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Ari Petrou

Task Description: The Student will build a working bee colony, document the process, and run
one to two experiments on the bees.


Needs Work

Final Product

A working and self

sufficient bee colony. 12 experiments done
with the bees with the
results neatly printed.

Bee colony is still

working. The number
of bees is under 10,
and no experiments
has been done.

The Number of bees in

the colony is below 5,
and no experiments
have been recorded.

Process 30%

A documentary of the
process has been
made, it explains the
different aspects of the
process to the
audience and is very
informational. The
student wrote a
paragraph for their
Digital Portfolio every
week about the

The documentary is
complete, but it
doesnt explain the
students initial
questions or is very
informational. The
student wrote a
paragraph every other
week or less.

The documentary is
obviously incomplete. It
is confusing and does
not help the audience
understand the project.
The Digital Portfolio
paragraphs rarely
happened, only about
once a month or less.

Knowledge 20%

The student explains

the project, and shows
all of their experiments
in the documentary.
They also mention
many facts about bees,
and the documentary is
3 minutes or longer.

The students
documentary has no
experiments shown in
the documentary and
doesn't explain the
project well, there is
one or two facts about
bees, the
documentary is under
2 minutes.

The student has little to

no facts in the
documentary. It is only
1 minute long and
there is no explanation
of the project. No
evidence that
experiments have been

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