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Elias Hernandez

Sarah Hughes
English 0492 -COD

Writing to Explore an Event

Back in my 8th grade graduation party my parents were in process of divorce. I was literally
depressed with no emotion whatsoever mad and sad at everyone. I would always wanted to find
a solution for my parents situation but it was absurd, at that young age I didnt comprehend the
real problem in between or what of a big deal it was. They would harm each other with our love.
Trying to convince us who the good or bad was, making my sisters and I to choose whod we
stayed whenever the day comes. My dad dropped me off early at the party since we were
preparing a surprise to all the ladies of my class. Kyle, one of my best buddies approached me
while we were decoration the girls tables and said to me that night you look like youre
grounded, you should be excited about the tour bus I wasnt able to spit a word, I just stud there
and realize how I really felt. When my classmates parents started coming in Ms. Rita my teacher
was taking pictures of them along with their child. I felt some type of way and wondered what
are my friends going to say when they dont see my mom walk in with my dad that night was
depressing also embarrassing in some way.

After a long day at school I came home thinking about what food my mom would cook. I entered
the living room and saw a man in a suit with a creepy smile. He stud up and said you must be
Elias I dint say a word. The second I looked at my dads eyes I knew who the man in the suit was.
When finally my parents got officially divorced I moved in with my dad. We moved to the city in
Chicago, while my mom stayed at the house we lived in which was in Waukegan really close to six
flags. Roughly around one year Didnt have no contact with my mother and didnt see or talked to
my sisters. My father signed me up at De La Salle high school which I went for a very short period
of time and while I was there played soccer. Soccer would relive all the stupid and stressful
thinking although sometimes I would get really aggressive against my mates. I knew that someday
I would have to reachout for my mother but i guess every time I tough of that the days would just
keep flying by. On my fathers 33rd birthday my sisters were dropped off by my mother at my
apartment, and I didnt say hi or even looked at her. After one year and three months I didnt
have the courage to go out and say that Ive missed her so much. Dad threw a little party witch
went pretty well, I caught up with my sisters and my fathers drunken smile lasted all night. I could
see the joy in his eyes; when the night was fading my mother picked up my sisters and with two
Coronas I had trying to be cool with my cousins I let out the pride and anger and raned up to her

truck crying, couldnt even talk and she couldnt neither. After we talked roughly around three
hours if I remember I forgot for once about the whole divorce situation.
Even though things didnt work out between them as a couple after that party they started talking
arranging child support, days of spending time with my sisters and all that civilized divorced
couples do. With time I understood almost why things
happened that way. My mother marked me
with a very powerful phrase Im sorry if I failed like a mother but I always did what I tough was
the best for you guys I might not ever understand the fact of divorcing someone who you love
and have a family with. I know that there are ups and downs and both should get through it but I
just couldnt. This made me strong also made me not want to make the mistakes my parents did,
but I guess at some point in life they are inevitable like breathing. No matter how hard life hits me
I am sure that one way or another I can figure a solution out. I love my parents and I am nobody to
judge their choices we all make mistakes, Im just grateful to keep learning everyday something
knew from them. Now I can look back and smile at the worst days of my life, which I think its not
an easy thing to do.

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