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Commonly Used Similes

as bright as a button

very bright and alert, often
describing a person

Write your own

as bright as

as busy as a bee
as calm as a millpond
as clear as crystal
as clear as mud
as flat as a pancake
as good as gold
as light as a feather
as poor as a church mouse
as slippery as an eel
as snug as a bug in a rug
as solid as a rock
as straight as an arrow
as stubborn as a mule
as thin as a rake
as tough as old boots
as wise as an owl
as white as a ghost
as slow as a tortoise
as scarce as hen's teeth
as old as the hills
as nutty as a fruitcake
as mad as a hatter
as busy as a bee
Write down the meaning of some of these commonly used similes. Make your own simile with
a similar meaning.

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