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Professional Apology Letter

Directions: Write an apology letter for two situations.
The apology letter will be graded on the following criteria:
1. Proper format:_____/5 points
2. Content for letter 1:_____/ 15 points
a. Focus on actions to fix the situation
b. Sincere message, respectful and considerate tone
c. Accepting blame for the situation
d. Follow up
3. Content for letter 2:_______/ 15 points
4. Grammar and Mechanics:_____/15 points
a. Are your sentences clear and fluid?
b. Are there any awkward sentences, run-ons, or
c. Carefully proofread?
Total Score:_________/50
Scenario 1: Write an apology letter for some mistake that you
were responsible for at work. Dont forget to explain the
situation, explain whats being done to fix the problem, and
whats being done to ensure that it doesnt happen again.
Scenario 2: Write an apology letter to Mr. Hepworth for
something that you have done in class to upset him. Dont
forget to explain the situation, explain whats being done to fix
the problem, and whats being done to ensure that it doesnt
happen again.
Scenario 3: Write an apology letter to the administration for
something that you have done to get into trouble. Dont forget
to explain the situation, explain whats being done to fix the
problem, and whats being done to ensure that it doesnt
happen again.

Scenario 4: Write an apology letter to your parents for

something you did at home to get into trouble. Dont forget to
explain the situation, explain whats being done to fix the
problem, and whats being done to ensure that it doesnt
happen again.

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