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Promise object represents a value that may not be available yet, but will be resolved at some
point in the future. It allows you to write asynchronous code in a more synchronous fashion. For
example, if you use the promise API to make an asynchronous call to a remote web service, you
will create a Promise object which represents the data that will be returned by the web service
in future. The caveat is that the actual data isn’t available yet. It will become available when the
request completes and a response comes back from the web service. In the meantime, the
Promise object acts like a proxy to the actual data. Furthermore, you can attach callbacks to the
Promise object, which will be called once the actual data is available.

To get started, let’s examine the following code, which creates a new Promise object:

const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

//asynchronous code goes here

We start by instantiating a new Promise object and passing it a callback function. The callback
takes two arguments, resolve and reject, which are both functions. All your asynchronous
code goes inside that callback. If everything is successful, the promise is fulfilled by calling
resolve(). In case of an error, reject() is called with an Error object. This indicates that
the promise is rejected.

Now let’s build something simple which shows how promises are used. The following code makes
an asynchronous request to a web service that returns a random joke in JSON format. Let’s
examine how promises are used here:
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', '');
request.onload = () => {
if (request.status === 200) {
resolve(request.response); // we got data here, so resolve the Promise
} else {
reject(Error(request.statusText)); // status is not 200 OK, so reject

request.onerror = () => {
reject(Error('Error fetching data.')); // error occurred, reject the
request.send(); // send the request

console.log('Asynchronous request made.');

promise.then((data) => {
console.log('Got data! Promise fulfilled.');
document.body.textContent = JSON.parse(data).value.joke;
}, (error) => {
console.log('Promise rejected.');

In the previous code, the Promise constructor callback contains the asynchronous code used to
get data the from remote service. Here, we just create an Ajax request to, which returns a random joke. When a JSON response is
received from the remote server, it’s passed to resolve(). In case of any error, reject() is
called with an Error object.

When we instantiate a Promise object, we get a proxy to the data that will be available in future.
In our case, we’re expecting some data to be returned from the remote service at some point in
future. So, how do we know when the data becomes available? This is where the
Promise.then() function is used. This function takes two arguments: a success callback and a
failure callback. These callbacks are called when the Promise is settled (i.e. either fulfilled or
rejected). If the promise was fulfilled, the success callback will be fired with the actual data you
passed to resolve(). If the promise was rejected, the failure callback will be called. Whatever
you passed to reject() will be passed as an argument to this callback.

Try this CodePen example. To view a new random joke, hit the RERUN button in the bottom right-
hand corner of the embed. Also, open up your browser console so that you can see the order in
which the different parts of the code are executed.

Note that a promise can have three states:

 pending (not fulfilled or rejected)

 fulfilled
 rejected

The Promise.status property, which is code-inaccessible and private, gives information about
these states. Once a promise is rejected or fulfilled, this status gets permanently associated with it.
This means a promise can succeed or fail only once. If the promise has already been fulfilled and
later you attach a then() to it with two callbacks, the success callback will be correctly called.
So, in the world of promises, we’re not interested in knowing when the promise is settled. We’re
only concerned with the final outcome of the promise.

Chaining Promises

It’s sometimes desirable to chain promises together. For instance, you might have multiple
asynchronous operations to be performed. When one operation gives you data, you’ll start doing
some other operation on that piece of data and so on. Promises can be chained together, as
demonstrated in the following example:
function getPromise(url) {
// return a Promise here
// send an async request to the url as a part of promise
// after getting the result, resolve the promise with it

const promise = getPromise('some url here');

promise.then((result) => {
//we have our result here
return getPromise(result); //return a promise here again
}).then((result) => {
//handle the final result

The tricky part is that, when you return a simple value inside then(), the next then() is called
with that return value. But if you return a promise inside then(), the next then() waits on it
and gets called when that promise is settled.

Handling Errors

You already know the then() function takes two callbacks as arguments. The second one will be
called if the promise was rejected. But we also have a catch() function, which can be used to
handle promise rejection. Have a look at the following code:
promise.then((result) => {
console.log('Got data!', result);
}).catch((error) => {
console.log('Error occurred!', error);

This is equivalent to:

promise.then((result) => {
console.log('Got data!', result);
}).then(undefined, (error) => {A
console.log('Error occurred!', erroAr);

Note that if the promise was rejected and then() does’t have a failure callback, the control will
move forward to the next then() with a failure callback or the next catch(). Apart from
explicit promise rejection, catch() is also called when any exception is thrown from the

Promise constructor callback. So you can also use catch() for logging purposes. Note that we
could use try...catch to handle errors, but that’s not necessary with promises, as any
asynchronous or synchronous error is always caught by catch().


This was just a brief introduction to JavaScript’s new Promises API. Clearly it lets us write
asynchronous code very easily. We can proceed as usual without knowing what value is going to be
returned from the asynchronous code in the future. There’s more to the API that has not been
covered here. To learn more about Promises, check out my follow-up article A Deeper Dive Into
JavaScript Promises, as well as these great resources:

My previous article on the new JavaScript Promise API discussed the basics of Promises, error
handling, and chaining concepts. It is often necessary to chain Promises together to queue
asynchronous operations. But, many times we need to track the order of completion of each task to
perform next operations accordingly. As asynchronous tasks can complete in any order,
maintaining a sequence while performing asynchronous operations can be challenging. This article
attempts to breakdown these concepts in detail.

A Closer Look at Promise Chaining

We have already seen how to chain Promises using then(). Now, let’s understand what really
happens when we call then(). Consider the following code:

var newPromise = getPromise(someData).then(function(data) { // Line 1

return getPromise(data); //Line 2
}).then(function(data){ //Line 3
//use this data

Assume that the getPromise() function constructs a new Promise and returns it. You should
note that the return type of then() is a new Promise object. In the previous example, Line 1
returns a new Promise. We have also passed a callback to then(). The value returned by the
callback is used to fulfill or reject the promise. But, if the callback returns another Promise, then
the new Promise (the one returned by then()) will be fulfilled only when this Promise

We have also chained another then() on Line 3 which waits on the Promise returned on Line
2. The callback passed to it will be called with the fulfillment value of that Promise. You can
keep chaining Promises like this. If you need to handle any kind of exceptions you can add a
catch(), as discussed in my previous article.

Now that you are aware of how Promise chaining works, we can move forward to see how
asynchronous operations can be executed in order. But before that you need to understand few
more things.

The resolve() and reject() Methods

The Promise API exposes several useful methods to make our lives easier. One of them is
resolve(), which creates a new Promise object that always resolves. This means if you create
a Promise with this technique and attach a then() to it, the success callback will always be
called. You can also pass an argument to resolve() which becomes the fulfillment value of the
Promise. If nothing is passed, the fulfillment value is undefined. Similarly, reject() creates
a Promise object which always rejects. The following example shows how resolve() and
reject() are used.

Promise.resolve('this always resolves').then(function(data) {

alert(data); //this is called

Promise.reject('this always rejects').then(function(data) {

alert(data); // this is never called
}).catch(function(err) {
alert(err); //this is called
Enforcing Sequential Task Execution

Let’s create a simple application which accepts a list of movie titles and fetches a poster for each
one. Here is the HTML markup, which shows an input field to enter comma separated movie titles:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="script.js"></script>
<input type="text" name="titles" id="titles" placeholder="comma separated
movie titles" size="30"/>
<input type="button" value="fetch" onclick="fetchMovies()" />
<input type="button" value="clear" onclick="clearMovies()" />
<div id="movies">

Now let’s use Promises to download a poster for each movie asynchronously. The following
function creates a Promise and passes a callback to it which downloads movie information from
a remote API.
function getMovie(title) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', '' + title);

request.onload = function() {
if (request.status == 200) {
resolve(request.response); // we get the data here, so resolve the
} else {
reject(Error(request.statusText)); // if status is not 200 OK,

request.onerror = function() {
reject(Error("Error fetching data.")); // error occurred, so reject the

request.send(); // send the request


The following snippet processes the downloaded information and updates the HTML page with the
movie poster.
function fetchMovies() {
var titles = document.getElementById('titles').value.split(',');

for (var i in titles) {

getMovie(titles[i]).then(function(data) {
var img = JSON.parse(data)[0];

document.getElementById('movies').innerHTML =
document.getElementById('movies').innerHTML + '<img src="' + img + '"/>';
}).catch(function(error) {

The previous code is fairly self explanatory. It simply loops through the list of movie titles and
extract the IMDB poster for each one. You can check out this Plunkr example to see the code in

But, there is a problem! In the Plunkr example enter some movie names separated by commas and
click the fetch button. If you press fetch multiple times you will realize there is no particular order
in which images are downloaded! Promises can be fulfilled in any order and therefore our images
also come in a different order each time. So, this code won’t serve our purpose if we need to fetch
movie posters in a particular order.

We can enforce ordering in two ways. First, we can create a Promise for a movie title only when
the Promise for the previous title has been fulfilled. The second way involves creating a separate
Promise that resolves only when the Promise for each movie title has been fulfilled and passes
the fulfillment values in order.

Option 1

Have a look at the following snippet. We start by creating a Promise that always resolves. This is
used to keep track of the previous Promise. Inside the loop, we call prevPromise.then()
which returns a new Promise that we assign to prevPromise. This Promise is fulfilled when
the Promise returned by getMovie(title) is fulfilled. So, the Promise for downloading a
movie poster is created when the previous Promise (represented by prevPromise) is fulfilled.
In this way we can download our images sequentially while still being asynchronous. Try this
updated Plunkr. Every time you press fetch, the posters will be downloaded sequentially.
function fetchMovies() {
var titles = document.getElementById('titles').value.split(',');
var prevPromise = Promise.resolve(); // initial Promise always resolves

titles.forEach(function(title) { // loop through each title

prevPromise = prevPromise.then(function() { // prevPromise changes in
each iteration
return getMovie(title); // return a new Promise
}).then(function(data) {
var img = JSON.parse(data)[0];

document.getElementById('movies').innerHTML =
document.getElementById('movies').innerHTML + '<img src="' + img + '"/>';
}).catch(function(error) {
Option 2

In the following code Promise.all() accepts an array of Promises and fulfills when all the
Promises in the array fulfill. The fulfillment value of this Promise is the array of fulfillment
values of each Promise, with the order maintained. So, once the Promise fulfills we can simply
iterate over the array of data and extract the movie posters. Here is a Plunkr for this. Also note that
in case of Promise.all() if any Promise in the array is rejected, the returned new Promise
is rejected with that rejection value.
function fetchMovies() {
var titles = document.getElementById('titles').value.split(',');
var promises = [];

for (var i in titles) {

promises.push(getMovie(titles[i])); // push the Promises to our array

Promise.all(promises).then(function(dataArr) {
dataArr.forEach(function(data) {
var img = JSON.parse(data)[0];

document.getElementById('movies').innerHTML =
document.getElementById('movies').innerHTML + '<img src="' + img + '"/>';
}).catch(function(err) {

This article discussed some of the more advanced concepts of JavaScript Promises. Just make sure
you have updated your browser to Chrome 32 beta or the latest Firefox nightly in order to run these
code samples. It will take some time for browsers to implement these feature completely. Apart
from that Promises are definitely the next big thing in JavaScript.

callback function,
also known as a higher-order function, is a function that is passed to another function (let’s call this other function
“otherFunction”) as a parameter, and the callback function is called (or executed) inside the otherFunction. A
callback function is essentially a pattern (an established solution to a common problem), and therefore, the use of a
callback function is also known as a callback pattern.
Consider this common use of a callback function in jQuery:
//Note that the item in the click method's parameter is a function, not a variable.
//The item is a callback function
$("#btn_1").click(function() {
alert("Btn 1 Clicked");
As you see in the preceding example, we pass a function as a parameter to the click method. And the click method
will call (or execute) the callback function we passed to it. This example illustrates a typical use of callback
functions in JavaScript, and one widely used in jQuery.
var friends = ["Mike", "Stacy", "Andy",

friends.forEach(function (eachName, index){

console.log(index + 1 + ". " + eachName); // 1. Mike, 2. Stacy, 3. Andy,
4. Rick
Again, note the way we pass an anonymous function (a function without a name) to the forEach method as a
How Callback Functions Work?
We can pass functions around like variables and return them in functions and use them in other functions. When we
pass a callback function as an argument to another function, we are only passing the function definition. We are not
executing the function in the parameter. In other words, we aren’t passing the function with the trailing pair of
executing parenthesis () like we do when we are executing a function.
And since the containing function has the callback function in its parameter as a function definition, it can execute
the callback anytime.
Note that the callback function is not executed immediately. It is “called back” (hence the name) at some specified
point inside the containing function’s body. So, even though the first jQuery example looked like this:
//The anonymous function is not being executed there in the parameter.
//The item is a callback function
$("#btn_1").click(function() {
alert("Btn 1 Clicked");
the anonymous function will be called later inside the function body. Even without a name, it can still be accessed
later via the arguments object by the containing function.

Callback Functions Are Closures

When we pass a callback function as an argument to another function, the callback is executed at some point inside
the containing function’s body just as if the callback were defined in the containing function. This means the
callback is a closure. Read my post, Understand JavaScript Closures With Ease for more on closures. As we know,
closures have access to the containing function’s scope, so the callback function can access the containing
functions’ variables, and even the variables from the global scope.

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