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Corporate Stress: Stars & Success

Justice S.N. Kapoor1

Bigger the organisation, bigger would be the responsibility to achieve targets, bigger
and increasing obstacles; naturally, it would be followed by more stress.
In case of a promoter of a company, teething troubles would be overwhelmingly many
more. In view of multiple legislations-obsolete and most modern - and multiple authorities
lacking administrative vision and coordination
among themselves, legal requirements are
complex. One needs nerves of steel or to be
The corporate world is a mirage for
Sthir Buddhi in terms of Shlokas 55-62 of
people who have never seen this
Bhagavad Gita to bear the stress of registration
section of the world.
of company, arrangement of monetary
It is a life which is like an ocean full
resources, project clearance, by industry,
of tides and unlike ocean throws all
environment departments, in getting loan
sanctioned, licenses required, and on the top
the unwanted out of its
of it additional stress caused by red-tapism,
possession. One who has the
delays, and consequential cost escalation of
ability to master the jinx to his
project needing revision of project report, refavour is the winner at the end.
submission and awaiting reconsideration.

For a layman, relation between the

corporate world and astrology may
sound absurd but the reality is still

In this article writer Justice S. N.

Kapoor has highlighted few of the
points which can reduce stress of

After commencement of production, new

and complex problems of market forces,
labour, finance and marketing start. Where is
respite to take care of family, ones own
spiritual emotional needs to show ones own
latent talents?

Manage your Thoughts

starting, running, and managing a

corporate house successfully.

He has also beautifully penned the

basic keynotes which can make a
layman understand his ability and
thus help him to find solace in life.

How you face the demanding situation

depends on your positive or negative
approach in life. An ancient Greek philosopher
Epictectus observed People are disturbed not
by events, but by the view they take of them.
It is easy to say that one has to manage his
thoughts first to manage ones destiny in terms
Lord Buddhas edict:

Former Judge of Delhi High Court, Former Member of the National Consumer Disputes, Redressal Commission,
Former National President of ICAS, Chairperson International Wing of ICAS

All that we are, is the result of

What we have thought.

The mind is everything.
What we think, we become.
In Bhagwad Gita Bhagwan Lord Krishna in a similar situation observed: Without
doubt, O Mighty armed (Arjuna), the mind is difficult to curb and restless but it can be
controlled, O Son of Kunti (Arjuna), by constant practice and non-attachment.
One need to take Samkalpas and repeated Samkalpas would, at least, make you feel
that you may succeed even under stressful situation. If you are not an atheist, pray and
feel that almighty is by your side to protect and help you in completing the task. Robert
Ornstein, psychologist and David Sobel, physician observed: If you are in a stressful
situation and have the illusion you can control it-even if you cant, your stress reaction will
be reduced.
Repeated Samkalpas forces an individual to bear the stress like the Hardy type, who
breeze through life seemingly unaffected by stress. After a study of those, who were
never ill, despite their heavy work load and those with poorer health, Psychologist Suzanne
Kobasa and her colleagues found three main characteristics: i.) the Hardy Type had
commitment to what they were involved in; ii) they had a sense of control-feeling that they
were responsible for what happens to their life; and iii) they had the ability to rise to the
challenge. Bill Clinton was mentioned as Hardy type. His Chart will be discussed later on
along with charts of some other Hardy Type persons.
Meeting and taking advice of elderly positive persons has been found to be helpful.
A small factual story will help you to appreciate importance of positive thinking. Norman
Vincent Peale, successful author of the Power of Positive Thinking, was so disappointed
with the first manuscript of his book that he threw it in the waste-paper basket, from
where it was rescued by his more positive cleaning lady. And lateron that very discarded
manuscript paved the way for making the author and the book become very popular.

Aspirations and Management

What is management? is difficult to define to everybodys satisfaction. However,
management makes things happen to achieve organizational objectives. Management is
to manage oneself to manage ones men and material tactfully and to manage
interruptions, the unexpected, and the uncertainties. It is neither logical nor rational in the
mind and books; it is practice on the soiled shop floors to achieve the ultimate results.

Successful managers have followed certain basic principles of management

consciously or unconsciously. They are: (a) setting targets to be achieved in the light of
resources available or which can be made available; (b) planning to achieve the target;

(c) organizing and collection or ensuring free flow of resources; (d) preparing
communication channels for effective direction as well as motivation; (e) meeting with
concerned personnel for communicating broad ideas for taking their views on
(i) practicability of the ideas; and (ii) for the purpose of planning their role in the game
plan; (f) flagging off the project with collective efforts; (g) sitting on controls for direction
and motivation to achieve the target; and (h) suggesting method to overcome the
unexpected problems and to send re-inforcements in case of need promptly. In short,
thus Plan the work and work the plan. But all the meticulous planning and its execution
may leave one at the end distressed, frustrated and bankrupt.

Role of Destiny
Why so? Gita indicates direction to find an answer: A given situation or background,
the ability of the person taking action, the various resources at ones command, the effort
that one puts in and destiny are the five factors which shape the ultimate result.
Therefore, one must try to know destiny for fruitful planning. Destiny! Whose destiny?
Of course, firstly, of the leader or General and then his commanders in various areas like Financial Managers, Human Resource or Personnel Managers, Factory Managers,
Marketing Managers etc. at least and of the entire work force (or followers). Numerous
factors simultaneously work: (a) good or bad period of the Leaders and Commanders;
(b) good or bad period of the followers or work force; (c) coherence and co-operation
between the two groups of persons; and (d) congenial environment, say favourable or
unfavorable situation or presence of obstruction removing friends or obstruction causing
friends / foes.
Astrology, being a diagnostic science is very helpful in appreciating ones destiny,
ones course of life, ones inclinations and ones own strong and weak points. It helps in
appreciating attitude of others also. Since it also prescribes preventive remedial measures
as well, human efforts may be made to overcome the problems which are likely to arise.

Karma Motivation: Indian Perspective

There are two approaches to find out Karma Motivation as well as Character &
Inclinations. One is Meta Physical and other is Physical and Psychological approach.

1. Meta Physical Approach: In order to properly appreciate one should take note
that the Supreme Lord of the Universe i.e. Maha Kaala has created Chaturvidha universe
in consonance with his own attribute is indestructible and He is the Creator, Protector
and Destroyer. These three faculties of the Supreme creation, preservation and
destructions are also found in every person in different qualitative and quantitative
combinations. It is said that the nature (Prakruti) is the energy force of the Supreme and it
is Trigunatmaka Satwa, Raja and Tama. This essence of energy force of Nirakara,

Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent self created qualities of the Supreme also
emanate amongst animate and inanimate objects from four kinds of the limbs namely
Uttama, Madhyama, Adhama, Udaseena of Kaala. The Uttama part of the Supreme is the
head. Madhyama part is arms and chest, thighs form Udaseena part and the feet form
Adhama part.
The Chaturvidha Universe comprised of various classes of Chetan and Jada movables
and immovable and the attributes in accordance with the attributes of different limbs of
Kaala which form the source of their creations.

Consequently, the person is embellished with the attribute (Sattwa), Raja or Tama or
Udaseena whichever is predominant at the time of birth. The predictions should therefore
be made after taking into account the time of birth.
Great Parashar Rishi has given clues about basic causes of personality traits, and in
built character and virtually instructions in Human Resource Management to Maitreya in
Sl. 9 of Chapter 77 Satwadi Guna Phaladhyaya.
Find out first three strongest planets in a chart. How to find out strongest three?*
Note: *Influence of Poorna Parmatmamsa, Varga Bala as suggested by (Jaymunis Dhruva
Nadi), Asthaka Varga. Shadbala of operating Dasa Lord, Antar Dasa Lord and
Pratyantar Dasa Lord. If they happen to be Lagna Lord, Chandra, Ravi, Atma
Karaka, and Karmic control planets, they would indicate the character, in addition
to Moons Nakshatra Lord.
If they are the Sun, the Moon and Jupiter, the native should be Satwa-guni having
excellent character. The natural attributes of persons belonging to this class of Uttama
persons, are possession of control over organs of perception and mind, simplicity,
truthfulness, patience and satisfaction.
If Rajoguna (passion of love and pleasure) is predominant at the time of birth, Mercury
and Venus should be predominant at birth, and valour, splendour, patience and cleverness,
and a will not to retreat in war and protecting noble and holy souls, would be the natural
attributes of a Rajoguni person.
If the Tamogun (attribute of darkness) is predominant at the time of birth, Mars and
Saturn should be predominant at birth. and greed, falsehood, idiocy, laziness, doing
service of others would be the inborn attributes of persons who belongs to Tamoguni
When all the planets are of almost equal dominance at the time of birth, the person
has a mixture of all the attributes he would belong say Udaseena group and in that case
engagement in agriculture and business, protection of cattle and speaking both truth and
lies, are inborn attributes of persons belonging to Udaseena group of persons.

In this context the great Parashar Rishi has again given another clue for better Human
Resource Management by suggesting need to find out the most dominant influence to
decide its role in influencing the motivation and inclination of the concerned person to opt
for one or the other amongst numerous choices.
Rishi Parashar has also pointed out the mutual influence and nature of relationship
between the master and the servant, husband and wife, invariable and stable, if both of
them possess the same attributes.
Amongst the above four classes of persons, if there is any kind of relationship of even
Adhama with Udaseena, or Udaseena with Madhyama or of Madhyama with Uttama,
there will be mutual affection and happiness.

If the bridegroom has better attributes than the bride or the master has better attributes
than the servant, there will be mutual affection (regard for each other) and happiness. If
the bride or the servant possesses better attributes, the relationships will be full of
A person should be considered appropriate for a job according to his attributes
2. Physical and Psychological Approach:
Virya Kshetra Prasoodecha Samaya Sadathistatha
Uttamadiguno Heturbalvanuttarottaram
The personality traits of a native depend upon his fathers (virya) Punyas, and
Dharmacharana, mothers (Kshetram) Karma, time of birth of native and the persons he
gets associated with. These classes become stronger stepwise from Fathers Dharma to
time of birth and his associations.
Ataha Prasoothikalasya Sadrusho Jatakey Guna
Jayathey Tam Parkisheyva Phala Vachayam Vichashanayh
Therefore, one should classify the people as Uttama, Madhyama, Adhama and
Udaseena after observations of attributes of Sattwa, Raja, Tama, Udaseena character
on one hand and on the other hand, one should not forget that the attributes of the native
are dependent on his father and mother, his time of birth and the persons he gets
associated with. These are the root causes of Uttama etc., qualities possessed by him.
The attributes endowed by the time of the birth and associations are stronger than those
received from the parents.

In the light of the above views of Late Shri D.V. Subba Rao, that Karma Motivations in
any horoscope is based on the Lagna, the Lagna Lord, the 5th and 10th houses and their
Lords, would be insufficient. It is felt that at least in addition to these six factors over all
strength of the above chart must be seen on the basis of Birth Chart, Hora, Drekkana,
Navamsa, Trimsamsa Chart as suggested by Jaya Muni author of Dhruva Nadi. But

this may again need further confirmation of the inferences drawn from other Vargas of
Shodash Varga, if one has the will, time and patience to look into it.

Karma Motivation: Western Perspective

As per Readers Digests Brain, Genes And The Mind page 26, view of Western
Psychologists is: as under:
While personality is shaped by many different influences through life, the biological
temperament- is present from birth, and so is likely to be influenced by genes..
Physical Characteristics, such as eye colour, are each determined by several genes,
and the same is true of personality. So it is not simply matter of inheriting a single gene
or a particular characteristic. In addition, for behavioural characteristics, environmental
factors such as parenting, education, lifestyle and diet will probably have at least as
strong an influence as generic inheritance. For example, a person who inherits genes
that make him susceptible to depression may indeed become depressed, but the
influence of a stable family and friends, a good education and fulfilling career may
well protect the person. Similarly, some one who inherited a gene that predispose him
to anti- social behaviour might get into trouble in an environment with opportunity for
crime, but might not in other environment with more positive influence. In short, genes
can predispose individual to develop a particular behaviour trait or psychological
disorder, but whether they do go on to develop them is far from certain.
Vocational interests appear to have a genetic component. Its influence may be reflected
if one decides to follow in fathers or mothers career path for it may very well not just be
effects of environmental indoctrination Children of family of easy goers, hard workers,
risk takers and migratory families may be another parameter to watch for person of low or
high success.
It also depends on strong likes and dislikes of a person towards a particular profession
or job. Supposing one pursues job of his strong likes, he may succeed; otherwise? I
leave it to your imagination. But it may not be necessarily so. Ego and cultural differences
create complex situations. Psychologists have developed concept of person organisation
fit in the light of Agreeableness which encodes a continuum from sympathetic and kind
to cold and quarrelsome. They also rightly consider a continuum of organizational cultures
from those that are supportive and team oriented to those that are aggressive and out
come oriented. Research suggests that job seekers who score high on Agreeableness
compatibility, should prefer organizations that are culturally supportive and team oriented.

Ambition and Ego: And Initiative:

Are leaders/successful managers born or made by imparting training? Some persons

are born managers; and have inquisitive mind for acquiring qualities of good managers
by training and personal experience - directly or vicariously.
Ambition is greatest motivating force to think, plan, organise and work the plan. Whether
M.D. has got some ambition, high ambition, or no ambition. Ego is to be identified. Lagna
and lagna Lord; the moon and the Sun indicate ego and self-respect. Benefic influence,
specially of 9th, 10th or 5th Lord increase ego and determination to surpass others
specially when Mars influences lagna or lagna Lord or the Moon.
In case of Bill Gates of famous Microsoft Company, his ascendant Lord is exalted and
influenced by Mars, posited in 4th and Mars also aspects the Moon, the 10th Lord on /M.C.
Son of a lawyer teacher, along with Paul Allen, a fellow student at Harvard, founded the
famous Microsoft.
In the case of JRD Tata of renowned Tata group of industries, Mars is in Chandra
Lagna and Janma Lagna, both being samae. Henry Ford of Ford Motors, USA was Scorpio
born and Lagna was aspected by Mars.
In the case of Capt C P Krishnan Nair of Leela group of hotels, who recently created
green scenic beauty around his Leela Hotel, has Mars in Scorpio in 5th aspecting Lagna
Lord the Moon in 12th.
Lala Charat Ram of Shri Ram Group of Companies had Mars in Lagna itself.
Nusli Wadia of Bombay Dyeing has Mars in Lagna in Taurus aspecting Lagna Lord
Venus in 8th. R.P. Goenka of RPG group has Mars Lagna Lord in 10th and in Capricorn
aspecting Lagna.
Now, see influence of Mars on the Sun and the 10th house/10th Lord. In the case of
Arvind Mafatlal, Mars (R) in Leo in second house is aspecting the Sun in 9th in Pisces.
Mars is 10th Lord and 5th Lord as well.
In the case of Dhirubhai Ambani, the Sun is in Lagna in Sagittarius along with the
Moon, and the Sun is dispositor of Mars placed in 9th and Mars is aspecting 10th Lord
Mercury and 11th Lord Venus in Scorpio.
Other influences may divert the ego towards different directions.

Psychological Set up:

In birth chart Saturn represents a persons deepest fears, psychological stability and
endurance. When Saturn is afflicted by Rahu, irrespective of the houses involved, the
native feels incapable of facing responsibility. To illustrate the point, one may refer to few

charts of poor persons. First is from June 1996 AM 7:36. A Capricorn native has Saturn
Rahu combination in 8th.

If Mars is dominant in Chart but afflicted by Saturn or Rahu, an aggressive autocrat is

born and such a Manager brings those whom he manages to suffering and unhappiness.
Similarly one born under the dominant influence of sterile Mercury, will be unfit for
management because of his wavering and incohesive nature and consequential lack of
prompt judgment and decision.
In contrast when Martians influences indicating drive, push, energy and actions - are
favourably blended with those of Jupiter, one can influence people to think and act in
ways in which those who are led to believe that a particular course of action would be
advantageous to them in the long run. Please take note that Jupiter stands for wisdom,
balance, patience, dignity, selflessness and humanitarianism.
1. Affliction of the Moon & Mercury.
2. Dasas of Janma, Vipat, Pratyari and Naidhan Tara
3. Factors increasing intensity of worry:
(a) planets placed in 6th, 8th and 12th houses
(b) planets in Ashubha Nakshatras
(c) planets combust, Debilitated, Retrograde
(d) planets in Ashubha (i) Drekkanas, (ii) Shastiyamsa, (iii) Trimsamsa
4. Chinta Yoga: Dasam Bhava Vichar Jatakalankar P. 67
Mahadev in his Jataka Tatva in Chapter 6 Shlokas 182 to 187 as well as Ganesh Kavi
in his Jatakalankar in Dasam Bhava Vichar Shlokas 32 have enumerated constant sources
of worry relating to different facets of life. These indications appear to be based on the
authority of Shuka Sutras.

Ashubha Position of Mars:

Mars in 10th house causes Jeewan Kshetra Chinta, if Mars is placed in 6th, 8th and
12th; it causes Saukhya Chinta.
Jupiter in Trikas:

If Jupiter is placed in Trikas, it cause worry about Vahan, Vehicle, Aabranam,

Ornaments and Vastradi dress colourful attire;.

Jupiter in 7th, 5th and 9th:

Jupiter in 5th, and 9th in addition to Jupiter in 7th causes worry about son. If Jupiter
is in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house the native will worry about vehicles, ornaments and clothes.
Moon in Trikas & Venus in Trikas:
If Moon or Venus is in Trikas i.e. 6th, 8th or 12th house, then the native may worry constantly
about acquisition / retention of the powerful position i.e. enjoyment of Raja Yoga.
Ganesh Kavi puts Moon also along with Venus for worries about Chamarchatra Chinta
say Raj Yoga in modern context paraphernalia attached with high offices.
Venus in 5th, 7th and 9th
If Venus is in 5th, 7th or 9th the native may have worries relating to Yatra travels.
Mercury in 5th:
Mercury in the 5th house will make the native worry about his own intelligence or
worries due to confusion and resultant indecisions.
Sun in 5th & 9th:
Sun in 5th and 9th house the native will worry about his elders, father and relatives.
The Other Perception:
We must look for the factors that govern our normal behaviour and, thereafter, proceed
to detect abnormal behaviour from the nature and extent of affliction to such factors, Dr.
K.S. Charak suggests in his Essentials of Medical Astrology read as under:- (page 138
139) The following points thus need attention for the assessment of the mental health of
a native.

The Moon: It is the significator of the mind. Its strength or weakness reflect the
state of ones mind. It indicates our attachment, feelings, emotional reactions,
mental compatibility with others, and such faculties as do not rely on mathematical
logic. The Moon has no enemies.


Mercury: It signifies the nervous system, academic discipline, rationality, logic

and intellect. Its enemy is the Moon. Understandably, the mind (signified by the
Moon) is opposed to reasoning and intellect (signified by Mercury).


Jupiter: The best benefic Jupiter is the significator of maturity and wisdom. While
Jupiter is neutral towards Mercury, the latter happens to be the enemy of Jupiter.
Quite naturally the strict limits of logic can only restrain the exercise of wisdom.
Note: When the Moon, Mercury and Jupiter are strong and well placed, the
native has a sound mind, a healthy reasoning and a mature wisdom. When

these three planets are afflicted, weak or ill placed, there is a vulnerability to
mental illness, nervousness, intellectual confusion, and inability to take wise
decisions and to implement them.

The fifth house: The fifth house is the house of fascination, thinking, logic and
wisdom. For a sound mental health, the 5th house and the fifth lord must be
unafflicted and under benefic influence.


The Lagna and the sign Aries: Aries happens to be the first house equivalent to
the head of the Kala Purusha. The lagna is the first house or the head of the
native: Both should be unafflicted for a sound mental health.


Malefic and benefic yogas: Besides the above factors, certain malefic and benefic
yogas in the horoscope may promote the occurrence of a mental illness, or
favourably compensate for it. The following are especially important:
(i) The Kemadruma yoga; i.e., the Moon without a planet on either side of it.
This is an adverse yoga. The Moon needs support in order to ensure a
sound mind. When there is no planet in the 2nd or 12th from the Moon, an
inherent weakness is indicated in the chart.
(ii) The Gajakesari yoga, i.e., the presence of Jupiter in a quadrant from the
Moon. This is a very potent benefic yoga. Planets in mutual quadrants
influence each other. Jupiter in a quadrant from the Moon causes
strengthening of the Moon.
(iii) The Chandradhi yoga. This consists of the presence of benefics in the 6th,
7th, or 8th from the Moon. Benefics in these houses promote, and the malefics
obstruct and hinder, the functioning of the Moon.

According to Nadi Astrologers planets in nakshtras of Saturn, Mars, Rahu & Ketu are
taken to be inauspicious.
In cases of the Sun, the Moon, the Mercury and the Jupiter, association/conjunction
with; aspect of; and exchange of Nakshatras with Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu is bad for
positive thinking and to take challenging situations as an opportunity to grow. Several
instances have been seen in this regard.
Dr. B.V. Raman in his Article Astrology as an Aid to Medical Science (see Planetary
Influences on Human Affairs at page 197 to 200) observed as under:-

The Moon rules the mind, the Sun rules the soul or self and Mercury rules the
nervous system. Disorders arising from psychosis and neurosis and certain mental
abnormalities exaggeration of certain traits recognizable nearly in all people
are respectively caused by a combination of factors involving the Moon, Mercury,
Mars, Saturn and the Nodes. Another psychologist, based on statistical research

has discovered a marked correspondence between different types of mental

disorders and Mercurys afflictions. Obviously this reminds us of the age-old theory
of the Hindus.
Budha Chandrou Kendragatou Nanya Graha Samyudhou
Na Pativrishtau Yogo Ayam Paishachasthu Atrotapanno oonmadi

Meaning that if in a horoscope, the Moon and Mercury are in certain mutual dispositions
afflicted by Mars, Saturn or the Nodes, it generally indicates mental disorders.
In actual practice, such a combination is present mostly in the horoscopes of persons
suffering from obsessional neuroses, delusions and false beliefs. The declination or kranti
of Mercury can give a clue as to whether a persons escape mechanism will make him
brood over the past, or hug the illusion of a fools paradise in the present, or get into
utopia of the future. But if there is a Jupiterian aspect, the picture is entirely changed. The
person will be thoughtful, and will have a very understanding mind and good power of
judgment. Remove the Moon and substitute Mars: you have the mechanical aptitude.
If one is suffering from mental fatigue, enhanced self-consciousness, development of
an inferiority complex, general irritability, deep-seated fear, you can say that he has the
Moon and Rahu in conjunction aspected by Saturn.
If instead of the Moon, the affliction is centered on the Ascendant, the symptoms
reveal themselves in the form of fatigue, eye tremour, nausea, soreness of the muscle,
Melancholia is produced by the simple conjunction of the Moon and Saturn. The
person suffers from acute depression. Of course, constellational positions modify the
The Sun-Jupiter-Mars influences centered on Mercury or the Moon induce
schizophrenia. If the ruling period happens to be that of Mars, he is prone to develop a
persecution complex. There are of course, many forms of schizophrenia ranging from
the day-dreamer and fantasy-weaver, down to the person who relapses into a catatonic
condition. The essential pattern of the mental malady is clearly discernible in the horoscope.
Studies in Astro-psychology have revealed interesting details as regards the positive
and negative traits of planets. On the positive side, the Moon is imaginative and variable.
On the negative side irresponsible, moody and vacillating. Saturn is conscientious, clear
headed, careful, self-controlled and conservatively conscious. On the negative side, he
is narrow-minded, fixated, callous, miserly and ambitious in a selfish way.

On the positive side, Rahu is unconventional, independent and humanistic. On the

negative side, he is unsocial, eccentric, neurotic and mildly destructive. The interpretations
of these traits depend upon the experience and skill of the psycho-astrologer.

Many psychiatrists and psycho-analysts in the West have reported that they have
found that horoscopes properly cast and intelligently interpreted is a valuable diagnostic
test. They say that a horoscope is more useful than a Rorschach test: A Rorschach shows
only the patients condition at the time the test is taken, whereas a horoscope reveals his
basic psychological set-up.

One may just reproduce letter of Prof. Carl Jungs addressed to Prof. Dr. B.V. Raman to
point out the respect commanded by Astrology.

M.D. Know Thyself: Through Suns Position

Despite the philosophy of management that MD is just one amongst equals in the
team of the Management, he must not forget that he is the pivot; he is the Sun of the solar
system of the management and others are just like the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter
and Saturn etc.
His Sun indicates what he expects from his subordinates. Similarly, subordinate who
know date of birth of his boss or MD may easily know to a certain extent what his boss
expects from him.
Sun in Aries: (14th April to 15th May)- An Aries expects and demands respect and
high esteem; does not allow argument for boss is always right; lays emphasis on prompt
and efficient action and sprightly response; recognizes merits and not miser in giving
rewards and credits sometimes by just taking a backseat; thus advances his self interest
and of his organisation, both.
Sun in Taurus (16th May to 15th June) - In case of Taurus boss forms opinion, it is
difficult to change his mind except by provable suggestions. He wants his subordinates
to look attractive; and he tries to establish real trust and systems for efficient management.
Sun in Gemini (16th June to 16th July) - He believes in giving clear statement of
objectives at the various organizational levels or day-to-day instructions and further
reinforces verbal communication by precise and unambiguous written instructions.
Naturally, he expects their compliance and planned results.
Sun in Cancer (17th July to 16th August) - He talks down to subordinates; tries to
over-simplify complete ideas - due to lack of clarity of his own thought and consequential
failure to communication objective causing resentment. He remains in search of safety in
the loyalty of his workers. Thus unconsciously gives norm to his subordinates to use their
discretion in the best interest of the organisations.

Sun in Leo (17th August to 16th September) - The Leo born boss or MD is full of
energy, large hearted does not tolerate any non-sense or indiscretion hearty his variety
lends his ears to new and innovative ideas and favors, youthful sincere employee and
appreciates good worker.

Sun in Virgo (16th Sept. to 16th Oct.) - He is extremely efficient planner and organiser.
Sometimes he gets so wrapped up in details that he loses major objective, if he is not
dynamic. Certain amount of timidity lurks with him causing delays in taking decision. He
appreciates if his subordinates understand him, his ideas and his caliber.

Sun in Libra (15th October to 14th November) - He has a fairness in his approach;
wants all orders to be carried out to the letter; likes proper order, symmetry and balanced
approach. But sometimes he is apprehensive of failure making him inhibited also in taking
decision due to afflictions to his Sun.
Sun in Scorpio (15th November to 15th December) - Scorpio boss thinks that he is
right because he is boss; believes to have communicated without communicating
instructions; lacks patience; and is stubborn by nature. For him either things work or he
pulls them out by roots. If Saturn is also afflicted in the 5th or 10th or with the Sun, he will be
unto him for he may be dog in the manger.
Sun in Sagittarius (16th December to 13th January) - He looks to importance; peeved
when confronted with unimportant and trivial matters; and he hits the nail right on the
head to be helpful to his subordinates. He has a sense of biting humour. But he lacks tact.
Sun in Capricorn (14th January to 14th February) - He insists on professional
performance of duties; is a hard task master and believes in setting example for others.
He also tries to be perfectionist and stickler to conventions. He appreciates hard work
and devotion to duty.
Sun in Aquarius (15th February to 15th March) - He believes in fairness, friendliness
and knows how to extract work from those working under him. He disapproves of others
who attempt to force their will upon him.
Sun in Pisces (15th March to 13th April) - Though generally level headed but sometimes
emotional and often ambivalent. He has the propensity to reward too much too quickly to
those who may be undeserving. He lacks promptness for he leans heavily upon his
immediate assistants. He does not like gossip or those who bear tales.

Ideal Characteristics of a Manager & Planetary Influence:

Prompt decision making, generally sticking to the decisions taken and revising them
on sound advice of subordinates should be the ideal characteristics of a result oriented
manager. This is possible in following situations:
I. When Jupiter is either in lagna or otherwise influences the ascendant, the 10th,
the 9th, the 7th, the 5th or their lords;

II. When the Sun and the Moon are mutually harmoniously disposed without being
afflicted by malefic conjunct with Shubhas or aspected or flanked by Shubhas, it
may be respectively better and the best situation;

III. If the 7th house and the Saturn is not afflicted, one may have harmonious relation
with subordinates.

Marketing Manager:
Over six years ago, management guru C.K. Prahlad in a workshop at Bangalore
expounded on the new economy and the need for Indian companies to make the quantum
leap in the global market. The workshop was attended by bigwigs of ITCs K.L. Chugh
and Sundaram Fasteners Suresh Krishna and Wipros Azim Hasham Premji and many
others. Richest Indian Azim Premji remarked I believe many Indian companies are already
global. What we require is the hard-sell skills of the multinationals. Dead on replied
Prahalad. What are the astrological requirements for this hard sell skills of the
multinationals? He is required to have the perception of the consumer, the retailer, the
distributor and his own organisation, with an idea to reconcile the conflicting claims and
to order and to iron out differences in perceptions and make all of them feel that they
have struck the best bargain. Since Marketing Manager has to be consumer as well as
distributor and retailer friendly, obviously he has to be articulate social and sophisticated.
Healthy Moon, Venus and 5th lord must be well placed in the charts of Marketing Managers
and marketing executives. Besides communication and continuous running around require
strong Mercury and strong Mars.

Personnel Manager:
Saturn and Jupiter favourably disposed in chart may make a person worker friendly,
humanitarian and a good personnel manager. Such a person successfully motivates
workers to produce more on one hand and ask for better emoluments for workers from
the management on the other but only after substantially increasing the value of services
Subordinates are arms and strength. They are communication channels in marketing
and production. A happy and contended subordinate is an asset. Money spent on them
specially stable employees - not the job hoppers - is an investment which has generally
resulted in greater profits and returns.
Subordinates are indicated by 6th Lord and Saturn. Keep them happy and be happy.

Selection & Appointments of Subordinates:

While selecting staff of any division of the company certain common qualifications
are essential for those who aspire to join the company. Those, who believe that they can
plan would do well rather better if they observe following rules:

Choose one who has determination and puts his heart and soul to achieve his
own lifes target for such a person would be laborious, sincere and would not

betray and divulge secrets of the company. He has a positive energy and it can be
channelised for betterment of the organisation. He would have comparatively
unafflicted 4th and 5th house and their lords for he may be of pure heart, positive
thoughts for he may be a constructive worker.
He should have belief that he would grow along with the growth of the company
for he will continue for long with the organisation and may be helpful to the
organisation. This may be astrologically indicated by placement of Shubha 5th
and 10th lords in Sthir rasi and Sthir Navamsa.

Choose one who is having a better period indicated by comparatively strong Kendra
and Trikona Lords for his luck may also bring good luck to the organisation.
Choose one whose birth star falls in 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th or 9th Nakshatra from
the Janma and/or lagna (whichever is stronger) Nakshatra of the MD, if not both.
Choose one who has team spirit to work along with others for common goal and it
would be indicated by Shubha 3rd lord and Moon influenced by Jupiter or Venus.
How to judge these aforesaid qualities and qualification of the person to achieve the
above objectives? Some indications have already been given above; two other specific
indication are given below:

According to Dr. P.S. Sastri, the notable and flexible planet Mercury has a good
deal to say on the question of hypocrisy of a native; and so is Mars.
The conjunction of Mars and Mercury or mutual aspect also is not very desirable
one, if it is in 1st, 5th, 7th or 9th from the Ascendant; and if it is associated with any
planet, then the native would not be hypocrite. The conjunction is valid if it takes
place within eight degrees and if it is also in the same constellation.
Similarly an afflicted Mercury in the 9th house along with a malefic is bound to give
the same feature, 9th being indicator of Higher mind.
If Mars is in the 3rd lower mind without any benefic aspects, the same result will
follow and the native would be hypocrite.
The conjunction of the Lords of the 4th (8th from the 9th higher mind) and 9th in the 6th
is another indication of hypocrisy of the native.
If Aries is the ascendant with Mercury the same result will follow.
Hypocrisy will be perceptible in the emotional life of the individual, if Saturn, Mars,
Rahu are in conjunction in 3rd, 4th, 6th or the 9th from the ascendant.


But circumspection is the watch word for one has to look into the factors also
before pronouncing a judgment.

Tendency to Betray:
If Mars is in the 3rd house aspected by Moon and Mercury, one has a tendency to
betray, those who believe in him.
Mercury in 6th house is undesirable for those born under Gemini or Virgo.
The conjunction of the Sun and Jupiter in the 9th from the Karakarkamsa Lagna is bad
for the same reason.

Astrological Requirements for Prompt Decision & Action:

Whether one is a junior executive or an MD, prompt decision, communication and
execution thereof is essential. Moons situation in a fixed sign and Savya Nakshatras
may be a good combination. Fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. Savya
Nakshatras in such signs are 2, 3 and 4 Padas of Kruttika, 4th Padas of Vishakha, Anuradha
and Jyestha and 1st, 2nd, 3rd Padas of Purva Bhadra Pada. Other Savya Nakshatra
Padas which do not fall in Sthir Rasis are all Padas of Ashwini and Bharani, 1st pada of
Kruttika, all Padas of Punarvasu, Pushya, Ashlesha, Hasta Chitra, Swati, Moola,
Purvashadha, Uttarashada, Purvashadha, Uttar Bhadra Pada and Revati.
It may be best if the Moon is associated or aspected by a Karaka and Shubha and is
not influenced by Ashubha planets.
Strong third house and third lord with strong 10th house and 10th Lord may give
finesse of a shrewd bridge player or a politician.

Financial Manager:
Seeing collapse of collaborations with MNCs, lack of financial flow appeared to be
one of the major problems, leave aside selfishness of the MNCs to create a market in
India with the labour of Indian collaborators and then dump them. Dhana Yogas and
Daridra Yogas must be considered in relation to present Dasa etc. and in next five to
seven years, to ensure appropriate flow of money for capital investment and for working
capital. Strong Dhana Yogas may be definite indicator of desired financial flow. Some of
them are given below:
(i) Lagna Lord conjunct with, aspected by, or in exchange with 2nd Lord, or 5th Lord, or
11th Lord; or
(ii) 2nd Lord either joins or aspected by or in exchange with 9th Lord; or

(iii) 2nd Lord is either conjunct with or aspected by, or in exchange with 11th Lord;

(iv) 2nd or 11th Lord in Ratna Bhand Drekkana i.e. 1st of Tula and 2nd of Dhanu;

(v) Lords of 1st, 2nd, 5th, 9th and 11th in Pushkaramsa or Pushkar Navamsa;
(vi) Strong Indu lagna confers adequate financial flow, if relevant Dasas are in
It is desirable that MD and Financial Manager both should have Dasa of planets
involved in Dhana Yogas and not Daridra Yogas. Placement of Lagna, Lord, 2nd Lord, 5th
Lord, 9th Lord and 11th Lord in 6th, 8th or 12th or their association aspect or exchange
with the Lords of 6th, 8th and 12th Lords causes lack of or reduction in free flow of
money. One must not ignore this aspect.

Long Term Planning and Astrology:

Ascendant Lord in a Kendra invests with the grit and perseverance needed to achieve
success, pragmatically speaking, a large measure of which has to be translated into
money. In association with or aspected by or in exchange with 10th or 9th or 5th Lord in
Kendra or Trikona is a very favourable indicator for grit and perseverance on one hand
and divine grace on the other for ultimate result - the success. Lagna lord in 6th, 8th or
12th indicates that the chart is drained of this kind of energy, grit and perseverance. It is
just bottom leaking pot, incapable to hold water of financial prosperity for long, though
aspects of Trikona Lords may retrieve the obstruction. Such persons can plan and work
the plan. Strong Jupiter and strong 5th Lord give foresight. Presence of Ketu in 1st, 5th or
9th or 3rd, 7th or 11th gives extra sensory perception of highest or higher order giving
intuitive insights for long term planning. Such persons may succeed in devising a flawless
plan. Charts of Dhirubhai Ambani, Capt. C. P. Krishna Nair of Leela group of hotels, Rai
Bahadur Mohan Singh Oberoi of Oberoi Group of hotels, Nusli Wadia of Bombay Dying,
Rahul Bajaj of Bajaj Group and R.P. Goenka, satisfy above said requirement.
For prosperity and lasting name and fame, if one wants to plan in addition to the above,
following factors may also be watched as favourable indicators:
Strong Lagna Lord, strong Moon and strong Sun - at least two must be strong, for
self-esteem and self-confidence;
Strong 10th house, 10th Lord and strong Saturn for positive fruitful action;
Strong 2nd house, second Lord and strong Venus, Jupiter for financial resources.
Strong Mars, 3rd house and 3rd Lord and Mercury and their relation with 10th or
Lagna Lord for smooth communication and good conduct of subordinates.

If the MD or the Manager has fairly good acquaintance with astrology - specially
mundane effects of movements of Saturn, Rahu (Eclipses), Jupiter and Mars it may be
very helpful in planning for success.

Irrespective of the fact whether one knows astrology or not - consult good astrologer
once in a year in the beginning of the year for yearly planning, by knowing the mundane
effects of planetary motions, and by knowing what is in store; high(s) and low(s) particularly
about in ones own case in the light of mundane effects and personal charts, as suggested
by late Dr. K.M. Munshi.

Plan expansion thinking that one is just trustee of his business empire, and just an
instrument in the divine design, for the benefit of the public in general, as suggested by
Mahatma Gandhi. And one should plan thinking as an instrument of industrial
advancement, commercial prosperity and social change for renaissance and resurgence
of India.
If one has patience, time and will to use numerous astrological parameters for
examining failure or success stories of Enron or Satyam Rajus Company or success
stories of Dhiru Ambani or Ratan Tata or Mukesh Ambani, many business mysteries may
be revealed giving guidelines for neo- rich to become Sunil Mittal, L.N. Mittal or Kaushal
Before concluding, may I narrate a small parable? George Washington had virtually
lost the War of American Independence and his soldiers had started fleeing. George
Washington knelt down in battle field itself and started praying. When his soldiers noticed
it, they returned and knelt down for prayers and prayed sincerely, gathered courage and
as commanded by Washington retaliated and lo and behold they won the War of
Independence. Moral of the parable is that even under severe stress if you do not loose
courage and do not forget the Supreme, if you perform your duty to the best of your
ability; and if you surrender before the Supreme and divine design, I believe, you like
George Washington will succeed and win wars like American war of Independence.
I sincerely thank you for giving me an opportunity to pen astrological inputs and their
application on the sicientific, economic topic Stress, Stars and Success in respect to the
corporate world.


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