] Daniel Alabama:
Matt, could you please leave? [20:05:12] Tails Lock: just ignore him [20:05:20]
Tails Lock: anyway [20:05:49] Tails Lock: Dene you offended Geia for being mean
to her based on her avy instead of based on her personalaty or posting habits [
20:06:00] Denegoth: I saw her posting habits [20:06:02] Denegoth: I could have b
een a lot more mean [20:06:11] Tails Lock: well, okay then. [20:06:20] Geia Mabl
e Akyama: dude [20:06:28] Geia Mable Akyama: just like my brothers leechy lover
[20:06:45] Geia Mable Akyama: you goona ask for our creedit card numbers next? [
20:06:48] Tails Lock: also even though the scrolling text was not updated in a l
ong while and the site was not well organised and you fixed all that, we totall
y don't need more free help [20:06:49] Geia Mable Akyama: wouldnt suprise me [20
:07:07] Denegoth: No, but if you feel like giving me them, that'd be alright [20
:07:09] Denegoth: But I won't be asking [20:07:21] Tails Lock: your generous aid
is not wanted here [20:07:30] Tails Lock: and making that contest! How despicab
le! [20:07:37] Denegoth: Haha oh god [20:07:41] Denegoth: I thought you were ser
ious for a second [20:07:41] Tails Lock: giving away such a prize [20:07:48] Tai
ls Lock: for something as simple as spriting [20:07:51] Tails Lock: how dare you
[20:07:53] Denegoth: I am hitler [20:07:56] Evan Hildebrandt: Oh please, if you
call him being a complete Ego buf f being generous =.= [20:08:53] Geia Mable Ak
yama: i'm sure he's decent when hes not geint na ass [20:08:59] Denegoth: These
pencils are fab [20:08:59] Geia Mable Akyama: but that's all we've seen him bein
g an ass [20:09:17] Tails Lock: you've known him for a single day guys [20:09:31
] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: i've had to suffer him for 5 years [20:09:33] Evan H
ildebrandt: His contest ideas are completely oblivious to the F orum's activity,
it has NOTHING to do with the Original Series or Forum itself =

.= [20:09:35] Denegoth: I swear to god guys these pencils are the best idea ever
[20:09:51] Tails Lock: spriting has nothing to do with TTA? [20:09:59] Tails Lo
ck: are we not in a dire lack of sprites and spriters? [20:10:08] Tails Lock: do
we not need people motivated to sprite? [20:10:09] Evan Hildebrandt: Not his ki
nd of spriting it isn't, it isn't even re levent to the forum Dx [20:10:14] Tail
s Lock: this kind? [20:10:17] Tails Lock: it's spriting. [20:10:17] Mikey D Sanc
hez Fan CLub: why not have a contest where you sprite an original TTA fan charac
ter or something then? [20:10:18] Tails Lock: godamnk [20:10:19] Daniel Alabama:
And spriting that is really motivating tails. [20:10:26] Evan Hildebrandt: ...
Oh for f- Your twisting my point around Dx [20:10:34] Tails Lock: an original TT
A fan character? That made me laugh. [20:10:44] Geia Mable Akyama: <_< [20:10:46
] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: whatta bunch of fuds [20:10:51] Denegoth: TTA is so
bad even the fans hate it [20:11:05] Daniel Alabama: Then why are you here? [20:
11:08] Daniel Alabama: You're not needed. [20:11:11] Daniel Alabama: Or wanted.
[20:11:12] Denegoth: A question I have answered a lot [20:11:20] Denegoth: It's
because Tails is a bro [20:11:22] Evan Hildebrandt: Well maybe we don't want YOU
R kind of help then =p I sugest both of you shouldn't be here if your not even i
nterested Dx [20:11:32] Daniel Alabama: The changes you've made aren't notable e
nough to be i n awe. [20:11:41] Evan Hildebrandt: ... Then this Forum is not for
you then, if you wan t to speak so badly to Tails, use Skype for christ's sake
Dx [20:11:47] Tails Lock: the changes he made in a single day are not good enoug
h? [20:11:50] Evan Hildebrandt: don't bring your pitty party to the forum Dx [20
:11:52] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: what if i make myself interested? [20:12:10] D
aniel Alabama: There's no point. [20:12:19] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: because i
just joined cause i'm making a st upid flash thing round TTA [20:12:24] Denegoth
: Read my signature on the forum for my response to all this [20:12:29] Denegoth
: I am wearing a monocle so hard right now [20:12:36] Tails Lock: we have member
s here doing less for the forum than Matt i s [20:12:46] Denegoth: I too am work
ing on the TTA flash with Matt [20:12:50] Denegoth: Giving my beautiful british
voice talents [20:12:56] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: yeah basically that's how we
got interested [20:13:09] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: i heard Tails saying that TT
A Season 4 was cancelled [20:13:10] Tails Lock: So how about we get rid of every
one that's uneeded [20:13:16] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: so i thought it would be
funny to make a te rrible interpretation of it [20:13:23] Denegoth: And an FYI
[20:13:30] Daniel Alabama: Alright Tails. [20:13:32] Denegoth: I've been watchin
g the forum ALL DAY for any wrongdoings [20:13:33] Geia Mable Akyama: dude just
lie the leechy lover [20:13:40] Daniel Alabama: Get rid of everyone that isn't n
eeded. [20:13:50] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: "And an FYI" that is the campest thi
ng you' ve said ever [20:14:10] Denegoth: It is, sailor [20:14:20] Mikey D Sanch
ez Fan CLub: thanks, sexy [20:14:22] Denegoth: Kiss me [20:14:27] Geia Mable Aky
ama: *facepalm* [20:14:35] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: don't be such a homophone [
20:14:41] Tails Lock: get rid of everyone not needed...

[20:14:43] Daniel Alabama: Tails, get this out of here. [20:14:44] Denegoth: Oh
Geia Geia Geia [20:15:00] Geia Mable Akyama: dont talkt to me dene [20:15:00] Ta
ils Lock: the only people needed are AR and...that;s it [20:15:02] Mikey D Sanch
ez Fan CLub: okay, so can i still be there if i'm making this flash thing? [20:1
5:02] Denegoth: Just seeing that is enough for me to gauge you as a person [20:1
5:07] Geia Mable Akyama: yoru trollish behavures and slime is not wanted ne ar m
y person [20:15:13] Daniel Alabama: Alright Tails. [20:15:18] Daniel Alabama: Th
en we'll all leave. [20:15:20] Denegoth: Behavures is my favourite word [20:15:2
0] Daniel Alabama: Fine by me. [20:15:35] *** Evan Hildebrandt has left *** [20:
15:36] Denegoth: I haven't trolled anybody since I became an admin [20:15:46] De
negoth: You're all just harshly judging me by my original impressio ns [20:15:48
] Daniel Alabama: It doesnt change the fact that you did it anyway [20:15:54] De
negoth: It pretty much does [20:16:14] Denegoth: Hell [20:16:20] Denegoth: I har
dly trolled BEFORE I was an admin [20:16:21] Tails Lock: Danny you've been more
of a douche than Dene in the time you've been here. [20:16:22] Daniel Alabama: F
irst impressions are hard to knock off. [20:16:23] Denegoth: I was just a harsh
critic [20:16:30] Denegoth: That is a point [20:16:33] Daniel Alabama: Tails, do
n't worry about it. [20:16:41] Denegoth: Geia's first impression was definitely
a lasting one [20:16:46] Daniel Alabama: I'm going to take care of it for you. [
20:16:55] Geia Mable Akyama: <_< [20:16:59] Tails Lock: take care of it? [20:17:
07] Geia Mable Akyama: and des is why i never give oru real info online [20:17:1
2] Geia Mable Akyama: cus of tweekers liek dene [20:17:12] Tails Lock: that soun
ds like scary internet talk for "I;'m going to d estroy the forum" [20:17:19] Da
niel Alabama: No [20:17:22] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: Dene isn't a tweeker, he d
oesn't smoke meth [20:17:23] Denegoth: It's very vague and mysterious [20:17:24]
Daniel Alabama: Not destroying the forum [20:17:28] Daniel Alabama: That's stup
id. [20:17:42] Tails Lock: then what do you plan to take care of? [20:17:46] Den
egoth: He's going to make a brand new forum and move everybody to it just becaus
e there's a guy he doesn't like helping out [20:17:52] Denegoth: Or something li
ke that [20:17:55] Daniel Alabama: Nawh. [20:18:08] Tails Lock: you have no plan
at all do you. [20:18:14] Denegoth: Stuff like this happens in real life jobs a
ll the time [20:18:14] Daniel Alabama: Yep. [20:18:15] Denegoth: Get used to it
[20:18:17] Daniel Alabama: No plan at all. [20:18:22] Tails Lock: Quit whining a
nd accept Dene [20:18:26] Denegoth: He's probably going to de-admin me [20:18:30
] Geia Mable Akyama: dene dosent watn acceptance [20:18:33] Geia Mable Akyama: h
is first p[osts prove that [20:18:51] Tails Lock: I want acceptance though...Of
Dene. [20:18:57] Daniel Alabama: No. [20:19:01] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: Tails
and Dene go waaaay back [20:19:06] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: in ways yous don't
wanna know [20:19:08] Tails Lock: shush Matt [20:19:13] Tails Lock: that is irel

[20:19:14] Daniel Alabama: No one cares. [20:19:18] Daniel Alabama: Exactly. [20
:19:22] Tails Lock: Dene is simply a good admin [20:19:27] *** Daniel Alabama ha
s left *** [20:19:33] Tails Lock: who despite not liking TTA is doing a whole bu
nch for us [20:19:38] Tails Lock: and you act like this... [20:19:43] Denegoth:
I was actually planning to buy a domain as well [20:19:55] Tails Lock: you guys
are complete arseholes. [20:20:05] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: i haven't done anyt
hing that i can think of [20:20:18] Noneofyour business: Danny already dropped.
[20:20:21] Geia Mable Akyama: 'Ne teres a little thing in thie sorld [20:20:26]
Geia Mable Akyama: maybe yoru framiliar wiht the saying? [20:20:40] Geia Mable A
kyama: "first impressions ar the longest lasting." [20:20:40] Denegoth: Maybe I
would be if you proofread what you typed [20:20:50] Tails Lock: I am very framil
ier wiht that saying [20:20:53] Denegoth: Yoru Framiliar sounds like a brand of
yoghurt [20:21:03] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: i wouldn't eat it [20:21:08] Mikey
D Sanchez Fan CLub: for fear of scabies [20:21:11] Tails Lock: frist impresionio
nies are silly though [20:21:13] Denegoth: Probably tastes like socks soaked in
chugjuice [20:21:19] Denegoth: Haha Tails [20:21:20] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: C
hateau du Cum [20:21:23] Denegoth: You Genioinious [20:21:27] Mikey D Sanchez Fa
n CLub: hahah [20:21:30] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: hoyl shit [20:21:34] Mikey D
Sanchez Fan CLub: and holy perhaps [20:21:43] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: that for
um really is like that Burnt Face M an episode [20:21:53] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CL
ub: DON'T PATRONISE ME NOOOB [20:22:30] Tails Lock: i think I've been called awa
y but I'm not really sure as I was too busy typing madly at you guys. [20:22:36]
Tails Lock: so I'mma go now [20:22:42] Denegoth: It's depressing to know that I
've gone out of my way to spe nd an entire day moderating and fixing up the foru
ms [20:22:45] Denegoth: And they hate me for it [20:22:51] Tails Lock: Dene, wat
ch out for Danny [20:23:08] Denegoth: I have his e-mail, I'll just sign him up f
or something icky [20:23:09] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: only be afraid if he's Da
nny Dyre [20:23:12] Tails Lock: take any mesaures you want if it looks like he;s
going to do something bad [20:23:20] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: he'll shout so m
uch cockney at you [20:23:40] Tails Lock: I give you permission to ban him if he
starts messing up forum settings [20:23:45] Denegoth: Sir yes sir [20:23:49] De
negoth: Checking admin logs now [20:23:55] Tails Lock: goodbye for now [20:24:01
] Geia Mable Akyama: i'm here you fools [20:24:05] Tails Lock: sorry that you ha
ve been trated like this [20:24:08] Tails Lock: hi Geia [20:24:10] Denegoth: He'
s done nothing at all [20:24:17] Denegoth: So I won't be banning him or anything
[20:24:40] Tails Lock: Geia, as your master I order you to accept Dene. [20:24:
52] Tails Lock: he is great [20:24:58] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: except not me [
20:24:59] Geia Mable Akyama: <_< [20:25:03] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: Tails hate
s me for something i did 4 years ago [20:25:05] Denegoth: I'm also good in the s
ack from what Matt has told me [20:25:09] Geia Mable Akyama: he's howard stern w
ithotu the rougish good looks o r class

[20:25:21] Geia Mable Akyama: he insulted me and ccontinues to be abrasive [20:2

5:39] Geia Mable Akyama: i can co exist but i will not be nice [20:25:45] Tails
Lock: oh right. Dene only insult Geia for valid reasons like he r typos and stuf
f please. [20:25:56] Tails Lock: then you can be friends [20:26:03] Tails Lock:
:) [20:26:04] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: how do you even prononunce Geia? Gee-ya?
Ga i-ya? [20:26:10] Tails Lock: Gee-ya [20:26:15] Tails Lock: I think [20:26:19
] Denegoth: Gay-ya [20:26:24] Denegoth: Probably [20:26:25] Tails Lock: okay bye
[20:26:29] Denegoth: Looks like it's spelt like that [20:26:31] Geia Mable Akya
ma: it is as tails says it [20:26:34] Denegoth: Oh okay [20:26:41] Geia Mable Ak
yama: now stuf it you monkey ridden asshat [20:26:49] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub:
that makes no sense [20:26:57] Denegoth: I am shocked and apalled [20:27:05] Mik
ey D Sanchez Fan CLub: American insults are terrible berrible [20:27:17] Mikey D
Sanchez Fan CLub: dried up old fud [20:27:23] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: that's
better [20:27:25] Denegoth: Shut up Matt, you pirate-infested toilet paper [20:2
7:38] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: i am telling [20:27:56] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub
: that's the type of toilet paper that you ca n't stick up your ass to solve wor
ld hunger [20:28:18] Denegoth: This was all very compelling [20:28:25] Mikey D S
anchez Fan CLub: haha [20:28:26] Denegoth: I'm amazed we didn't need to wait for
Robot for the drama [20:28:36] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: i wonder whatever happ
ened to the Newground s guy, and if he ever got his phone working again [20:29:0
8] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: i still have no idea how the drama started [20:29:2
6] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: just all on you being a knob for your first few pos
ts [20:30:47] Denegoth: Haha yeah [20:30:54] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: well appa
rently you insulted Geia [20:30:55] Denegoth: I've done nothing wrong since I be
came an admin [20:30:56] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: you Hitlerist you [20:31:00]
Denegoth: I didn't even really do that [20:31:10] Denegoth: Well I guess I calle
d her stupid for the way she misinterpr eted stuff [20:31:25] Denegoth: I guess
that's the problem with fan forums [20:31:29] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: you naug
hty man [20:31:31] Denegoth: They're not used to being insulted [20:31:32] Deneg
oth: At all [20:31:53] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: i should really really watch so
me TTA, but knowing anything about the story will ruin my terrible flash [20:32:
04] Denegoth: Stuff happens [20:32:05] *** Noneofyour business has left *** [20:
32:07] Denegoth: Sprites get recoloured [20:32:10] Denegoth: That's basically it
[20:32:29] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: it's like a shitter version of the clock c
r ew [20:32:41] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: bouncing graphic symbols takes more ef
fort [20:32:44] Denegoth: That's a level of shit you have to aspire to [20:32:45
] Denegoth: My god [20:32:50] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: the world is declining [
20:33:05] Denegoth: We should make a fan forum for something stupid someday [20:
33:10] Denegoth: Just for terrible fans to cause drama [20:33:17] Mikey D Sanche
z Fan CLub: haha oh dear god

[20:33:27] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: just if we made one for egoraptor when Meta
l gear awesome came out [20:33:33] Denegoth: Ahhh fuck [20:33:34] Mikey D Sanch
ez Fan CLub: people that find that stuff funny are usual ly terrible [20:33:34]
Denegoth: That would've been amazing [20:33:36] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: HAHA L
OOK [20:33:40] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: IT'S SO FAST PACED [20:33:42] Mikey D S
anchez Fan CLub: HAHA [20:33:45] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: ANIME STYLE [20:33:54
] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: fucking hate anime dear god [20:34:00] Denegoth: Any
body who liked it for any reason other than it having a couple of decent MGS ref
erences is hitler [20:34:10] Denegoth: Even those decent references were shit [2
0:34:21] Denegoth: HA HA LOOK OTACON IS PISSING [20:34:29] Mikey D Sanchez Fan C
Lub: to be fair it is mildly funny at parts [20:34:30] Denegoth: WE MAKE FUN OF
Lub: but the style gets obnoxious real fast [20:34:43] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub:
it's a 2.5/5 [20:34:48] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: not a 4.whatever/5 [20:34:52]
Denegoth: D- see me after class [20:34:57] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: haha [20:3
5:01] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: it's not as if i can do better [20:35:11] Mikey
D Sanchez Fan CLub: but it doesn't deserve the popularity [20:35:18] Mikey D San
chez Fan CLub: kinda like my Battletoads video [20:35:23] Denegoth: Your KFC fla
sh deserves fame [20:35:24] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: 500k views over 3 minutes
of work [20:35:26] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: and i sold the music rights for 15 [
20:35:32] Denegoth: Hahaha [20:35:37] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: now it's just aw
ful [20:35:48] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: too bad the KFC flash is lost [20:35:55
] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: fucking hard drive [20:36:02] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CL
ub: and fucking youtube anti-knob rules [20:36:23] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: i w
onder if any of the Americans know what a knob or a fud is? [20:36:27] Mikey D S
anchez Fan CLub: those words are just sacred [20:36:29] Denegoth: Or a chode [20
:36:39] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: haha [20:36:40] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: well
[20:36:41] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: i think they might [20:36:42] Geia Mable A
kyama: ... [20:37:03] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: i take that as yes for chode [20
:37:10] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: what about knob and fud? [20:37:38] Denegoth:
Man [20:37:46] Denegoth: How many people hate me at the moment? [20:37:49] Deneg
oth: There's Umut [20:37:50] Denegoth: Flash [20:37:50] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub
: more than usual [20:37:59] Denegoth: These guys [20:37:59] Mikey D Sanchez Fan
CLub: Umut isn't really a human being [20:38:04] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: Flas
h is mentally ill [20:38:13] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: and you did antagonise th
ese guys [20:38:22] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: i've done nothing and they hate me
, which i s amazing and hilarious [20:38:24] Denegoth: They deserved it [20:38:2
5] Denegoth: Haha [20:38:30] Denegoth: You really haven't [20:38:35] Denegoth: A
nd I've HELPED THEM and they hate me [20:38:48] Denegoth: I think the fact we're
actually forward with what we think

is too much for them [20:39:00] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: you don't use enough m
emes or smilies [20:39:08] Denegoth: Over 9000 facepalms XD [20:39:18] Denegoth:
I felt dirty typing that [20:39:21] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: this is so lulz x
D!!!! its over 9000! a fuc kin luv naruto tooo! long live anime! [20:39:26] Mike
y D Sanchez Fan CLub: i need cleansed [20:39:35] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: god f
orbid these people ever find sexophone [20:39:40] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: well
[20:39:46] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: those "type" have [20:39:49] Mikey D Sanch
ez Fan CLub: "epic sax guy" [20:39:52] Denegoth: Oh god [20:39:53] Mikey D Sanch
ez Fan CLub: LOL! HE'S AMAZING SO HE IS EPIC! [20:40:01] Denegoth: I hate that f
ucking name [20:40:04] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: it's awful [20:40:04] Denegoth:
Sexophone guy is way better [20:40:07] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: indeed [20:40:
14] Denegoth: Or metrosexual Duke Nukem [20:40:17] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: hah
ah [20:40:26] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: these people won't know who Duke is [20:
40:32] Denegoth: Danny still hasn't done anything [20:40:40] Denegoth: I'm almos
t disappointed [20:40:42] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: did he say he was gonna fuck
stuff up? [20:40:49] Denegoth: He was being CRYPTIC [20:40:57] Denegoth: Like y
ou said, they always bloody speak like they're an ani me character [20:41:00] De
negoth: It's stupid [20:41:00] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: is there any way to mak
e a backup? [20:41:04] Denegoth: Hmm [20:41:05] Denegoth: Lemme check [20:41:18]
Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: it is invision free, so probably not [20:41:38] Deneg
oth: Nope [20:41:41] Denegoth: No backup feature [20:41:42] Mikey D Sanchez Fan
CLub: oh dear [20:41:50] Denegoth: That sucks [20:42:01] Denegoth: If he fucks s
omething up, there are admin logs to prove it [20:42:02] Denegoth: I'll screenca
p if he does [20:42:08] Denegoth: Then I will be a hero [20:42:15] Denegoth: Who
is loved by TTA fans [20:43:41] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: haha [20:43:46] Mikey
D Sanchez Fan CLub: all 6 of them will love you [20:43:56] Mikey D Sanchez Fan
CLub: and caress you with outdated unfunny memes while you go to sleep [20:43:57
] Denegoth: I seriously don't know what it is about us that invokes so much hate
in lesser people [20:44:12] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: they aren't "lesser" [20:
44:18] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: we've just been on the internet for far lon ger
[20:44:20] Denegoth: They're "worser" [20:44:25] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: haha
[20:44:40] Denegoth: You know what I mean by lesser [20:44:48] Denegoth: Hell,
for all we know they could be way richer than us [20:44:49] Mikey D Sanchez Fan
CLub: Geia Mable Akyama sounds like a Nigerian 41 9 scammer name [20:44:52] Mike
y D Sanchez Fan CLub: i should know [20:44:55] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: i am an
expert [20:44:56] Denegoth: Hahah [20:45:05] Denegoth: Oh shit I just noticed [
20:45:11] Denegoth: Look who's in the call [20:45:13] Denegoth: AngryRobot

[20:45:16] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: yeah i know [20:45:21] Denegoth: HEY ROBOT
[20:45:31] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: he's probably AFK or sitting here disecting
every word we say [20:45:44] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: i bet this is being save
d by one of them [20:45:49] Denegoth: Hahaha no shit [20:46:04] Denegoth: Which
is funny because we've said nothing that they don't a lready know [20:46:25] Den
egoth: What I wanna know is if they're gonna modify the chat log [20:46:26] Mike
y D Sanchez Fan CLub: this'll be like that time when i trolled Ab ove Top Secret
[20:46:29] Denegoth: That would be amazing [20:46:34] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub:
50 pages of them disecting every bloody wor d [20:46:52] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CL
ub: i think they ended up linking me to Sony an d my work on the abandoned PS2 i
nfra red port or something [20:47:00] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: and somehow that
tied into Area 51 [20:47:25] Denegoth: That's disturbing [20:47:28] Mikey D San
chez Fan CLub: i know [20:47:33] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: it shows you how far
from the truth conspir acies are [20:47:41] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: no i wasn'
t a secret Sony government agent [20:47:54] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: i was a ve
ry bored person with a randomly g enerated username [20:47:58] Denegoth: The TTA
guys will link you being linked to Area 51 to being an agent to take down TTA [
20:48:02] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: i did enjoy the guy that started posting fr
om an IP as a co-agent [20:48:10] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: haha [20:48:40] Dene
goth: Tails had a point earlier [20:48:46] Denegoth: I'm offering a game as a pr
ize [20:48:50] Denegoth: From my own money [20:48:54] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub:
yeah [20:48:55] Denegoth: And they're ungrateful about it [20:49:00] Mikey D San
chez Fan CLub: a sprite thing of anything is fine [20:49:05] Mikey D Sanchez Fan
CLub: as sprites are what TTA is about apparently [20:49:20] Denegoth: I wasn't
even planning to judge it fully on quality [20:49:21] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub:
feels good having money though [20:49:23] Denegoth: It was mostly appeal [20:49
:27] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: 75 sitting about in the bank [20:49:37] Denegoth:
I have like 210 coming soon [20:49:44] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: and an extra 60 b
efore Christmas [20:49:47] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: you lucky dirty sexy man [2
0:49:50] Denegoth: That's why I made the deadline so late, haha [20:50:09] Deneg
oth: d [20:50:12] Denegoth: Huh [20:50:17] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: fuck i forg
ot [20:50:18] Denegoth: It was displaying everything as a capital [20:50:18] Den
egoth: Odd [20:50:24] Denegoth: MUST BE TTA REVENGE [20:50:24] Mikey D Sanchez F
an CLub: tommorow i need to be updating shit on the school website [20:50:27] Mi
key D Sanchez Fan CLub: can't be bothered [20:50:30] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: t
he CSS is broken [20:50:33] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: and i don't know CSS [20:5
0:37] Denegoth: Just like the TTA forums [20:50:41] Denegoth: www.instantrimshot
.com [20:50:41] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: hahah [20:50:53] Denegoth: I wonder if
those guys are actually reading this [20:50:56] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: proba

[20:50:58] Denegoth: Or if they're genuinely offline [20:50:59] Denegoth: HEY GE

IE [20:51:01] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: HMMM [20:51:03] Denegoth: GEIA* [20:51:1
ORT [20:51:15] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: HMMM [20:51:16] Denegoth: I WAS READING
[20:51:57] Denegoth: E.T WAS BY STEPHEN SPIELBURG [20:52:04] Denegoth: I ONCE TO
OK A SHIT THAT LOOKED LIKE E.T [20:52:04] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: as soon as t
hey log in they'll see all this anyway [20:52:05] Denegoth: HOLY [20:52:07] Dene
goth: FUCKING [20:52:07] Denegoth: SHIT [20:52:08] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: Sky
pe archives stuff for you [20:52:14] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: haha [20:52:20] D
enegoth: I'm gonna save this chat log [20:52:21] Denegoth: And send it to Chris
[20:52:24] Geia Mable Akyama: ... [20:52:32] Denegoth: He needs a chuckle [20:52
:41] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: silly old Chris [20:52:54] Denegoth: Also it'll b
e good to have it saved incase these guys try t o edit it and ruin our amazing c
redibility [20:53:02] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: they don't even know who i am [2
0:53:13] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: i think i know why these people automatical l
y hate me [20:53:18] Denegoth: Because you're sexy [20:53:23] Mikey D Sanchez Fa
n CLub: they just think i'm a random internet [20:53:32] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLu
b: and most of the internet is hostile [20:53:35] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: so t
hey just go into insta-hate [20:53:40] Denegoth: Haha [20:53:45] Mikey D Sanchez
Fan CLub: a random internet man* [20:53:47] Denegoth: It's like an outer-tribe
thing [20:53:50] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: it is [20:53:59] Denegoth: I love the
tribe mentality [20:54:01] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: this is a great conversati
on [20:54:07] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: we need another elipse from Geia [20:54:
16] Denegoth: This is basically like us well established people going int o cave
man society [20:54:19] Denegoth: In more ways than one [20:54:34] Mikey D Sanche
z Fan CLub: you in your monocole and top hat, me with m y kilt and caber [20:54:
40] Denegoth: And sword [20:54:55] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: i have it tied to m
y caber [20:54:57] Denegoth: Obligatory highlander reference [20:55:00] Denegoth
: Because I am funny [20:55:01] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: haha [20:55:19] Denego
th: Hey Geia [20:55:23] Denegoth: Are you american? [20:55:30] Mikey D Sanchez F
an CLub: ... [20:55:34] Mikey D Sanchez Fan CLub: obligatory elipse [20:55:39] D
enegoth: Beautiful [20:56:00] Denegoth: Anyway [20:56:03] Denegoth: Sending chat
log to Chris now

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