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Water Cycle in a Bag

3. Pour the water into the bag. Be careful to make sure

the water does not touch the sides of the bag.

Make your very own water cycle tonight!


4. Seal the bag securely and tape it to a window. Try to

use a window that sees a lot of sun.

A clear sealable bag

Sticky tape
Permanent marker pen
Blue food coloring
A glass of water
A window
Some sunshine!

1. Design your bag. Try to include the sea, some
clouds and the sun.

5. After approximately 30 minutes you should start to

see some water droplets forming on the inside of the
bag. Tap them to make it precipitate inside the bag.

As you are watching your water cycle, keep a close
eye on what is happening. Create an organizational
chart to record your findings and observations.
(Possibly the time duration/what you begin to
2. Add a few drops of blue food coloring to the water.

What did you observe?
How long did it take for you to witness steps

What steps were witnesses?
What caused these steps to occur?
Use your knowledge of the water cycle and 5th grade
writing skills to create your conclusion.

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