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Program Evaluation Checklist

For use during Part 3 of Radio Adelaide Basic Radio Skills Course
This may be shown to the presenter, so REMEMBER the aim is CONSTRUCTIVE feedback.

Program Name ............................ Date .............. Time ..

What audience is it aimed at?.......................................................................................
Presenters Name(s.YOUR name: ..

What did you like or not like about the music?
How did it suit or not suit the shows audience?
Did you hear enough information about the music?
Were there any problems with music levels?
Suggested improvements?

Were there any microphone problems?
If so, what do you think was the cause?
Was there any studio noise from papers etc?
Were there any mistakes or silences?
If so, were they handled well?
Suggested improvements?

Did they tell you who they are?
Were the voice levels OK?
Did you like their voice? Why? Or why not?
Comment on the pace of the speaking:
Could you tell if they were reading a script?
Did it sound OK?
Did they do a live subscriber call?
Suggested improvements?

Could you tell which station and program you were listening to? How?
What did you hear apart from the music?
Were you told about it in advance?
Was it interesting to you? Why?
Did you hear anything which you think should NOT have been broadcast?
Was the length of the content too long or too short?
Suggested improvements?

C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\uploads\\20090304T183719\UPDATED 3 Program Evaluation ch'list 2008.doc

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