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Lesson Reflection 6

Todays lesson went well. I did a direct instruction lesson where students learned rule
endings. I thought the overall lesson went well, and the students seemed to have understood the
I began the lesson by doing whiteboard work. I reviewed the ending rules we had learned
the previous days, and I introduced the new ending rule: changing y to ies if the y follows a
consonant and adding s if the y follows a vowel. Afterwards, I had the students take out their
whiteboards and we practiced changing the endings of nouns that end in y. We did about ten of
them and I had them chin it after each word to check for understanding.
For independent practice students completed a page in their Standards Plus books. We
reviewed the answers whole class. They all did really well. Hopefully they will be able to
continue using the different ending rules they learned the previous days along with the one from
this lesson.

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