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Lineman of the Volk - Descendents of an expansionist empire, abandoned in the fa

r north with little to cling to but their banner of a Red Lion and tried scrolls
of tactics. They dress in heavy furs in the style of their old more Byzantine e
mpire, but overtime have had to interbreed with the locals and have incorporated
a more native fashion by way of silver face-plates on their helmets in the guis
e of demons, and metal-wings on their armor when they ride their horses. They sp
ecialize in the pike and cestus, and are fond of great beards and mustaches. The
y carve totem animals into the oak shafts of their spears, and only their leader
and their bannerman may carve a Lion into their emblems.
Moonbrother - Decadent burghers who, three times per month, shift into eldritch
entities known as Mooncalfs. While the early dream journeys and astral trips are
a spot of fun, frequent journies and shifts into a Mooncalf lead to the mortal
body being wrinkled and scarred by stretch-marks. All Moonbrothers bare a mark o
f the melting moon as a talisman upon their body, usually a pendant or cuff-link
s. Moonbrothers can heal their wracked mortal forms by eating coral dust and blo
od. As a mooncalf, the Moonbrother is sentient and completely sane though unable
to act against an alien will that grants them a sense of euphoria that cannot b
e bested.
Geisterkampf - A recently dead human being, brought back to life by a horrific m
agical contraption that forces the soul of the departed back into the flesh; as
well as any other recently dead into the form. The Geisterkampf is a twitching r
eanimated meat-suit, aware of its surroundings and able to speak if it extends t
he effort. When struck, or attacking, ghostly limbs will emerge from wounds and
pores to rake at the enemy. Losing any limb will lead to a leakage of ectoplasm
which writhes as the spirit tries to escape the mortal coil. A human being can b
e kept alive this way until proper healing is had, but the newly ressurected hum
an will be forever mutilated and tormented by the spirits that ripped their way
from its body as his soul was healed. It is considered vaguely more unpleasant t
han dying in the first place.
Adherent of the Ancestral Armor - In rare cultures the spirits of ones ancestors
sometime linger, and after a hundred years of faithful service the arms and arm
or of are given a soul of their own. Animated armor and blades, generations out
of fashion, can occasionally be found wandering silently looking for a hero to w
ear them to continue their tradition. Some will take up a weak or seemingly unwo
rthy individual to rise up to heroics; but if that individual is slain in the ar
mor; the soul is corrupted and a demon is formed.
Spirit-Feaster - Men and women from the deep mountains of the south who have to
contend with wild demons and horrid spirits that haunt their forest passes. Each
village has a single Spirit-Feaster, an individual possessing a third eye gifte
d by the All-Creator which allows them to take the mirroring face of whatever ot
herworldly creatures is harassing them. By extering their will and maintaining m
esmerizing eye-contact with the creature, the enemy spirit is slowly sucked clos
er and closer to them until such a time that the Spirit-Feaster is able to consu
me the animus of the enemy and send the remaining energies into the eye. After y
ears of hunting, a Feaster eventually becomes a Demon King of their own; able to
scion other potential Spirit-Feasters and to raise up armies and enemies to har
ass the villages in an infinite and vicious cycle.
The Blind God's Catspaw - Rarest of the Thief Brotherhoods are the Blind God's C
atspaw, a small coterie of men and women who travel the world mostly naked save
for their tools and a number of tattooed outlines on their body. When in need of
it, the Catspaw can turn his body into about a dozen human hands, one of which
carries his head, and he can manipulate those hands as though they were attached
to human bodies. The Catspaw have committed numerous temple robberies, allegedl
y in search of their God's stolen sight; but all they've found is enough riches
to anger every other cult in existence.

Order of the Basilisk - A profane order bent on devilry and order, enforcing a l
aw no man can act against. They wear helmets that give the illusion of a cock or
a serpent's head, complete with a crown, and carry with them a censer. These wa
ndering judges enter a village and proclaim the crimes of the many, hold aloft t
heir censer, and release a petrifying smoke that slowly consumes the innocent in
stone and forces the guilty to vomit up serpents until they are but an empty fo
rlorn husk. The Order of the Basilisk are officially at war with most other Orde
rs of Knights, though they bow to the Will of the Divine and have been sent to f
araway lands to great effect.

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