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Hadi yennes


The dangers of radioactivity

In April 1977 Ukraine created a power plant in Chernobyl.
11 years after it was created Chernobyl became a victim of one
of the worst nuclear meltdowns in history. The cause of the
nuclear meltdown was a series of flaws from the Soviet Union
reactor design, which lead to the explosion of the main reactor
and destroyed the three other reactors. The explosion itself killed
two people while the radiation after affected 600,000 people.
Most only had small radiation doses but were still affected
negatively. Chernobyl was immediately evacuated and Chernobyl
was abandon. Today the radiation is still present but has improved
since the incident. Chernobyl is now inhibited by wild animals and
plant. Nobody lives in Chernobyl and there are no plans of
reestablishing it.
The Chernobyl power plant released many harmful toxins
into the air. The four man elements were iodine- 131, caesium137, strontium-90, and strontium-90. Iodine 131 is a major
significant to atomic weapons. It was present and the cause of
most damage from nuclear meltdowns like Chernobyl and
Fukushima. Iodine undergoes gamma decay and becomes xenon
-131.The half-life of iodine-131 is about 8 days. Iodine is the main
cause of health hazard from nuclear activities

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